Awakening in The Villain's World

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When Y/N came to, all she could see was darkness, and from the looks of it, she was in a coffin.

"What the? How did I get in a coffin? Did I get kidnapped? I'm still dreaming right?"

Y/N pushed with all her might but the lid was stuck tight. But then she heard a voice.

"Argh, this coffin is too heavy! Need to use my special move!"

At that.....

A burst of blue flames hit whatever she was in!

"Ah! Hot!"

But fortunately it opened the coffin.

"Well then, well then, here’s our aim…
Huh, gyaaaaーーー!!!!
You, why are you awake already!?"

Y/N suddenly found herself face to face with...

"A ta-talking raccoon!? What kind of Duel Spirit are you?" She wondered.

"I'm no raccoon or Duel Spirit, whatever that is!!!!
I am the great Grim-sama, you know!
Oh, well. You, the human over there.
Give me those clothes!
Or else… I’ll roast you whole!" The creature threatened.

"Being roasted by a raccoon is new..." Y/N said offhandedly.

But then, she noticed she had her Duel disk attached, and quickly acted and drew a card.

'Please be a water monster....yes!'

"Marincess Spring Girl! Douse the raccoon's fire!"

The female Duel Monster appeared with a smile as she doused Grim's flames, getting him wet

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The female Duel Monster appeared with a smile as she doused Grim's flames, getting him wet.

"Ackpth! You're getting my ears wet!" Grim complained.

"Next, I play Darkworld Shackles to keep your power down!" Y/N said making Grim weak.

"Argh, I can't use my fire..."

"Well, now what am I to do with you?" Y/N asked herself.

"Aah, I found you." A new voice surprised Y/N and Spring Girl.

It was a man in a dapper but memorable suit with feathers on his cape, all black, and an odd bird mask.

"You’re one of this year’s new students, right?" He asked as he looked at Grim.

"Though having a familiar that you have not tamed yet is against the school rules. The young lady is more well-behaved, is she a fae?"

"Hey! I’m not this guy’s familiar!" Grim protested.

'Huh? Wait, what am I wearing?' Y/N thought looking at her person and noticed she was wearing strange robes that could be used a cult.

"Yes, yes, every rebellious familiar says that. Let’s be quiet for a while, shall we?" The man said snapping his fingers and the Darkworld Shackles were replaced with binding, covering Grim's mouth.

"Mmmgh, mmgh!"

For a while Y/N felt a little bad for the creature.

???: Really. It’s unheard of for new student to arbitrarily opening the door and coming out by themselves.
Sigh… how impatient are you?
Come, come, the opening ceremony has started long ago. Let’s go to the Mirror Chamber.

"…New student?…Door?" Y/N was confused.

"It’s the room where you woke up - the room with a lot of doors lining up.
Every student that enrolled into this room went through that door to come here.
Usually, students don’t wake up until we open the door with a special key, but…" The man trailed off.

"So those caskets were really doors? Grim's flames got the door opened."

"So the raccoon was responsible for that...
If you brought him here, then look after him responsibly.
It wasn’t the time for a lengthy talk.
If we don’t quickly go, we’ll miss the opening ceremony.
Come, come, we’re going." The Crow man said as he took Y/N's hand only for Spring Girl to smack his hand off her Mistress in anger.

"Spring, it's alright. You can rest." Y/N smiled at her Duel Monster who nodded although worried. The strange man watched as the blue female vanished into a card in Y/N's hand.

"Summoning a familiar through a card? I never heard of such a thing..." He mumbled.

"Before that, where am I and who are you?" Y/N asked.

Are you not fully conscious yet?
I wonder if, perhaps, your memories are in disorder because of the space transportation magic…
Oh well. It happens a lot, after all.
I will explain on the way.
This is ‘Night Raven College’.
Its a place where magicians with exceptional talents gather, in Twisted Wonderland’s most prestigious magician training academy.
And I am the headmaster supervising this academy under the board chairman, Dire Crowley." The man explained.

'Magicians?' Y/N thought.

Crowley continues. "The only ones who could enroll to this school are  with those excellent qualities as a magician, the ones who have been approved by the 'Mirror of Darkness’.
The chosen ones are called into this academy through the 'door’, from all over the world.
In your place, too, surely a black carriage carrying a 'door’ came to pick you up.

"! Now that you mention it, I recall a horse with a scary face…" Y/N said slowly. Could it be that it came for her when she was asleep?

"That black carriage is intended to pick up the new students chosen by the Mirror of Darkness.
It is a special carriage carrying the door that leads to the academy.
From time immemorial, it has been decided by conventional wisdom that carriages are used for pick-ups on special occassion, am I right?" Crowley smiled.

→  You said 'conventional wisdom’, but whose conventional wisdom is it?
→  In other words, I was brought here by force by that carriage!?

'To you, maybe, but it felt like I was forced to come here.' Y/N thought.

"Mggghーー! Mmgghーー!!" Grim kept struggling.

"Come, we’re going to the opening ceremony now." Crowley said as the headed off.

'Something is not right...I only see males around...Could this be an All-boys school? Why would I be here then?' Y/N thought as she looked into the room.

Then it was her turn to stand before the mirror and state her name.

"Y/N Sakamoto."

She had to ignore a few whispers of how strange her name is.

The Mirror then gained a strange look on its face. An unusual mix between confusion, interest, and....fear?"

"The shape of the thy soul is..... inconclusive."

I need opinions to the next chapter!

I plan to have the mirror state that
Y/N lacks magic, but has a power that makes up for it. And if in the wrong hands, could bring absolute ruin to the world, which is why is is entrusted to have them.

I need reactions from the dorm leaders about that.

Plz comment 🙏

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