Midnight Encounter

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LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm - Y/N's Room]
Y/N had just gotten out of a shower and dressed in a nice nightgown and robe. Everyone already ate dinner and it was almost bedtime. Astral was back in the key. Although Y/N felt too wired to sleep.

'It's getting colder, huh? I just hope I can get back home soon.' Y/N thought as she held her coat closer to her on her balcony, looking at the night sky. Since her dorm had little light pollution, she could clearly see the stars. Then she saw someone walking along the dorm grounds.

She tensed up, but carefully got down with the help of Flight.

"Who goes there?" A voice said, surprising the female Duelist.

'A trespasser!?' She thought, only to see a Diasomnia student that looked to be taller than the Leech Twins, but maybe that was because of his horns. His eyes were an electric green, and she thought like they belonged to a dragon.

"Oh my, what a surprise. You are a human child." He said, though he wore a neutral expression, he felt power from her as well. 'And a strong one.'

'A child?! I haven't been a kid since I was 12!' Y/N felt insulted at this.

"Do you live here? This place is supposed to have been abandoned long ago." The newcomer said.

"Not anymore.  I'm the prefect, and first female student, Y/N L/N." She said. "Why are you walking around here?"

" I quite like to wander around here during my nightly walks for it is a quiet place."

"I hate to say it, but it may not be as quiet next year if more students are placed in Ramshackle. Oh, and, what's your name?"

This took the man by surprise.

"Who, you say...? You do not know of me? Really? Hm, I see. Oh my, this is quite unusual, indeed."

The h/C-ette looked at him with a confused expression, which turned into slight surprise when the person moved closer to her and she was face to face with her with a smile.

"I am... No, I shall stop here. Not hearing my name would be better for you. If you knew who I was, it would certainly leave a chilling impression. Let us have you stay ignorant of the world's ways, shall we? Feel free to call me whatever you want." He gave a mysterious grin making Y/N feel flustered.

"I must find another abandoned place on my next walk, then. I shall excuse myself now. I hope we meet again."

And with that, he vanished.

Surprised by that trick, Y/N thought back to when Cater told her about Diasomnia's prefect, and wondered if that was him.

As Y/N slept, she had another dream, only this time, a group of hyenas were following a lion who planned to kill Mufasa and Simba and take over the Pride Lands. The hyenas quickly agreed at the promise to never go hungry again..

Y/N frowned remembering this part. "He half-succeeded, but Simba got away. And the hyenas did not count on Simba returning stronger. If only those hyenas knew what would happen to the Pride Lands, would they have tried to talk it out?"

"Who knows." The same voice from before said. "But that lion did not care. He suffered personal hardships and was constantly rejected. His brother was close with him in their childhood, but his duties as the next king separated them. Maybe if he heard his silent cry for help, his younger brother would have not desired the throne anymore."

"......Maybe..." Y/N said as the dream ended.


"You met a strange guy with horns on his head? What was his name?" Grim asked the girl the next day.

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