Chapter 8

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I wake up to a sleeping Louis next to me with his arm on top of my stomach and notice the sun shining through the curtains. I check the clock and realize it's 12:00. Great, today was Friday and I was planning on getting up early and going to school since things were now good between me and Louis, I really should catch up with my school work. Oh, yeah, and Sarah. I quickly text her and see what her plan is for the day, which is pretty much going out for lunch, and probably just watching more Netflix..

I try to fall back asleep but it doesn't work all that well so I move Louis' arm off of me and quietly get up to find the kitchen. I am starving. I make a bowl of cereal and once I'm done I sit on the couch and watch the news
to eat my bowl of Cheerios.

"Where'd you go?" Louis walks in sleepily. "I got scared."

"Why'd you get scared? I was in here." I laugh.

"I thought you left."

"Oh, no." I look back at the screen. Louis walks into the kitchen and quietly comes back out eating the same cereal I'm almost through with.

"I was planning on going to school today, but we slept in a little later than I planned." I say.

"Yeah, sorry. You haven't missed much, you weren't gone that long." He tells me.

"Says the one who never pays attention in class and never does his work." I smirk.

"Shut up." He smirks back and walks away into the kitchen and I hear the clatter of the bowl in the sink, guess he didn't like the cereal.

"What do you want to do today then?" I ask when he walks past the living room, but goes straight back into his bedroom. He doesn't come out for a few minutes and I scurry to his room to find where he went to see the door closed. "Louis?" I softly knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear him sigh and I open the door to find him laying on his back staring at the ceiling on his bed.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask again standing in the doorway.

"I don't know. I just want to sleep a little longer, I didn't get that much sleep last night and that little bit of cereal made me more tired." he giggles.

"Ok." I'm wide awake and probably won't be able to go back to sleep so I start to walk out the door.

"Wait, come here." He tells me and waves him arm for me to come over to him.

"Ok." I give in and crawl back into bed with him. He wraps his arms around my stomach and I try to fall asleep again whilst listening to his heartbeat.

I stay awake the next couple hours just thinking about what I could be doing right now instead of sleeping as Louis quietly snores into my ear. I glance at the clock and see that it's already 2:00 in the afternoon. I wish I could get up and take a shower or something instead of laying in bed, but I guess it's not that bad since I have Louis holding me. I think about the waves on a beach to try to help me fall asleep, one of the many ways I get myself to go to sleep. I'm finally about to drift off as I hear a crash in the kitchen. 'It's probably Niall again coming to steal some more food,' I think to myself. Louis jumps up as soon as the second sound of glass breaks. "Who the hell is that?" he lets go of me and gets out of bed, suddenly letting the cold air and blankets wrap around my waist instead.

"Maybe Niall?" I question.

"No, Niall never comes here. Apparently he doesn't like the food I have here." Louis quickly grabs a little pistol gun out of the side desk drawer, and slowly walks to the door as something else crashes into the hardwood floor.

"Wow, where are you going?" even though I know the answer.

"To see who it is." He almost reaches the door as someone kicks the door down. I guess Louis didn't hear the person's footsteps. Harry busts through into the room and looked extremely pissed off.

"What the f***?!" Harry yells towards Louis, then looks at me, then back to Louis, who is now standing on the side of the bed next to me with the gun resting at his side and a surprised look all over his face.

"What?" Louis asks completely confused as he puts the gun back in the desk and walks closer to Harry.

"Why the heck are you in bed with him?" Harry looks at me.

"Because she ended up in bed with me, why do you care?" Louis gets more defensive.

"Come on, Jess, you're coming with me." Harry grabs my arm to pull me away.

"No!" I scream and wiggle out of his grip only to hide more underneath the covers. Harry rips off the covers removing my safety shelter at the moment.

"You're only wearing his shirt?! That's all?!
He's not even wearing a shirt! Is this what I think it is?" he pauses, "Jess, did you have sex with him?!" He points back to Louis in disgust.

"Why would it matter to you?" I pull the blankets back up and back farther to the other side of the bed, away from Harry.

"Because you don't need to be with him." Harry looks back at me.

"Harry, I think it's time for you to go back home." Louis softly starts to push Harry's shoulder towards the bedroom door.

"Fine, but this isn't over. You better not be with this bastard, Jess. He isn't worth it to be with you." Harry glares at Louis and leaves the house, Louis made sure of it.

Louis locks the doors and cleans up the glass on the floor of a vase that Harry had smashed as I sit on the bed waiting for him to come back.

Louis walks into the bedroom and comes to sit next to me. "I'm sorry." he says and hugs me. "If you don't want to be here right now,
I'll take you home."

"No, I'd rather be here than anywhere else, especially when Harry could be following me." shivers go down my back again.

"Okay, so do you want to do something, or just sit here?" he asks.

"Well I don't want to go out right now, so let's just lay down again and watch T.V.?" I idealistically ask.

"Sounds good." he switches on the tele and we lay down as Friends pops up again.

"I hope Harry doesn't hurt me next time I see him, like at school or something." I suggest to Louis halfway through the episode.

"I don't think he'll be a problem anymore. Don't worry about it, babe." He assures me as I slowly slip into sleep on top of his chest. "He won't be around much longer." He adds. I wonder what he means by that..

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