Chapter 6

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"Louis, what are you doing?" I sleepily spoke as he kissed my neck softly.

"C,mon, baby. Kiss me." he kissed me on the lips as he took his shirt off then attempted to pull mine up.

"Louis, stop. I told you I don't like you like that." I try to wiggle out of his grip, which makes him grab my hip with one hand and grab my arm with the other.

"You like me and I know it. No one can resist me." he kissed me again.

"Well I don't. Get off me!" I start to tell and he grabs me tighter and starts to pull down my shorts.

"Louis, stop!!" He blocks me out and I feel tears rushing down my face as I see his other hand slowly rub down my stomach and into my shorts. I struggle as much as I can to get out of his grip but he won't let go. I hear someone coming up the stairs and I start to scream, but I can't. My voice is gone. This happens in every nightmare of mine; I can never scream. I look at my hands and realize I have 7 fingers. This is a nightmare, you always have extra fingers in them. I notice a glass of water on the side table as Louis starts to kiss my chest. I grab the water and pour it on myself to wake myself up.

I wake up screaming with a glass in my hand and my bed soaking wet. Except, it's not my bed. My mom bursts into the white room with a horrified expression. It must have been her footsteps I heard.

"Sweetheart! Are you ok? I heard you scream. What happened and why did you pour that water on your self?" She giggles a little and sits beside me careful not to sit on the damp side of the bed.

"I had a terrible nightmare. I had to wake myself up." I laugh with her.

"Where am I?" I notice I'm in a hospital gown instead of my school clothes.

"You were at school and fainted. Louis said you started having seizures too." she looks sympathetically at me. "He brought you here and called me. The doctors say your fine, it was just something with your blood, I'm not really sure, but we'll be able to check you out after a few more tests, since you're awake now. Then we can go eat some breakfast, okay?" She smiles and grabs the cup from me to throw away.

"That would be great, but I barely know Louis. Why would I be walking out of school with him?" I giggle to her confused look as an older looking doctor with a white beard comes into the room.

He tells me that everything is fine, besides a little bit of amnesia, which is common for what had happened, and that I can take a shower if I needed to, since there was water all over me, and that I would be checked out. I hop in the hospital shower and change into some clothes my mom brought me from the house. I get checked out and me and my mom head to get breakfast before I go to school. I'm kind of worried about my nightmare and him so I figure it might be good to not hang out with him for a little while, just to get some space between us, even though he brought me to the hospital, which was nice, I guess. My thoughts remind me of one of my favorite songs "spaces" by my favorite band. I quietly sing the lyrics as my mom drives us to IHOP. "Oh, spaces between us keep getting deeper it's harder to reach ya, even though I try..."


"So would you like to talk about that horrid dream you had?" My mom asks as she butters her pancakes.

"Ok.." I sigh and take a sip of my drink. "It was about Louis."

"What about Louis?"

"He was.." I take a deep breath and try to recollect my thoughts. "trying to rape me... I think." I eat more of my food to stop talking about it. It freaks me out even more that I knew him better than I thought it would, but the doc said the amnesia was only about one and a half days back, so it can't be that bad.

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