Chapter 18

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"Okay I don't think I need anything from home, so I'll just sleep here on the couch." Niall pats the top of the arm on the couch and grins at me. As long as I can get some food, I'm starving."

"Niall, you're sitting right next to the Chik-fil-a." I laugh a little.

"Oh, yeah, that's where that went." He starts to dig in the bag and pull out the food as a nurse comes in and hands me my gown, then closes the door and walks out. "Do you need me to leave so you can change?" Niall says mid-bite.

"No, I'll just go in the restroom." I quickly change into the horrid gown and sit next to Niall and we eat our cold food, that was still amazing, while we watch some weird show on the TV.

With Niall on the couch, and me in the bed, we fall asleep a little while later, after it gets dark, and I finally feel safe with Niall in the room with me. If he keeps staying the night here, I won't want to go back home, and in the moment, I kind of don't want to.


I wake up to Sarah screaming in my face, which makes me scream back at her. "What are you doing here?" I sit up and hug her.

"I wanted to come say hi." she smiles and looks towards Niall, who is surprisingly, still sleeping. "Who is that handsome young fella?" She eyes him up and down about 10 times before I answer.

"That's Niall." I look at him peacefully sleeping.

"How is he still asleep after our screaming?" she asks me, still looking at him.

"Apparently he sleeps pretty hard." I giggle a little bit.

"Yeah, I can see that. What do you think will wake him up?" She finally looks back at me.

"Hmm, let me try something." I pause for a second. "Food." I say a little loud.

"Huh? What? Where?" He's wide awake sitting up on the couch now.

Me and Sarah both laugh. "You're finally awake now." I tell him.

"Did you really just use food as an excuse to wake me up? I'm offended." He scoffs.

"Sorry." I shrug and look at Sarah. "Sarah, this is Niall. Niall, this is Sarah."

"Hiya." Niall says and waves at her.

"Hi." she full on smiles like a little girl talking to her crush.

"So, when are you getting checked out?" Sarah asks me.

"I have no idea. I was supposed to be yesterday, but apparently my stress level went up more and he's making me stay longer." I roll my eyes.

"Dang, get your life together." She laughs a little.

"Haha, very funny." I say sarcastically.

"Jess." Doctor Malik walks in. "I'm here for your check-up." He says.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Malik, but you can call me Zayn." He shakes Sarah's hand after winking at her.

"Hi, Zayn, I'm Sarah." She says with another huge smile on her face. "You know, I think I'm a little sick myself, do you think you could give me a check-up?" She fake coughs after saying her pick-up line that seems to work.

"Yeah, sure. I'm in room 103." Zayn seems to like her a lot. He quickly does my check-up, faster than normal. I'm guessing he wants to get to Sarah's part. After he's done, he smiles at Sarah and leaves the room.

"Dang, Sarah, gettin' all the guys." I smile at her.

"Thanks. I think I'm gonna go find Zayn now. It was nice to meet you, Niall." She waves bye and walks out of the room.

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