Chapter 5: Getting to Actually Know You

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I wake up to complete silence. It was nice not having to wake up at a ridiculous time or having someone bang on your door. It was actually the first time in a while that I've slept in till 10:00 p.m. I got up took a shower, pretty much did the essentials. Woody must have not begin called in early, he's car is still out in front. Maybe it's his day off. I don't know, but I haven't seen him around the house at all. I walk outside on the porch.

The sun had finally come out. After days of it hiding away behind grey, gloomy clouds. It was nice to feel the warm sun on my skin again. It reminded me of home. I run back inside and grab something I haven't played in a while. My guitar.

I gave up playing once my mother had died. She was the only reason I had started playing in the first place. It felt weird holding my 6 string again. I walk back out and strum a few cords. I'm not to used to play anymore. It feels almost foreign to me.

I'm pretty picky where I want to sit. I choose the hood of Woody's car. It's shady, quiet, under some beautiful trees, and well away from the house. (only by 8 yards though)

I stare down at the guitar and play chords I still remember. Sooner or later I'm starting to play songs I remember.

"Wouldn't it be sweet 

If you could be in love with me 

The way that I'm in love with you 

It's so easy to do

All you've got to do is fall in love  

All you've got to do is fall in love  

All you've got to do is fall in love with me

And every day you don't, it's wasted 

And every night alone, it's your fault 

The sweetest lips I've ever tasted 

The only lips I'll ever want

All you've got to do is fall in love 

All you've got to do is fall in love with me...." I play softly. I end with a complicated cord and I sit in silence.

"Oh please don't stop!" said someone in front of me. I didn't even notice someone was there. I look up to find Josh.

"Oh, ummm..." I stutter with my words. I have never really sang in front of anyone before and certainly I wouldn't want him as the first person.

"You have a beautiful voice. It's so soothing." He praises me. He has a blue cast on his arm. He guestures to the car's hood. "May I?" I nod and he climbs on the hood with me.

It was awkward to be sitting next to him on the car I hit him with. I set the guitar down and stare at him. He looks at me back.

"You have the most beautiful eyes. Blue/grey. I've never seen that before. And your blonde. It's so different from the usual around here....being different is a good thing." He says to me. I don't know how to respond. Maybe a thank you?

"Hazel eyes. I rarely seen that before. So are we pointing out the obvious?" I giggle.

"I guess so," He says laughing.

"Why are you here? Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I'm just curious." I try to say politely.

He laughs, then hesitates. "Woody is my "mentor" really. He teaches me certain things and I pay him in-house repairing."

"Oh, well that's nice of him," I say silently.

"Yeah, he's sort of like a father to me. He's always been there." Josh says playing with his fingers.

"Well, Woody hasn't got up yet. Lazy old bum!" I say. We laugh together and he stops to look at me again.

"Why did you move here?" He asked. I choke on my words.

" Family issues back home. They didn't want me around." I lie through my clenched teeth. I wasn't going to tell him my family is dead. He might think I'm a damaged person. I don't want to be viewed that way by anyone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," He mumbles. "What are your parents jobs?"

The question that scared me the most. "My mother is a musician. She had a music store and she knew how to play almost every instrument and sing almost every song." I smile and think about her.

"Explains your voice and guitar playing." He smiles at me.

"Yeah! I can play the piano as well as guitar. Those two instruments were the only ones I got a hang of." I say very eagerly.

"And your father?" He asks.

"He was a journalist for Phoenix, Arizona," I say tearing up.

"Was? You mean is." He corrects me but is wrong.

"Yes....I mean is." I shake my head. "Enough about me. Your family. Your brother seems nice." I giggle, thinking of the day he hit on me.

"Yeah Connor is a bit.....weird. My family is pretty boring. My brother is this super genius, my mother works as a receptionist for this big company, and my father is this big name engineer. And as for me, I'm the one that's the screw-up." He says laughing at himself.

"You're not a screw-up. Well, you certainly don't look like one." I say because its true.

"Thanks but I'm the black sheep. I never really lived up to my father's expectations." He holds his cast and adjusts his arm a bit.

"Well, that doesn't mean you're a screw-up. People are different and different people are good." I nudge him and smile.

"That only applies to you." He smiles.

"Sure it does." I say sarcastically. I lie down on my back on the windshield. He lies down with me. I realized I had just opened up to him and I barely know him. But it felt so....right. I don't know how to describe it really. 

He breathes slowly and calm. Almost silent. His hand starts to crawl over almost touching mine. WHAT?! NO! Am I imagining things? His finger-tips stretch out to mine. The touch scares me. I tense up.

"Hey! Josh!" Woody says happily coming out of the house. He has a skip in his step when he walks down the steps. Josh pulls away from my hand and we both sit up. Woody greets Josh and gives him a hug.

"So how are you doing?" Woody asks Josh. I slide off the hood and stand next to them crossing my arms. 

"I've been good. The arm is annoying but I'm all good." Josh gives a light laugh. 

"Do you need a ride home? I'm about to go to work. I can drop you off on the way." Woody explains. I have no part of this conversation whatsoever. It's like I'm not even there.

"Yeah, thank you. That would be great." Josh says then turns to me, " It was nice getting to actually know you." I smile and he smiles back.

"We should talk soon." He finally says before getting in the car. I pick up my guitar, which I left on the ground next to the car. Josh lowers his window.

"Really soon," I reply. Woody drives his pickup off the lot. I walk towards the house. Looking back on today, I actually liked him. He was normal and not a creep. He was going to be a nice friend.....just friends.........

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