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Killua's POV

11 p.m.

"It was just about sampling. It won't be too hard for you to pick up on" Rai says.

"Oh cool, I remember learning some of that in high school" I say.

"What? In high school?" Rai says.

"Yeah, it was an advanced class. But all royal schools are usually advanced" I say chuckling.

"Wow, no wonder your grades are so good"

"I guess so. I always hated school but it hasn't been that hard so far"

"I didnt like school either but.. that was mainly due to drama"

"You were in drama?"

"Yeah but-"

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I ask not being able to help my nosiness.

"Uh well, I was.. kind of popular in school but since I hadn't grown into who I am today, so people would manipulate me and use me.. mainly boys who weren't comfortable with their sexuality yet"


"And, there was one I really liked, possibly even loved. He'd always give me the excuse that he needs time to come out but he just had a girlfriend the whole time. Once she found out, he denied everything and they both made my life as shitty as they could"

"Wow Rai.. that's, horrible" I say feeling pretty bad.

"Yeah and you can only imagine what rumors spread once my name was brought up. I'm healed from it though, I could careless about those assholes" Rai says.

"I'm still sorry though, I don't know what I'd do if I found out Alluka or Kalluto went through something like that. That's so wrong"

"I'm okay Killua. Anyways, how is Gon doing? He texted in the group chat giving us a heads up about production and the possible need for the models" Rai says.

"He's okay from what I've heard. He has friends in Korea of course plus his family so I can only imagine he's been spending the day having fun. I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot to call and fell asleep already" I say noticing the time.

"It is almost 12 isn't it.. you don't mind being on the phone this late do you?" Rai asks.

"Yeah no it's fine, I haven't been doing anything all day so this has basically been the highlight" I laughed.

Rai giggled. "Okay good, just let me know if you get tired. I was meaning to tell you though, I'm thinking about getting an apartment soon" he says.

"Really? That's great Rai, you've been saving from that job?" I ask.

"Y-yeah something like that, I'll still need a month or two until I'll be ready to apply for one, but I'm still excited" Rai says.

"I'm excited for you too, I don't like the way your family treats you. You deserve peace and acceptance"

"Aw thanks Killua, I'll get it soon"

"Like I always say, you can come over if you ever need to, seriously"

"I'm fine, everything has been okay recently, he's not drinking as much. It's mainly my brother at this point.."

"That's still bad, but as long as you're okay"

"Yes I am okay, thank you" he says as my phone began vibrating.

It was an incoming call from Gon.

Rai sighed. "I can't believe I was able t-"

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