Chapter 4

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"Louis!" I yell as a crowd of people gather around to watch Louis and Harry fight. I hate to say it, but Harry is getting his ass beat. I'm actually afraid Louis might kill him, his muscles are tending more and he looks much much stronger than Harry and someone should probably stop him. "Louis, stop!" I step in between them before I get hit and grab his arm as he backs away. He looks at at me and then back at Harry once again before rushing into his car with me following behind him. The crowd dissipates and I see Harry still sitting on the ground holding his face.

The ride is very quiet until we get close to my house and I decide to speak up when the angry atmosphere goes away some. "Why did you do that?" I ask him, assuming he has cooled off since his driving isn't as crazy as it was.

"He was coming on to you." he raises his voice a little.

"Why would you care? What if I wanted him to do that?" I really didn't. I'm just confused as to why Louis would hurt Harry for that. He's not my boyfriend or anything. I've only known him for two days.

"You backed away. I could tell you didn't want it. He needs to respect you."

"So do you. I'm still confused why you beat him up." I say.

"I'm sorry, ok? I just thought he needed to leave you alone." We're getting close to my house.

"I thought y'all were friends, too." I shake my head. "I'm driving myself to school tomorrow." I spit as we pull up to my house and I get out of his car with my bag on my shoulder and practically stomp up the driveway leaving an agitated Louis, which probably wasn't the best idea.

It's Thursday and my mom has to work so she won't be home till late, probably about 10:00, but I find Sarah sitting on the couch, reading her book as I wave to her and quickly go up to my bedroom to look out the window to see if Louis has left yet. To my surprise, he's still sitting in my driveway. He needs to leave. I don't want him to stay. Well, I do want him to stay, but he needs to leave to go home and cool down about Harry and me. Sarah walks upstairs and softly knocks on the door as I'm grabbing some clothes to change into after I decide to take a shower.

"Hey, what's up?" she sits on my bed.

"Well, Louis and Harry just fought at school because Harry hugged me." I summarize.

"Because he hugged you? That wouldn't seem like a big problem." she's confused.

"Yeah, but he hugged me a little bit.. too much... in the wrong way." I try to get it out.

"Oh, okay. So why is that guy still outside?" she asks.

"Louis?" I correct. "because I'm mad at him for getting into a fight with Harry."

"Girl, now they're literally fighting over you. I mean, come on, that's gotta be pretty cool." she says.

"Yeah, I guess." I scoff. "I'm gonna take a shower. Hopefully he'll be gone by then."

"Okay, I'm gonna watch Netflix on your laptop." she sits comfortably in my bed and pulls her laptop up to her lap to open her show.

I get into the shower to give him even more time to leave my house, but when I look out the window afterwards, his car is still there, but he's not in it. I check my phone and there are two texts from Louis that I didn't seem to hear.

"Hey, your phone kept going off." Sarah tells me, then gets back to being way too intrigued in her Netflix.

"Jess, can you come open the door? I want to talk about this. You should know why I beat him up."
"Please, I'm staying here until you answer." the texts read.

I walk downstairs and look out the front window to see Louis laying against the front door with his eyes closed. It's about 7:30 now and almost completely dark outside. He fell asleep and looks adorable. His hair is perfectly set on his face and his jaw line is noticeably beautiful.

What am I saying? There's a guy that I've known for 2 days that beat up his friend because he flirted with me and now he's laying on my front porch because he wants to talk to me about it? What has happened in my life?

I decide I should let him explain himself so I slowly open the door and watch him fall onto my floor. He's a hard sleeper and is quietly snoring. I grab his arms and drag him into the living room and leave him laying on the floor. I close the door and sit on the couch and wait for him to wake up.

I have very short patience, so 10 minutes into an episode of Friends on the TV, I shake his shoulders softly until he wipes his eyes and looks straight up at me.

"AAHH!" He screams and grabs the floor as best as he can.

"AH!" I scream in return jump back into the couch before I start to laugh.

He sits up and starts laughing along with me. "You scared me." He comes and sits beside me on the couch instead of the hard floor.

"That was funny." I'm still laughing at his expression and mine after.

"Yeah, sure." He seems much more calm now, since he's not beating Harry's face in, like he was.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah." He states and plays with his hands.

"Why did you beat him up?" I ask.

"I told you." He looks me in the eyes with a blank expression.

"Why did you not want him flirting with me? Were you jealous?" I thought this might've been the problem, but I didn't want to think about it.

"No." I can tell he is lying by the way he looked away from me and pulls his hair behind his ear. He was jealous.

"Louis, I've known you for 2 days" I look at him, "and I can tell you're lying."

"Alright, maybe I'm a little jealous." he mumbles, but doesn't look away from me.

"Of?" I egg him on.

"Harry being your friend." He's still speaking quietly.

"But you're my friend." I continue my assault.

"I know, but I.. I.. I like you, like more than a friend." he looks up at me this time.

Oh god.

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