Chapter 21

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***Liam's POV***

"So, that's how it happened, you can come in and see him now. He should be awake." The doctor finishes telling me how Niall got shot and Louis got arrested, so I follow her back into the room where Niall is picking at his bandages.

"Stop it!" The doctor yells at Niall and he angrily stops as she walks out of the room.

"Where's Lily?" Niall asks me as soon as he sees me.

"She's in her room. She's safe. She wanted me to come and look for you." I sit next to Niall on the bed.

"Okay, thank you." He starts to tear up.

"Niall, what's wrong?" I ask. Why is he crying?

"I'm just glad she's okay." He smiles. "I want to see her."

"I'll see if I can get her to come down here. She had a panic attack earlier.." I tried to avoid telling him, but I really need to.

"Oh my god, but she's okay right? She's better now?" He starts to worry again.

"She's good. I got there just in time. She's resting." I tell him.

"Okay, can you see if she's well enough to come see me?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'll go see." I begin to stand up.

"Wait, what happened to Louis?" He grabs my arm with his left hand.

"He got arrested. He won't be coming out for a while." I tell him so he'll stop worrying and so I can walk out of the room to go and get Jess.

I hear Niall sigh of relief as I close the door behind me and begin my route back to Jess.

***Jess' POV***

I'm calm and back to normal now as Liam leaves the room to find Niall for the second time making me a little bit more freaked out, but I try to stay as calm and relaxed as I can. I try to fall asleep as I sit in the silence of my room, but it doesn't work very well with all the worries going around inside of my head that I try to not let bother me.

"Jess?" Liam comes through the door quietly, probably thinking that I was asleep. "I found Niall." he tells me as he closes he door and walks towards me.

"Really?" I sit up really fast and immediately regret it. "Where is he?" Liam notices my dizziness and helps me lay back down.

"He's-" he pauses.

"He's what?" I quickly ask because of the doubt in his voice. Theres something he doesn't want me to know.

"He's here at the hospital. Admitted into room 127." He explains.

"What? Why? How? Is he okay? Oh my gosh, what happened?" I start to panic again, but Liam calms me down by rubbing my arm.

"He's perfectly fine. I just talked to him and he wanted to see you." He tells me.

"Okay. Let's go see him." I sit up again, but this time slower and everything goes dizzy again, but not as bad as before.

"I don't know if we should go see him just yet. You don't look too good." Liam notices my struggle again.

"No, I'm fine, just give me a second. I need to see him." I'm very persistent on seeing Niall, I need to make sure he's okay, besides Liam's word for it.

"Okay." He softly agrees.

"While we're sitting here, can you tell me what happened to him?" I'm still staring at the ground trying to gain my vision back.

"Louis shot him in the arm. Niall came up here to find you, and Louis was already looking for you too. So, Niall said some stuff to Louis and there was yelling and then Louis shot at him, but luckily it was just in the arm. He lost a lot of blood, but he's all better now." Liam tells me as if he were right beside them at the time.

"Okay." I keep taking deep breaths and stop myself from freaking out about Niall. Liam said he was okay, so I'm going to keep thinking that. "I'm ready." My dizziness has gone away so Liam slowly helps me stand to my feet and walk to the door. "I've got it." We make our way to Niall's room and Liam softly knocks on the door when we arrive.

"Come in!" I hear Niall on the other side of the door. Liam opens the door and let's me walk before him so I can see Niall first. He's standing up looking at some stuff hanging on the wall with his arm wrapped in many bandages and in a sling. He looks like nothing happened to him, just a scratch on the arm.

"Lily!" Niall exclaims as he runs up to me and engulfs me in the biggest hug I've ever experienced, making me laugh like a little girl.

"Hi, Niall." He laughs along with me and I'm not even a bit dizzy or nervous anymore, it's like he took it all away when he hugged me.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks me as he pulls out of our hug.

"Yeah, I'm a lot better now." I tell him. "How are you feeling?"

"Great." he smiles, instantly making me smile again.

"Well, I'll leave y'all to that. I'm gonna go back home." Liam awkwardly still stands at the door.

"Thanks for finding me and helping me, Liam." I go and hug him before he leaves. He's basically the one that saved my life a little while ago. Who knows what would've happened without him. He leaves the room and closes the door behind him, leaving with Niall.

"I'm glad you're okay." I tell Niall and sit on his bed.

"Me too." He smiles and sits next to me as his doctor walks in. She's a tall, skinny, blonde girl, who for some reason suddenly makes me feel protective over Niall.

"Hi, there!" She walks towards me and I start to get jealous of her appearance, she's gorgeous. "I'm Niall's doctor, Mrs. Hopes." That's a stupid name. "I'm here to do Mr. Horan's check up."

"Hi." I stand up and softly shake her hand. "I'm Jess." I grin back at her adoring smile and walk to the other side of the bed as Niall lays back down. She begins to poke and prod at Niall's arm and face. It seems as if she's taking a very long time and I would like for her to stop touching him so much, it bothers me. "Are you almost done?" I say a little bit on the meaner side, but I don't apologize, I want her to be finished.

"Yes, I am." She grins at me looking past my angry demeanor and looks back at Niall. "And it looks like you can be checked out, as long as you wear your sling for two weeks and change out the bandages twice a day, and put these over the stitches when you shower. Make sure they don't get wet. You're good to go!" She hands him a little bag of stuff to take home as he sits up and she quickly signs him out.

"What was that about?" Niall asks me after the doctor leaves his room, finally.

"What was what about?" I pretend to ignore my rabid behavior a few minutes ago.

"You were being a bit rude to the doctor. Is everything okay? You seemed a bit... I don't know... Jealous?" He smirks at me.

"What? Me? Jealous?" I scoff and try to play it off.

"Oh, please. It was noticeable." He smiles.

"Sorry, I have a habit of being protective, I guess you could say." I look down at my feet and he grabs one of my arms, making me step closer to him. He slides his hand down to mine and rubs the back of my hand, making my heart beat faster. Like I've said before, every time we touch I get this weird electrifying feeling and this time I'm not going to ignore it, it keeps intriguing me.

"That's alright, there's nothing to be jealous about. She was just my doctor. You mean more to me than anyone like her ever could." He seems to feel the same chill that I do by the way he's breathing. He pulls my arm, making me sit very close beside him.

"Really? You mean that?" I've always had the feeling of doubt, but again, I feel something different. I can tell that he's telling the truth.

"Of course. Jessabelle, you're beautiful, you're smart, you're talented, you're perfect." He softly tells me.

"Pfft. Far from perfect." I tell him. I really am no where near perfect. For Pete's sakes, I'm in the hospital for stress and panic attacks.

"Well, you're perfect in my eyes." His beautiful, bright blue eyes sparkle as he slowly gets closer and closer to me and I tend to do the same until our lips lock onto each other. All I can feel is electricity running through me and I don't want it to stop.

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