Chapter 2

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I sprung up to noise of my mom blending some weird energy drink she intends drinks every morning for her fitness show workout something or another.

I get out of bed and play in my phone for a while before getting up to get ready and leave for school. Sarah was still asleep, normal and me and my mom we're both being as quiet as we could. I get to school in less than thirty minutes, luckily I have a skill of getting ready in record time. By the time school lets out, I notice that I haven't seen Harry at all today, not even in any of my classes. I head to my car and plan to go straight home and watch Netflix with Sarah, but on the way I make a quick stop at a little coffee shop on the corner of the block a short ways from home. I assume lots of students come here to sit around and chat or study since it's very close to campus, and it looks like that type of place to be.

I walk up to the counter to order my special drink that I always order and realize the familiar face that had been missing from my recent school day, Harry. I read his name tag and notice he's the cashier at this little coffee bar.

"What can I get you?" He says, looking at the register.

"Hmm... Maybe a hello?" I joke.

He looks up and realizes it's me, giggling. "Hey, Jess!" He says quite loudly.

I smile back at him and tell him my order before the rude looking lady behind me doesn't yell at me. After I purchase and get my drink, I go to sit down and he comes out from the counter and sits along side me at a table close to the back of the dimly light room.

"Shouldn't you be working?" I ask, puzzled why he followed me aimlessly back here.

"Yeah, but I have a 2 hour break and I can take it whenever I want." He smiles. Why is he always smiling so much? "Do you have a job?" He asks me as my question quickly pops out of my brain.

"No, not yet. I'm looking around, though." I take a sip of the hot coffee beverage. I could really use a job for some more money to you know, buy stuff; maybe even my own apartment or small house..

"There's a lot of places around campus for students to work at. They don't pay a lot, but they're still somewhere to work at." He tries to explain. "I could hook you up with a few places around here."

"That would be great!" I say excitedly.

Harry and I sit and talk for a few more minutes about the jobs close by campus before I drive back home with job opportunities and Harry on my mind.

Surprisingly, I haven't had much homework since I've been here. I assumed I would have a ton, but maybe it gets worse the longer I'm here. I am majoring in piano, so there's not much that I don't know. I end up studying for a test next week on theory instead of watching Netflix with Sarah, like I had planned, and I fall asleep reading about rests, slurs, and cadences... my favorite...

The next morning I'm more tired then I was the day before, but I guess the time schedule here takes some getting used to. I rush to my first class, which happens to be study hall, and I pull out my oh-so-wonderful theory books to study for my next exam next Monday.

"Hey, you're Harry's friend, right?" A British accent pops up beside me. I turn around to find a tall and slender boy with brown shaggy hair. I noticed that he had tattoos everywhere on his arm, just like Harry. "Are you going to answer me or just stare at me?" He spoke and sat down beside me as I realized I had been checking him out, instead of answering him. He's quite handsome, if you ask me.

"Yeah, Harry is my friend." I finally answer this random hot guys question.

"I'm Harrys friend too. After he met you at your car he came over to us and was talking about some new hot chick he had just met named Jess. I've been seeing you around and I thought I should talk to you. So, here I am." He said as if he thought he was smooth, but I could sense the nervousness in his voice...wait.. Harry thinks I'm hot? I just thought of him as a new friend and he already thinks I'm hot.... college boys I guess.

"Oh, cool." I'm still wrapping my mind around Harry. Now that I think about it, every guy that I randomly met always met me because he thought I was cute, seems like that's all that is on their mind.

"Sorry, I never introduced myself. I'm Louis." He grins and shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jessabelle, but I guess you already knew that."

"I love that name, Jessabelle.." he repeats and looks off like he's reminiscing.

"Thanks." I'm smile.

"I guess I'll be seeing you around." Louis says as the bell rings. "Call me sometime." He grabs a pen on the desk and writes a number on the inside of my hand before he waves back at me and walks away.

My third day at college and one guy thinks I'm hot and I got another guys number? I can't help but wonder how many girls these guys get. Probably a lot considering their looks, but for now I just want to get this school day over with and go home to sleep and do nothing; my normal routine, but with Sarah. As I stand up to leave, I notice through the window of the library, a group of girls staring at me. They whisper to each other as if they're talking about me and then they walk away after exchanging looks. Weird..

I rush home as fast as I can, without the quick coffee stop this time, so I can tell Sarah about my day.

"Dang, girl, you gettin' all them boys." she over exaggerates after hearing about Louis scribbling on my hand and hearing about Harry.

"Umm, yeah, I guess you could say that." I laugh as we share a bowl of popcorn, waiting for a movie to come on T.V.

"So, how have you been here?" I ask her.

"Well, I went shopping yesterday and got some cute clothes, and today I went out to that coffee shop on the corner for lunch." she stuffs more popcorn in her mouth before continuing. "Let me tell ya, the cashier there. Whoo! One of the hottest human beings alive." she over exaggerates. again.

"Wait, what was his name?" I ask, seeming as it might be Harry.

"I don't know, I didn't look at his tag, but I thought he might have flirted with me or give me his number or something, I mean he seems like the type to do that, but he didn't really show any emotion. I mean maybe he was taken, I don't know." she shrugs.

"Yeah, I doubt that." I say to myself.

"What was that?" she heard my quiet remark.

"Oh, nothing. It probably was Harry." I suggest.

"Oh, I don't know. It might have been, but I wish I could've gotten a sip of that latte, if you know what I mean." she smirks at me. "Def going back there again." she adds.

"Okayyy, surreee." I carry it out dramatically.

The movie starts shortly after and now Sarah is finally caught up with the Louis and Harry drama. She was always a stickler about hearing new drama, and being part of it. Once the movie about vampires, werewolves and hot guys, plus Sarah's gushing about the characters ends, she falls asleep and I go upstairs to shower and go to sleep. I'm totally not looking forward to getting up in the morning, so hopefully the weekend will come faster than expected and me and Sarah can go do stuff that sounds fun, or just stay inside, as long as it involves me catching up on my sleep.

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