Chapter 16

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I pull into the drive through of Chik-fil-a and order both mine and what Jess' orders. I make my way back to the hospital without touching the food, which was very hard for me, with it smelling up the car and stuff. After I'm almost back to Jess, red white and blue lights start to flash behind me. I slowly pull off of the road as the cop car turns into three. They all surround my car, and I'm very confused as to what is happening. I get out of the car and look around to all the police standing around my vehicle with guns held up.

"What-what's going on?" I'm very confused as an officer asked me if I have any weapons on me. "No, of course not-Why?" Another cop walks up to me and starts to put handcuffs on me and read me my rights. "You have the right to remain silent..." He continues as he pats me down and pulls out a bag of some powder that looks like drugs, making me even more confused.

"Can you please tell me-" I'm cut off again.

"Tell it to the judge." He stuffs me into the cop car.

I ride in the back of the cop car to the jail. "What the hell is going on.." I mumble to myself and immediately start to worry about Jess, and that wasted Chik-fil-a in the backseat that's not going to be eaten.

***Jessabelle's POV***

Where is Niall? He's been gone forever.. Chik-fil-a isn't that far from here. I call in the nurse and ask about Niall.

"I think he checked out." She tells me.

"Yeah, I know, he went to get some food, but he's been gone for a really long time, and I'm kind of worried about him. Could you try to check it out for me, please?" I ask her, even though I'm not sure how much she can do.

"Yes, I'll see if I can look up something." She smiles and walks out of my room.

I quickly turn on the TV to get my mind off of Niall, instead of reading, I've had enough of seeing stained tear drops on my paper. I switch through the channels and find one about the current news. I feel like I haven't been informed on any of the news yet in the past week, since I've been cooped up in the hospital. The first thing I hear is talking about local flooding, I hadn't even realized that it was raining. The second thing that I hear is talking about some young man getting arrested for drugs. I don't pay much attention to it, until I hear the name 'Niall Horan' and videos of the police surrounding him. He looks just as about as confused as I do. Poor Niall, what the heck happened? Arrested for carrying drugs? Niall? I'm so confused, why would he be carrying drugs? Then again, I guess I don't know him as well as I thought I did, but I'm pretty positive Niall wouldn't do something like this. The nurse walks in as I'm still freaking out as to why Niall was arrested for drugs.

"Oh, I found out what happened to Niall." I tell her.

"Yeah, me too." She grins sympathetically.

"I can't believe it, honestly, I don't think that he would ever have done drugs." I start to tear up, how could this even happen?

"Well, between me and you," She closes the door to my room and comes to sit next to me, "That one shorter brown haired man?" She's probably talking about Louis.

"Yeah, that was Louis." I say.

"Okay, well he was in your room for a little while, then before Niall came in here, he started talking to Louis. Honestly, they looked a little pissed off at each other." She tells me.

"Yeah, Niall doesn't want me to see Louis, and neither do I, or the doctor." I laugh a little, "He's the one causing me stress, which is why I'm in the hospital in the first place."

She nods. "Okay, that makes a little more sense. I thought it was nothing, but I could have sworn I saw Louis sneak something into Niall's pocket of his jacket."

"Oh my gosh, that would make sense, Louis snuck drugs from the hospital into Niall's pocket so that Niall would get arrested so that Louis would be able to see me again without Niall stopping him." I gasp. It all makes sense.

"Yeah, I guess that would sound about right." she tells me.

"Well, thank you so much for telling me." I say to the nurse as she stands up and leave.

***Niall's POV***

"You are free to go, none of your fingerprints were on the bag, only another young man's that we have identified as Louis Tomlinson." The 'bad cop' tells me as the 'good cop' is taking off my handcuffs.

"Okay, thank you so much." I begin to rub my wrists where the painful handcuffs were irritating me. Louis? I'm still confused as to how he got that bag of drugs in my jacket pocket. I guess he could have planted them in there when we were talking outside of Jess' room in the hospital, but why? I'm escorted out of the room and back to my car. I quickly check my phone for messages and I see that Jess has called and texted me about a million times about where I'm at and that she saw what had happened on the news. The news? I guess they'll put anything on there that they get a chance to. I check the food in the backseat, and surprisingly, it's still a tiny bit warm, which means it's still good enough to eat, especially if there's a microwave somewhere at the hospital. I call Jess back after I make my way back to her.

"Niall! Oh my gosh, are you okay? Are you out of jail? What are you doing right now? How do you have you phone?" She practically screams into the receiver.

"Jess, I'm okay, don't worry, I'm on my way to the hospital right now. They let me out, none of my fingerprints were on the drugs, just Louis', and they found out it was him, so I don't know what's gonna happen once they find him." I sigh after telling her about the cops.

"Oh, man, yeah. Well, how long till you get here?" She sighs and moves the conversation along.

"Just a few minutes, oh and the Chik-fil-a is still good, just got to find a microwave to heat it up in." I tell her.

"Oh! Yay, there's a microwave in one of the lounges, I'm sure we can get to it." She says quietly.

"Okay, I'll be there in like 2 minutes." I say and hang up the phone as I pull into the parking lot.

I walk inside with the food in my hands and sign back in at the front. "Hey, weren't you on the news like 30 minutes ago?" The lady behind the desk asks me.

"Oh, yeah, but they let me out, the drugs that they caught on me weren't mine, someone planted them in my pocket." I tell her so she won't freak out and call the cops on me.

"Oh, okay." She says and grabs the sign in sheet back from me.

I walk straight into Jess' room and find her gone, no where to be found, just her cell phone and bible still on the desk. Where is she?

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