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Killua's POV

"It's so pretty out here, especially at night. Goro always wanted me to stay in after it got dark, he only just now started calming down since I turned 18" Gon says walking.

"It is, I understand why though, my parents are kind of the same, plus Gon, you're pretty popular, the only reason people don't go crazy is out of respect" I say.

"You think so?" Gon says.

"Of course, you seem to never understand how special you are" I say noticing him blushing.

"Thank you, you know I think the same about you Killua, your the heir of the Zoldyck family! plus I can't imagine all of the fan girls you have" he says.

"And I can't imagine how many you have, who wouldn't fan boy over you though" I say.

"Stop your gonna make me red!"

"It's fine, your cute when you're red" I smile making him laugh.

"Your too much.. wanna go in this cookie place?" he asks.

"Yeah of course let's go" I respond.

We walk in and I immediately felt the eyes of everyone there on us.

"Good evening welcome to Pika's Cookies! What can I get started for you!" the cashier said.

"We actually don't know.. what are your favorites?" I laughed at how clueless we were.

"Well this time of year the snickerdoodle is my number one, a customer favorite is our leOreo cookie, based off one of our CEO's!"

"Cool! Can I have one of those please?" Gon asks starry eyed like a cute little kid.

"Of course, and what would you like sir?" the cashier looked at me.

"I guess I'll take the snickerdoodle!" I smiled.

"Great, your total comes to 5.83!" I noticed Gon getting out his wallet.

"Wait no Gon, I'm paying okay?" I say.

"Killua, no I can't allow that"

"Why not?"

"You've done so much for me, let me do something for you" he gives me puppy eyes.

"Hmmm.. no" I say handing the card to the cashier.

"Could I have a name for the order?"

"Gon" I say.

"Okay, you're cookies will be out in just a few minutes!"

"Thank you" I smiled leaving a tip in the cup.

"Really?" Gon says.

"Did you forget you gave me that beautiful flower, not to mention it's worth over 10,000, I think you'll be able to manage" I say patting Gon's head as he pouted.

"I saw a Chanel store across the street wanna go?" Gon looks at me.

"Of course, you know you didn't have to ask" I smiled.

"Gon!" a chef says.

"Thank you, have a good night" I say getting the bag and grabbing Gon's hand so we can go.

"Ready?" I look down at Gon.

"I'm always ready for Chanel!"

"I know.. your favorite right?" I laugh.

"Yeah it is, I grew up with it and I love it! Do you have a favorite brand Killua?" he looked at me.

"Not really a favorite but I spend the most money on Balmain and Armani" I say as we walked into the store.

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