Heartslabyul Epilogue 1

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Y/N was chatting with Riddle as they were having private tea together and Riddle asked if she had looked up any clubs to join.

"Um, no I haven't. Is it required?" Y/N asked.

"Not officially, but the teachers encourage the students to participate in at least one club to socialize and such." Riddle said.

"Well, I have heard of the Board Game and Light Music clubs which sound interesting, but I think I would rather avoid Ashengrotto, since I heard he's in that club, and I've seen how he looked at my monsters in the opening ceremony. And I have a bit of stage fright since I heard the Light Music Club does a few concerts." Y/N trailed off as Riddle understood. "Hmm. Would it be possible if they allow me to have a club based on Duel Monsters, playing and learning about the game?" Y/N suddenly asked.

"It would not be hard at all. Though I think you would actually gain a few members due to how new and strange it is."

"Alright, I'll do that." Y/N smiled.

Y/N decided to have Duel Monsters Club be on Saturday so members could wind down after any stressful week.

It would not take long for members to apply.

Of course, Ace and Deuce became members. Then another that joined was a Ignihyde member named Othro Shroud, and he brought his brother Idia, the dorm leader of Ignihyde as well.

To Y/N's surprise, Azul came by as well, apparently he was in the Game Board Club with Idia and he heard about Y/N's new club through Idia.

"Well, at least I have people that are interested at least. Well, since you're here, we'll go to the game room." Y/N smiled as the group arrived at the game room, where the Dragonmaids finished arranging some snacks.

"Wow! This is cool!"

"Ah, hello again ladies." Deuce said politely.

"Hi Deuce-kun!" Laundry Dragonmaid waved her hand.

"Good Day Trappola-San, Spade-san." Chamber Dragonmaid appeared. "And who may the rest of you gentlemen be?" She asked as she saw Azul, Othro,   and Idia.

"Apologies, I'm Azul Ashengrotto. It's a pleasure to meet you ladies." The Octavinelle student smiled in a suave way, though the girls weren't buying it.

"My name's Othro Shroud! It's nice to meet to you. You're all really pretty!" Othro smiled innocently.

"Well, that's sweet of you to say." Kitchen Dragonmaid said.

"Ah. I-idia Shroud. H-head of I-ignih-hyde." Idia was wringing his hands and blushing just from seeing these Dragonmaids while thinking these girls looked like they came out of a Dating Game some of his fellow students like.

Once in the game room, Ace and Deuce were already there looking over the cards.

"Well, since you guys haven't known about this game before, we'll be going over the basic monsters first. Those with only the descriptions." Y/N said as the others looked at the cards.

"Wow! The designs are so cool!" Othro smiled.

"So how do you play this version?" Idia asked.

"It's a card battle game. The goal is to wipe out the opponent's life points as their monsters battle. On the card you the attack and defense points. You need to have a monster with attack points higher than the opponent's monster in order to win.
But it's not just about the monsters. There are also spell cards to increase their strength or give you a step ahead of the opponent, and trap cards to get rid of a certain monster of your opponent's. Without them, the monsters will get beaten every time.
One also needs an understanding of their monsters types and attributes.

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