Chapter 10

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Harry pulls up in Louis' driveway as the sun is getting ready to set. I haven't been sitting out here long, but my legs are freezing. I run to Harry's car and hop in the front passenger seat.

"Are you cold? Here." Harry grabs a little fuzzy purple blanket from the back seat.

"Yeah, thanks." I pull the blanket over my legs and curl up behind the vent that's blowing heat.

"Um, where do you want me to take you?" Harry speaks up after a few moments of silence after we drive off from Louis' and around the neighborhood.

"Home." I quietly speak. I'm still a little afraid of what Harry might do, since he almost fought Louis trying to pull me away from his bed.

"Okay." A few minutes later, we come to my house and I throw his blanket back into the backseat. I grab my stuff and start to open the door to go to my safe abode. "Wait." Harry speaks up. "I'm sorry." I don't say anything and keep watching him. "For you know, barging into Louis. I was just trying to protect you." He looks away from me once he finishes.

"Protect me from what?" I'm confused.

"It doesn't matter. It's stupid. I'll talk to you about it later." He puts the car in drive with his foot on the brake, signaling me to get out.

"Stay here for a minute. I'll be back." I run inside and change my clothes and grab a change of clothes to stuff in my bag. I run back outside after telling my mom and Sarah what's happening before they have a panic attack. "Okay. Let's go somewhere and you can explain." I look back at Harry who looks very confused as I sit in the passenger seat again, now funnily dressed.

"Okay? I'll take you to dinner somewhere? It's about dinner time anyways." He asks and points to the clock on the screen of the radio.

"That's fine." I answer him. We drive to a restaurant not far from my house, just about 10 minutes, that's kind of like an old-timey place. We walk in and Harry walks in front of me, but of course, holds the door for me when we walk in.

"Harry! Harry!" Many voices shout from around the bar area of the restaurant.

"Hey, mates!" Harry pats them on the back and greets them while I stay quietly by the front where I was left with the nice lady who was about to seat us.

"Who's that young lady?" One of Harry's 'mates' gestured towards me as another one whistles. "Is that your girlfriend?" Another one said. "She's real pretty." One of them says, who I recognize as Niall. "Yeah what's her name?" another adds.

"Guys, guys, she's not my girlfriend," Harry looks at me. "She's just a friend, and her name is Jess." The others snicker and continue their before conversation with each other as Harry excludes himself to come back to me as we sit down at a booth on the other side of the restaurant.

"Who were they?" I ask Harry after the woman takes our drink orders.

"Some friends. I forgot they always come out here on Friday nights." He continues to look at the menu. The lady comes by shortly after and takes our food orders and we're left alone with our drinks, which Harry seems to keep sipping on his to avoid talking, even though that's why we came here in the first place.

"Okay." Harry sets down his already half empty drink down.

"Okay, what?" I look up at him.

"Okay, how many nights does it take to count the stars?" He looks me in the eye with the straightest face.

"What?" I ask confusingly while letting out a laugh.

"Oh, nothing, just a song idea. Was wondering what your answer would be." He looks away from me and I remember that he's in Juilliard for singing.

"Okay. Infinity. Thats how long it would take." I giggle again and he smiles. "So, why'd you want to get me away from Louis so bad?" his smile fades.

"So, why'd you ask me to pick you up from Louis'?" He fires back.

"I asked first." I counter.

"Okay, fine." he sighs. "I'm just worried about your safety. You're my friend."

"Yeah, is that why you and Louis are always getting in fights?" I ask confusingly.

"Yeah." he sighs and we sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Why would you be worried about my safety anyway? It can't just be because I'm your friend. There has to be more." I speak up.

"No, that's the only reason." He doesn't look at me when he talks.

"No, there's something else. I can tell. You didn't even look at me when you said that."

He sighs and looks back up at me. "I just don't think I should tell you."

"Tell me what?!" I raise my voice a little, causing a few people nearby to look up.


"Harry" I interrupt. He sits back in his seat and continues playing with his hands on top of the table.

"Why did you need me to pick you up?" He doesn't look at me.

"I wanted to leave." I state.

"Then why didn't you just ask him to take you home?" He looks up.

"I didn't want him to take me home."

"Why?" He asks another question.

I wait a few seconds before answering since I'm not sure if I should tell him about my nightmare either. "I had a nightmare."

"All this was about a nightmare?" Harry seems irritated. "What? Louis couldn't comfort you?"

"No, he couldn't."

"And why couldn't he?" He asks.

"Because I didn't want him to." I look down.

"Well, since this was all because of a nightmare, do you want to tell me about it?" He says as the food comes up. Finally. I thank the waitress, even though I'm thanking her for interrupting Harry's interrogations rather than the food she brought us.

We start to eat and I pretend that Harry never asked me anything, but after the second bite, he asks again, "So? You gonna tell me?"

I shake my head "no" as I point to my full mouth of food, that I quickly stuffed down as he was talking.

"Fine." He puffs.

We finish our meal and he pays. It's about 8:00 now and I ask Harry to take me home. The whole ride, he doesn't say anything until we pull in my driveway. "Sorry, again. Text me, if you want." He doesn't look at me and I walk inside.

I decide to not text him tonight and go straight to sleep, after a long bath of course. I have now decided to drive my own vehicle anywhere I go, so I won't be stranded and forced to call someone to save me. My plans for the weekend are to sleep the whole time, along Sarah, minus the test I need to study for on Tuesday. After my bath, I hop in bed and don't even check my phone, I don't want to worry about anyone texting me.

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