Chapter 9

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"C,mon, baby. Kiss me." Louis kissed me on the lips as he took his shirt off then attempted to pull mine up.

"Louis, stop. I told you I don't like you like that." I try to wiggle out of his grip, which makes him grab my hip with one hand and grab my arm with the other.

"You like me and I know it. No one can resist me." he kissed me again.

"Well I don't. Get off me!" I start to tell and he grabs me tighter and starts to pull down my pants.

This is all too familiar. I start to scream uncontrollably until I'm laying on my back, sweaty and screaming, with Louis still shaking me and calling my name for me to wake up.
I realize I'm not in my nightmare anymore and I calm down a bit and softly push Louis away. I stand up and jog to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Jessabelle." Louis follows me. "What was that?"

"Nightmare." I gulp down the water and ignore the annoyance I get when he calls me by my full name.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" he comes closer to me.

"No." I tense up and walk out of his way and into the living room to sit on the couch.

Louis follows me again into the living room and sits down next to me and puts his hand on my leg, causing me to flinch.

"Jessabelle." He takes his hand away from my leg and looks at me with confusion.

"What's wrong with you?" he scoots a little farther away from me to make sure I won't freak him out anymore.

"I just had a bad nightmare.." I scoot around on my side of the couch to a better position. "Do you have any hot chocolate?" I looks at him again.

"Yeah." Louis giggles and walks back to the kitchen. I quickly jog back to his bedroom to gather my clothes and my belongings and take them to the living room. I put them down on the table and sit down in the same positron I was in on the couch until Louis comes back with the hot beverage. "Here ya go." he sets it down on the table and sits on the couch.
I reach for it, "why didn't you just hand it to me?" I stifle a laugh.

"'cause I didn't want you to flinch again if I touched you." he looks at his phone for a while typing some random stuff that I can't see from the other side of the couch.

I finish my hot chocolate and put it back on the table. I shift my position and pull my legs up to my body to be more comfortable. I soon realize, after Louis glancing at me a few times, that I'm only in a shirt and panties, which isn't the most appropriate way to be sitting, so I quickly sit criss-cross applesauce, which, doesn't really help either. So then I sit with my legs sideways to the couch, which shows my backside. I quickly shift back to my beginning position of my legs straight out on the couch with my feet almost touching Louis. I look up to see him laughing at me because of my recent confusion of seating arrangements.

"Is this position good, now?" he laughs as I laugh with him.

"Yeah I think so." he puts his phone back in his pocket and softy puts his hand on my ankle.

"This okay?" he softly rubs my leg.

"Yeah." I sigh and become more comfortable and less freaked-out by his touch.

"Okay, I'll tell you..." I speak up a few seconds later. "...about my nightmare."

"Okay. Only if you feel comfortable." He scoots closer to me and I put my legs on top of his lap with my knees almost to his face.

"Well." I start to explain my real nightmare to Louis, but instead something different comes out. "I was at the mall with my mom." I guess I shouldn't be telling him. It might scare him, or make him do something I wouldn't expect.

"Okay." He spoke and I continued.

"And we were at JC Penny's. Suddenly, this guy walks up to me while my mom is in the dressing room and I'm looking at random clothes on the rack closest to the entrance. He looks about 4' and was wearing a little green suit." I act puzzled and continue to make up my nightmare as I go.

"Wait, wait, wait." Louis interrupts me. "You met a leprechaun?"

"Yeah, man, those things are scary." I continue. "Then, just as my mom was paying for her clothes, and the leprechaun had disappeared, I walked outside to see if I could find him again, bad idea. I walked right out of the store where there was couches and a little table. Weirdly, there was no one there, and only one of the chairs was lit up with a blue light, and there sat the little guy." Louis giggled a little. "And by then, I wanted to run for my life because somehow, I kept getting closer to him, like I was floating over there. It was getting pretty scary. And then a clown popped up behind him." I start to tear up.

"Jessabelle." Louis wraps his arm around me. "I had no idea you were so scared of those things." I pretend to wipe my fake tears and tell him that it's okay.

"I'm sorry I pushed you into trying to tell me." He tries to help wipe away my false tears.

"I'm sorry I wouldn't tell you. It was kind of stupid really." I hear my phone buzz from across the table and I ignore it.

"You want me to get that?" Louis reaches over and grabs it before I protest "What the hell?" He reads the text to me. "From Harry: Okay I'm almost there." I look at Louis and ignore the fact that I had just texted Harry to come pick me up from Louis' house. "Why is Harry coming to get you? I thought we were just fine. I was going to take you home whenever you were ready. Why would you even ask him to pick you up if you were so afraid of him?" Louis continues.

"I'm sorry-" I try to get an apology in.

"No, I'm sorry, for trusting you to be with him and not me. I'm more important than he is. He's nothing to you!" Louis screams.

"You don't have the right to tell me who he is to me!" I counter back.

"Well I'm sorry if I ever did anything wrong to you, I can't even think of what I could have done!" He throws his hands in the air. "I'll see you later, Jessabelle. Please, leave." He opens the front door for me to walk through as I grab my stuff and wait outside on his front steps for Harry while I'm only wearing Louis' shirt and my underwear. I probably shouldn't have texted Harry, but I didn't really feel safe with Louis at the moment, especially after my nightmare, I just had to make sure nothing was going to happen. Even though I didn't text Sarah, for some reason I felt like I needed to ask Harry to pick me up.

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