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Gon's POV

"Oh.. like what?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"Like changes to the will and for when I eventually will become king, you know.. the usual" Killua joked.

"Usual?" I laughed. "That sounds interesting though, what type of changes?" I asked.

"Honestly I'm not sure yet, I doubt it's anything too special though. They do this like once a year" he says as we entered the palace.

"Hm, okay fine with me. I'm excited to finally see your family" I smiled.

"I'm sure they're excited to see you too, everyone is. Speaking of that though are you still down to go swimming at Tova's?" he says.

"Sure I probably won't sw-"

"Gon!" A voice yelled before I was tackled from behind by a hug.

"Kalluto?" I say, still not being able to see a face.

"Mhm! I missed you" Kalluto says.

"This is different, you never get that excited for anyone" Killua says making Kalluto blush.

"Shut up! Yes I do" Kalluto says as I noticed Alluka coming from the corner.

"Gon! Welcome back!" she says giving me a hug too.

I hugged back. "Hey, I missed you both so much, how are you two?" I ask.

"No attention for me? Okay, I'll be with father" Killua says.

"Don't say that big brother, we love you too" Alluka says.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you two later" Killua says as he began walking off.

"He's so dramatic, anyways how was your trip Gon?" Alluka says as we began walking to the nobles lounge.

"It was fun when it was fun but I was just ready to come home most of the time. Not that I don't love Korea but I missed what I had here, not only Killua but my friends, you guys, and my team" I say as I sat down on the couch.

"Aw, I understand though, I remember having to go all the way to Brazil, it was nice of course, but I felt so relieved when we got back" Alluka says.

"Yeah I remember to, it was like that with a lot of countries though, but all that aside I'm just glad to have you back" Kalluto says.

"As am I" A deep voice says from behind us.

We all turned around to see Hisoka coming from the elevator.

"Um" Kalluto says.

"What are you doing here?" Alluka asks.

"The same thing you two are doing here. Welcome back Gon, it's great to see you" Hisoka smirked.

"Uh yeah, thank you it's nice seeing you as well" I smiled.

"Are you sure, dad said you only come weekends, and today is Friday" Alluka says.

"No Illumi told me to wait down here for him so that's what I'll do, anyways Gon. I heard about the situation with that prince, you're all right?" Hisoka asks.

"You mean..-" I say.

"Yes, Maki was his name correct?" Hisoka says.

"Wait what?" Kalluto questioned.

"Yeah what? Maki? And how does he know this?" Alluka asks.

"Illumi" Hisoka says.

"Well you're right Hisoka and thanks for asking, I'm fine. To explain, he followed me to Korea to apologize, but obviously I'm not interested, he showed up a second time at the palace but fortunately I wasn't there. That was all though, it's handled now" I say.

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