Chapter 22

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His lips are soft and warm, but the feeling he gives me is much different than that; it's more powerful and overwhelming. I don't notice the fact that his lips are apart from mine after a few seconds, I realize that they're gone because the feeling of excitement and electricity has slowed down. Niall's eyes show the essence of wildness, but at the same time they're calm, they're beautiful. He takes my hands into his and looks down at them. He softly runs his fingers over my hand and stays quiet until I break the silence.

"Why'd you do that?" I casually ask him and he looks up at me.

"Because, Jess, I really like you." Niall says after a bit of silence.

"I like you too." I say back to him and smile along with his.

"Let's go back up to your room." he says and we stand up. He keeps my hand in his as we walk to the elevator and all the way back up to my room. Niall closes the door as I sit on the bed and he comes to my side to join me.

"I'm just glad I'm finally back with you again, even though I was only gone a few hours. I was so worried about you." Niall tells me.

"Yeah, I was worried about you too." I tell him and sigh. "I wonder when I'm getting out of here."

"Hey, Jess." Sarah opens the door to my room and closes it behind her. She has a huge smile on her face and I'm pretty sure what it's about.

"Niall, would you mind going outside for a minute?" I look at him because I know that Sarah has something to tell me, or a lot to tell me.

"Yeah, sure, babe." He smiles and walks out of the room.

"Babe, huh?" Sarah smirks at me and sits next to me on the bed.

"Yeah, we kind of have a thing going on, I think." I laugh.

"Well, I have something to tell you something." She changes her seating position to where she's completely facing me. "Me and Zayn are a thing now. And you know, during that shooting thing, we hid in the room behind his office, aaaaaand there was a bed and we did some stuff on the bed, if you know what I mean, and yeah, it was very nice." She giggles and smiles like a little girl after she finishes her story.

"Well, that sounds nice." I laugh with her. "Except for the fact that he's my doctor." Just as I finish my statement, Dr. Malik walks in with a bunch of papers in his hands. He walks towards us and smiles at Sarah, who gets up to leave after Zayn asked to speak to me privately. "So, I have some paper work for you to fill out for you to be checked out of the hospital." He says.

"Really?!" I almost positive there are beams of excitement coming from my face right now.

"Yes, here you go." he laughs and hands me the papers and a pen. After I'm done signing the stuff, he takes them back and tells me that I'll need to try and make my life as stressful as possible and to come back in a couple weeks for a checkup.

"Thank you!" I tell him as he walks out the door. I immediately forget about Niall and Sarah standing outside and I go straight for the bathroom to change into normal clothes.

"So, I'm guessing you're getting checked out?" Niall asks as I walk out of the bathroom and he can probably see the happiness beaming from my face.

"Yep!" I smile and Sarah's sitting on my bed with a grin on her face looking between me and Niall.

"What?" I ask her scheming face.

"Niall told me everything." She crosses her arms and smirks at me.

"Oh. Okay." I smile at her and grab my bag. "I'm just ready to get out of here." I sigh and look towards Niall who is playing with his keys.

"Well, let's go!" he stands up and walks past both of us to open the door. We walk out of the hospital and he drives me and Sarah back to my house. Sarah gets out and goes straight into the house to talk on the phone with Zayn. "I guess I'll see you at school Monday?" Niall looks at me.

"Yeah, I guess." He's almost acting as if nothing happened earlier at the hospital. Wait, school? Ugh, I completely forgot about school. Hopefully I didn't miss a lot. "Do you wanna come inside for a little while?" I ask Niall.

"Yeah, sure." He says and turns the car off. It's already around 4:00 in the afternoon on a Thursday, so I know my mom works late today.

"Please don't raid the fridge this time." I giggle as I tell Niall.

"Okay." he laughs too. "I won't."

Sarah is on the phone talking about God knows what in the living room so we can't sit in there. "Want to go upstairs?" I ask Niall. It might sound as if I'm trying to invite him into my bedroom, but I'm just trying to find a place to sit down.

"Yeah sure, the couch seems pretty occupied anyways." he raises his eyebrows at Sarah as we walk up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"I missed this place." I sigh as I put my bag down and lay sprawled across the bed. Niall still stands leaning against the wall near the entryway staring at me.

"You're beautiful." he states and grins at me, making me blush. I sit up against my bed frame and continue to watch him as he closes my bedroom door and walks towards me. He sits besides me, facing me, and begins to tuck my hair that's hanging a little in front of my face behind my ear. I look down and try not to look into his eyes because they're just so beautiful I feel like I won't be able to look away, I know I won't.

"Hey." he says softly, forcing me to look up at him. He puts his hand up to my face and continues to study my face. "Do you feel that? That spark? I feel it whenever I touch you. It keeps drawing me closer to you, like I can't get enough of it." He said exactly what I was thinking.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I tell him how I feel the same way, making him get closer and closer to my face ending with him slowly kissing me, which leads to more than that. He lays me down underneath him on the bed and his tongue begins to slip into my mouth. We stay like this for a while in the silence of our mouths moving in sync.

"Jess!" I hear Sarah scream from downstairs. It wasn't like she was calling for me to come down there, it was more like a scream for help kind of thing. I break apart from Niall and we both look towards the door and back at each other in confusion. We jump up and run downstairs.

"Sarah?" I yell as we're making our way down, Niall in front of me. As soon as we reach the living room, it's empty. We look all around the house and she's no where to be found. I call her phone and I find it laying alone on the couch.

"Where could she be?" Niall says as he walks back inside from checking the front and surroundings of the house.

"I have no idea." I begin to panic and I can feel my heart beating faster before Niall notices my discomfort. He grabs my hands in his to calm me down.

"It'll be okay." He assures me as he wraps his arms around me. "We'll find her."

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