Chapter 14

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**Jessabelle's POV**

He leaves a trace of shivers down my spine as he kisses my forehead telling me that everything is going to be okay. I sit in my bed after Niall runs out of the room, softly closing the door behind him, like I had asked. I hope with all my heart that Louis didn't go to hurt Harry. I've only seen Harry and Louis fight once, and Louis knocked Harry to the ground, so this might not end well. I realize my eyes are burning and notice that I'm still crying hysterically. This stress isn't good for me, and I know it. I don't want to pass out again, so I try my best to calm down and breath. I try to get my mind to move to a different topic other than Louis beating up Harry to a pulp and finding Harry in the hospital bed next to me. I focus on Sarah and how much of a great friend she is. I've known her for as long as I can remember and she has always been there for me. I'm a little afraid to check my phone because it will probably just stress me out even more than I already am. I start to remember a time when I was about 10 years old and me and Sarah are laughing about some stupid joke as her mom makes us popcorn. Soon after, sleep takes over me.

**Niall's POV**

"Louis?! Harry?!" I yell as I get to Harry's flat, only to find the door slightly open, which is always a little alarming in itself. Harry's doors are always closed and locked, I would know, his house is one of the hardest to get into, but it has the best food, unlike Louis'.

I hear a crash from one of the rooms in the back side of the house, followed by grunting that sounds like Louis, with some additional moans from Harry. I quietly sneak to the back hallway and peer into the room to find Harry laying on the floor, unconscious and surrounded by blood, but I don't see Louis. I walk all the way into the room right up to Harry. I check his pulse, and luckily it's beating like normal, or what I think is normal, but he's not responsive. I don't move him, but I quickly dial 911 and tell them the address of where I found Harry. I begin to search the house before they arrive to see if Louis is hiding, but I can't find him anywhere, not even his car. I hear the sirens coming closer and I go outside of the house to meet them. The Paramedics rush Harry onto a gurney and carry him out of the house as the police ask me questions. I tell them how it was, basically. "I came in looking for Harry, I was going to invite him to go to dinner with me and a couple of the lads, he's a really good friend of mine. I saw that his door was slightly open, and usually it isn't. I knocked, but no one answered, so I came in to look around, that's when I found him back in that room. I checked his pulse and it was still there, so I called 911. I'm just glad y'all got here quick, otherwise I'm not sure he would've made it." I tell the cops as they continue to write stuff down on their little notepads and listen intently.

"Now, the signs show that this young man was beaten by someone. Do you have any idea who that could have been? Is there anyone that might have wanted to hurt him or that has a grudge of some sort against him?" The younger looking cop asks me.

"No, not that I can think of at the moment, but if I can think of anyone I'll call you guys. Can I go to the hospital now to see how he's doing?" I look at the road and see that the paramedics have already left, they've probably been gone for a couple minutes.

"Yes, of course, that's all we'll be needing." They close their notepads and crawl back into their black vehicles.

I hurry to my car and rush to the hospital the fastest I can without breaking too many laws. Once I get back to the hospital, I go to see Jess first thing to see how she's doing. Her door is still closed, the way I left it. I look around the hall before I quietly turn the doorknob and find her sleeping on her side with dried tears on her face. I close the door behind me and slide a chair up to her bed, so I'm in front of her. I don't make any noise, I just watch her peacefully sleep. She's very beautiful, she has got a little bit of freckles, just over the bridge of her nose. Her eyelashes are attractively long, even without any makeup on her face. Her breathing continues the same rhythm and I continue to watch her quietly. "Harry's in trouble." I begin to talk to her sleeping body. "Louis hurt him pretty bad. I think I got there just in time, though. He was barely breathing. He was unconscious, too. There was a lot of blood. Louis got away, I couldn't find him." I pause for a while. "The cops started asking questions when they got there. I told them most of the truth. I told them I was inviting Harry to come have dinner with us." I laugh a little. I'm talking almost at a normal voice level now, but she's still sound asleep. "I didn't tell them about Louis. They asked if I knew anyone that would do this to him, but I said I couldn't think of anyone. Don't worry, I didn't mention you either." I take another long pause and continue to watch her. "I hope Harry is okay, I haven't checked on him, but I'm praying that he's gonna be okay. So are you, Jess, we're all gonna be okay." I'm starting to tear up, but I quickly pull myself together as the door opens behind me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize she had a guest." Doctor Milk, or whatever his name is peeks his head through, then slowly closes the door. I turn back around to face Jess as a tear that was being held up escapes my eye and she is waking up. She opens her eyes slowly, then suddenly once she sees me sitting in front of her.

"Oh, my god, Niall, you scared my to death." she sits up on her elbow and looks at me closer after I scoot my chair back a little so I'm not right in her face. "Are you crying?" she notices the tears on my cheeks and instantly looks scared, "Is it Harry?" tears start to bundle in her eyes.

"No, no, no, no, Harry's okay." I quickly wipe the tears off of my face and sit to where I can see her clearly, not too far, but not too close.

"Good, what happened? Did you see Harry?" she seems a little scared, so I take it easy.

"Yeah," I sigh, "His house door was open, which it usually isn't, so I went inside and I heard some moaning and other noises in the back room, so when I went back there, I saw Louis running out of the back door. Harry was unconscious, but I checked for a pulse and it was definitely there. So, I called the paramedics and they came and got him." She doesn't look as worried.

"Have you seen him since?" she asks.

"No, I haven't. I wanted to come see you first." I explain to her wondering and confused eyes.

"Oh, okay, well thank you." She grins. "I really think you should go check on him, then come tell me how he's doing."

"Okay, I will." I grin back at her and walk out of the room.

"Hi, can you help me find my friend? He came in not too long ago in an ambulance from a few blocks down." I ask the receptionist at the front near by Jess' room.

"Yes, what's their name?" The nice lady asks me.

"Harry Styles. Someone beat him up pretty badly and there was blood everywhere, but they said he wasn't in that bad of shape. He's one of my good friends." I tell her as she quickly types something into the computer that makes her face twist.

"Harry Styles?" She asks me and looks up at my face. "Brown curly hair? Green eyes?"

"Yeah, that's right, what's wrong with him?" My face twists in confusion with hers.

"It says here that he's been admitted to the hospital..." she pauses for a few seconds, "but in the psychiatrics ward. Does that sound right?"

Harry? In the mental hospital? He's not insane, he's one of my best friends'. What's going on here?

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