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*Just in case u didn't see the description*

This story will contain verbal abuse, swearing, sexual content, and violence! enjoy :)

Gon's POV

"ce.. Prince.. Oh wonderful, you're awake. Goodmorning Prince Gon, I hope you slept well but the majesty is waiting for you downstairs" Bardot greeted me.

"W-what? I thought we weren't going to that?" I asked.

"Apologies for the abrupt plans but the majesty is expecting you, I'll give you some privacy to get ready, I will meet you in the car garage" Bardot bowed and left.

Well great.. because waking up at 7 to do "business" with some random lady is awesome. I wonder if Kaori's coming.. I put on some leggings and a coat, this lady doesn't deserve my effort at this time of day. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, running into my best friend, Kaori.

"Hey, you got woken up to?" she said tiredly with her eyes barely open.

"Yeah, I bet you can tell, I wonder what it is, usually she doesn't call us until 9 at the earliest" I say rubbing my eye.

"Mm yeah, her place is far as shit so, not surprising we'd have to get up this early, but I actually couldn't tell, you still look so good in your little lazy outfit" Kaori laughed.

"And he does.. Where are you headed?" Maki asked grabbing me by the waist.

"Um to Mrs. Hermione's"

"Oh okay, I'll be here" he says.

Maki Huxley, a Prince from Thailand that I just happen to be in a relationship with, we've been together since I was 17.

"Okay, bye!" I said.

I finally saw Goro near the car. Ever since I learned how to talk Goro's been the only one here for me along with his daughter, my bestfriend Kaori. My parents passed when I was 2, obviously I couldn't heir to the thrown and it's said that I have to wait until I'm 20 to do so. Regent Goro has been the King of South Korea ever since, he was close to my parents.

"Oh Gon! Good morning my love!" he says cupping my face.

"Good morning my other darling, how did you sleep!" he says also cupping Kaori's face.

"It was good until I found out we'd been summoned" Kaori says getting into the car.

"Just calm down dear, Hermione probably got us some breakfast so get excited!" Goro said as I laughed, Bardot began to drive us off.

Killua's POV

"Hm? Summit you say?" Father asks.

"A holiday one at that? Why?" I ask.

"Yes, although it is anonymous a summit for all ranked royals of Asia will commence December 4th in Hong Kong, China" Gotoh says.

"Well, I'll get to packing" I say as I stood up.

"Also, no one under 16 can attend, the first two days will be mandatory, after that you are free to go" Gotoh adds.

"What a fun Christmas trip!" Mother says.

"Okay um how long are we staying?" Kalluto asks.

"Forever! I've never been to a holiday summit, this is gonna be so fun" Alluka said practically jumping out of her seat.

"Great well, I'll be in my room" I say walking away.

I have no issue with going to a summit, plus, China has the best weather this time of year so, who knows maybe we can go to the beaches. I'm not sure how much I'll need to pack so I'll just treat this as a week long trip, if I end up staying I'll just buy more clothes.

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