Chapter 17

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"Jess?" I frantically run around the room, after throwing the Chik-fil-a on the couch, making sure she isn't hiding behind the curtains or something, but I can't find her.

"Hi, have you seen Jessabelle? She was staying in this room, but now she's not in there." I ask the nurse walking by outside the room.

"Oh, I didn't see her go anywhere, I'm sorry." She said and walked away quickly, why did she look so scared when she told me that?

I start to wonder what could have happened. If something had happened with her physically, or mentally and was in surgery or something, the nurse would have told me where she was. This is really weird... I wonder where she could be. I go back inside the room and search it up and down, twice, and one more, just for good luck. There's no way she's in the room, though, and she couldn't have gotten out of the window, because they're not broken, it doesn't have a lock or anything, and she couldn't have even fit through the tiny window if she did. Maybe she's walking the hallways like a lost puppy, or maybe she's in the cafeteria getting food. I run towards the cafeteria to find her no where. I start to ask people if they've seen a young girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and in a hospital gown, but no one seems to have seen her. I wander back up to the room, making sure I look down every hallway and ask every person if they've seen her. It's like she just disappeared. I ask one more person before I finally give up and sit in her room for her return. After I give a very detailed description, a young nurse by the name tag of "Lou" pulls me into an empty room and closes the door, after looking around.

"Yes, I know who you're talking about," She tells me and I take a sigh of relief. "and I know where she is, but you can't make it seem like you know after I tell you." What is she talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I speak my thoughts.

"A young guy with short brown hair, went into her room and walked out with her, holding her hand. It obviously looked normal to everyone, like a boyfriend taking a short walk with his girlfriend or something, but when they turned the corner, she looked up at me, without him seeing, and told me to help her. So, I tried to follow them, or figure out where they were going. The guy kept looking around at every nurse, every one that laid eyes on them, and made sure no one was following them. Of course, I kept my distance pretty far away, and waited for them to turn to a different hallway, then I'd continue to follow them. Anyways, I saw them go into a supply closet. It was the one on the psychiatric floor, which not many people go in that one in the first place. So, I went back to her room and found her cell phone. I saw that a guy named Niall was the first contact on her messages and looked at the profile picture, so I waited for you to get back here so I could find you, and tell you all of this. You need to help her, please, I don't think I can do anything, he knows that I saw them, so he might think that I could be following them, I don't know, but I think she's in trouble." She finishes her explanation, and by this point, I am freaking out. Louis took her.

I thank her and walk out of the room and begin my way to the supply closet where they are. Did he really just come in and take her when I wasn't there? And think that I wouldn't find out? Sometimes Louis isn't that smart, and I'm glad.

By the time I reach the hallway, almost to the supply closet, I haven't even come up with a plan. Am I just going to barge in there? I probably shouldn't do that because I don't have any idea what to do after that, unless Louis runs, but I don't think he'll do that, he'll probably beat me up like Harry, or worse. I stand outside in the hallway a few doors down from them to try and come up with a better plan.

***Jessabelle's POV***

"Now, don't move, I'll be right back." Louis tells me and I try to speak again but the tape is still covering my mouth. The doctor had just told me I was about to be checked out of the hospital earlier than I thought, so I got dressed and was sitting on the bed waiting for Niall to come back so I could go back home, He walks behind the shelf and over to the other side of the room. I hear something tearing and some other noises. He comes back around the corner with more rope. My hands are already tied behind me, and my ankles are wrapped separately at the bottom of this dirty bed. Why is there a bed in the supply closet anyways? We are in the psych floor, so I'm not gonna ask questions. He ties the rope around my already tied hands and ties them to the top of the bed.

"That's a good girl, just stay calm." Louis strokes my forehead and I wiggle to try to get out, even though that's probably not going to work. "Oh, don't try to get away, you and I both know that's not going to happen. He climbs on top of me and starts to kiss my neck. "Louis, stop!!" I mumble. He blocks my noises out and I feel tears rushing down my face as I see his hand slowly rub the side of  my stomach and into my shorts.

Wait, this.. this.. this is my nightmare. It's actually happening. I look up at my hands and I have all ten of my fingers. This is real life, this isn't a nightmare. I really start to freak out and wonder what the heck is wrong with Louis to do this against my will. I try to pull my legs up as far as I can to try and kick him, but I don't get very far.

"Oh, you wanna play, huh?" Louis took my kicking the wrong way, great. I start to shake my head no, but he grabs my leg and rubs it as he continues to kiss me any place he wants to. How did this happen? Just as more tears come down my face, I hear the door slowly open. Louis doesn't look up, or stop what he's doing.

I see someone walking very slowly around the corner, but they walk the opposite way. I start to moan so they'll hear me. "You like that?" Louis says, then continues to kiss my neck and down my shirt that is now ridden up to where you can see my bra and stomach. I pretend that I do like it, and try to moan louder so they can hear me better. I can just see little glimpses of them, and I watch them turn around and slowly walk towards where me and Louis are. They come into view. Niall.  He's here. I look at him with a very scared look on my face and motion my head towards a long metal pole against the wall behind him. He looks like he's about to cry, but most of all I see anger on his face. He very quietly turns around and picks up the pole. He starts to walk towards me and I continue to make noises so that Louis won't hear Niall behind him. Niall lifts up the pole and strikes Louis right in the head, making him fall to the side of the bed and onto the floor. Niall starts to untie me as fast as he can, and we run out, leaving Louis on the floor, unconscious. We continue running away as Niall stops and tells some lady that Louis is unconscious and she said that she would put him in a room and admit him on the psych floor. I remember telling her to help me, I guess she was the one that helped Niall get to me. I quickly hug her and thank her, then me and Niall take off again. We run to the elevator and rush back up to my room, where I hug Niall after closing the door. Chills run through me as he rubs my back and I continue to cry. Niall, what Louis did to me, that was what my nightmares were about."

"Shhh." He hushes me. "Don't talk about it. Just be glad we got out of there before he did anything else." Niall calms me down.

"Thank you." I tell him and he unleash from our hug, leading me to sit on my bed and wipe my tears off of my face. "Now, let's get out of here."

"Wait, I thought you weren't being checked out until tomorrow?" He asks me.

"Oh, yeah. The doctor came in right before Louis took me and told me that I could be checked out now. He told me that my stress level was down enough." I explain.

"Okay, well I guess we can leave then. Are you ready?" He questions just as Doctor Malik walks through the door.

"Oh, there you are! I came in here twice in the past hour and you haven't been here." Zayn laughs a little. "I wanted to give you one more test that I had completely forgot about before you left." He starts to pull out some medical looking equipment. "Please lay back." He tells me and Niall has taken a seat in the couch on the other side of the room next to the window.

"Well it seems here that your stress level has gone back up since the last time I checked you. I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay a little while longer." He tells me and I sigh. The only reason it's up so high is because I was just almost raped by Louis. "I'll get you another gown." He walks out of the room.

"Dammit, I was so close to being let out." I turn to Niall.

"I'm sorry, Jess. Just a little bit more and you'll be out of here."

I try to stay positive like Niall, but it's pretty hard when you're constantly stressed about everything.

"Can you stay here tonight?" I ask him, since I'm still freaked out that someone is going to kidnap me again.

"Of course." He says.

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