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Killua's POV

An emergency? As royals, we do gather all the residents and lockdown the palace as a routine procedure but it's dumb as shit if you ask me, most of the time it's things that aren't even that serious. Plus Gon and I already got our store date ruined, and now we have to leave?

"What happened mother?" I ask as we get up to the front.

"I honestly have no idea son, let's just hope for the best!" my mom says as we all begin walking out.

"Kalluto texted me, he said something happened with a superior, he's not sure what though" Alluka says.

Gon looked at me as I looked back at him. "What do you think happened?" Gon says worried.

"Nothing too serious, everyone there should be okay" I say opening the car door for him. In no time we arrived back at the palace.

We walked inside and headed to the meeting room. "And why we have these regulations in or- oh? you said the rest of the.. Oh great. Now that we have everyone here I regret to inform you all about the injury my wife has suffered, Queen Ju Zhao" The King announced.

"Injury?" Gon says looking up at me.

"Due to the fall she took approximately forty minutes ago, she's currently resting in a secluded area while nurses confirm our baby's safety. We thank you for being in attendance and complying with our safety protocols of staying within the palaces premises for the next twelve hours, with that being said, you all are dismissed to enjoy the rest of your night" The King said waving.

Are you serious..?

"Uh at least it wasn't seri-" Gon says as I look over at Chai putting an arm around him.

"Long time no see" Chai says.

"I've been busy sorry!" Gon says.

"I'm just kidding, I just wanted to talk" Chai says taking Gon away.

Why does everyone love taking my boy friend away from me.

"I'll be back Killua" Gon says before leaving.

"And I'll be here" I smiled.

"So, an emergency fall" Isamu says from behind me.

"The dumbest shit I've ever heard" I say in response.

"I think what got me was the staying in for twelve hours" Isa said making me laugh.

"I know.. I guess it's fine, we have thin- woah what the hell, do you see that?" I say noticing Maki trying to talk to Gon.

"Oh shit, did you wanna go over there" Isamu says.

"Mm, okay never mind, he must've just said something annoying and that was it, anyways" I say.

"Good, how was the errand running?" he says chuckling.

"Don't even talk about it, my moms dramatic personality combined with Alluka's sass.. it only got better when we got Gon, but even after that we got called to this dumb shit" I say irritated.

"But hey, at least it didn't last long" Isamu says as I see Kalluto, Illumi, and Hisoka coming up to us.

"Hey big brother" Kalluto says with his arms open.

I hugged him. "Hey, and hello Illumi and brother in law" I say sarcastically.

"Hello" Illumi says.

"Hi, what happened to your boyfriend, did he leave already?" Hisoka asks.

"Uh he's with his friends over there, I'm just waiting on him" I say kind of annoyed.

"How cute" Illumi says.

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