Chapter 3

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Last night I texted Louis, but our conversation didn't last very long. he said he had 'business to take care of' and 'would explain later.' Whatever that meant.

This morning I woke up to my phone ringing 30 minutes before I usually get up. I fumbled up to answer it and noticed Louis' name on the collar ID. Why is he calling me so early?

"Hello?" I groggily answered.

"I'll be there in an hour to pick you up for school. Text me your address and be ready." He practically demanded and hung up.

I text him my address and get up to get ready. I slip on a simple flower dress. I straighten my hair a little and add some mascara to my face.

"Here." He texts me. My mom left early for work today so I rush outside without confronting her, or Sarah, giving that she's still passed out on the couch, as I grab my purse to find him in a black Porsche resting on my curb.

"Nice car." I examine it as I climb inside the expensive piece of metal. "So why did you want to pick me up? So you can show off your car?" I giggle. "And are you taking me back or home too or will I have to find a ride? 'Cuz I won't have my car." I ask as I put my seatbelt on.

"Well, I wanted to pick you up just because I wanted to and not to show off and yes I can take you back home, since you won't have your car." He answers the questions all at once and smiles. We quickly pull out of my driveway and head towards the school.

"Good." I smile back at him and stare out the window. "Is that Coldplay?" I ask as I hear a faint tune on the radio and turn the volume up just enough to hear one of my favorite songs.

"Yeah, I kind of like them." He shrugs.

I wouldn't think that Louis would listen to this kind of music, he seems like the crazy hard rock type, but who am I to judge? Even though that's what my mom always does, and that's what she basically taught me to do, even though I try my hardest not to.

We arrive at school, and me and Louis scurry to first period together in the library. I had almost forgot that that's where we met. We sit down and I pull out my theory books. My test is coming up and I still need to review a lot of stuff.

"What do you play?" Louis notices the sheet music and different theory types as he takes out one of his books.

"Piano." I smile as I talk about one of the only things that keeps me happy and alive. He smiles back and I ask in return "What do you play?"

"Oh, I don't play anything. I'm an artist." He smiles and I realize the book he pulled out was a notebook, of his drawings or paintings, I assume.

"Wow, that's so cool." I smile. "May I look at some?" I gesture to his notebook."

"Umm... maybe some." He seems shy, but hands me it anyway. I hastily open the book and immediately my jaw drops.

"Oh my God, Louis, these are amazing." I whisper in disbelief as I stare at a very intricate and beautiful drawing of a woman that looks in her 50's.

"That's my mum." He says quietly.

I flip through the next few pages and come to a picture of a man with Louis' mom that I assume is his father. I catch a glimpse of the man's dark brown hair and tall figure standing next to her as Louis takes the notebook out of my hand quickly. "I think that's enough." He says quite harshly. I have a feeling something happened with that man so I won't push it.

"Louis, those are excellent." I praise him. 'I guess that's why he's at Juilliard majoring in art.' My subconscious reminds me.

"Thanks. I can't wait to hear you play piano." He quickly smiles and I study my theory for a while until puts his notebook back into his bag and stands up. I realize that the bell has just rung and I grab my things and walk out the door with Louis. He doesn't seem to recognize me following him out the door and we head opposite ways to our next class. "Meet me back at my car right after school." He yells down the hallway and I get unexpected glares from people around me, and those girls standing in their little clique sharing glares and whispers, again. I ignore them and continue to my next class. Before I know it school is over and I'm right by Louis' car, but he's not here.

I've been waiting here for about 10 minutes playing on my phone waiting for Louis. Where could he be? Just as I'm about to call him as Harry walks up to me. I haven't seen him in class either.. "Hey, babe." he hugs me a little bit too affectionately, if you know what I mean.

"Umm, excuse me." I back away from him. Why is he coming on to me so quickly like this? What has gotten into him?

"Leave her alone." I hear Louis come up behind me as he rushes in front of me towards Harry and makes sure I'm not in harms way by putting his arm out to block me.

"Or what?" Harry threatens. Why are they acting like this?

Before I notice it, Louis reaches his fist up to punch Harry straight in the face and Harry is now on the ground.

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