Chapter 13

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"Hey, mom? Sarah?" I squeak, but neither of them move, I guess they're both still asleep. "Nurse?" I yell towards the hall as a nurse walks by. Oops, I forgot about the 'nurse' button.

"Yes?" she walks in.

"Do you mind waking up my mom please? She doesn't usually wake up unless you shake her a bit." I gesture towards my mom.

"Oh, of course." She goes to wake up my mom and leaves the room after my mom wakes up, a little bit startled.

"Hi, sweetie, how are you feeling?" My mom walks over to me, leaving Sarah, and rubs my forehead.

"I'm feeling fine. Still trying to wake up at the moment." I giggle with her. "I need to use the restroom." my mom goes and sits back down to wake up Sarah so I'm able to quickly hobble to the bathroom. I look into the mirror and notice how terrible I look. I've probably looked this bad since the crash. I've seen Louis, Harry, Niall, and that hot doctor Zayn since then. ugh. I try to better my appearance by fluffing my hair, which doesn't help much, then I walk back out and find Zayn talking to my mom in the room.

"Hey, Jess" Sarah pulls me in for about a 5 second hug. Yes, I was counted because my hospital gown isn't that flattering and Zayn is standing in the room. I pull away from her and make my way back into the bed.

"I was just telling your mom about what had happened with you and what's going on." he looks towards me.

"Okay. How long am I staying here?" I ask him.

"About 2 more days. You're still not in that good of shape, so you still need to rest." He looks between me and my mom before he walks closer to me to give me another checkup.

"Everything looks good and getting better. I'll be back later." He walks out and Sarah looks at me and winks, while mouthing, "He's hot! Go for him!" I shake my head and say goodbye to her and my mom as they leave.

A couple minutes after, a nurse walks in and starts to do a checkup.

"Oh, the doctor already gave me one about 5 minutes ago." I stop her.

"Really? The nurses are supposed to do the checkups." She looks confused. "He must really like you, I guess. he rarely does the checkups. Sorry about that." She walks out leaving me to wonder about Zayn. And Louis. And Harry. And Niall. Dang. What has happened to me. I probably should text Niall anyways, since he doesn't have my number and I only have his.

**Niall's POV**

"Don't do it mate, you know it's not right. I know you've done it before, with so many girls, but please, it never turned out okay. Only for you it did, sometimes, but not those poor girls. I'm begging you, don't do it to her. She's so much more special. I can see it. Maybe you can't, but I can, she has a full life ahead of her and I don't want you ruining it like all those others you did." I stare at Louis trying to get him out of doing what he's doing to Jess. "Please, Lou." My phone buzzes and I get up and go to the other room to check it and leave Louis staring at the ground angrily and alone with his thoughts, hopefully he'll reconsider and I can break him of this habit.

"Hey, Niall, this is Jess. Just texting you so you have my number."

"Oh, hey Jess! It's nice to hear from you. How are you feeling? Any better?"

I add her contact name into my phone.

"Yeah, I'm actually functioning normal now. The doctor said I can get checked out in a couple days."

"That's awesome! If you want me to pick you up, I can, since you totaled your car, and if your mom isn't picking you up. I wouldn't want you to be in an uncomfortable position with Louis or Harry either :/"

"Actually, yeah! That would be great. I'll text you when I'm ready :)"

I slide my phone back in my pocket. Luckily, I got her out of seeing Louis for a couple days. I walk back out into the living room to find Louis and his car keys gone. That's just great. I roll my eyes and grab my keys to see if I can find Louis. I call him at least 8 times, but he's not picking up. He probably left his phone back home. I stop at the hospital to see Jess since I have no idea where Louis could have gone and maybe she can help.

I quietly walk into her room to see her reading a book. "Hey, Jess." I walk up beside her and she puts the book down. "Whatcha readin'?" I look at the cover of the book. "The Bible? Hmm. I didn't know you were religious."

"Yep, as Christian as they come." she laughs. "What about you?"

"Actually, yeah, I grew up in a catholic family. Raised to praise." He laughs and pulls a chair up to my bedside.

"So, what are you doing here?" She asks.

"What, I can't come check up on you?" I laugh and ignore what I really need to ask her, I don't want to burden her right now, she looks so peaceful.

"Well, I guess you can." she smiles. "But, there's something else you came here to talk to me about. I can tell."

She can read right through me. "Well, there is one thing I'm kind of in a pickle with."

"Spill it." she straightens her back up.

"Okay, I was talking to Louis at his house about," I pause. I can't tell her that part, "stuff and he was, you know, not in the best mood and-"

"What do you mean by that?" she cuts me off.

"He was pretty mad and a little angry about what we were talking about, so I got up and went in the other room to look at your message and text you back. So, when I walked back into the room where he was, him and his keys were gone." I sigh. "And I have no idea where to find him."

"And you thought I would know where he went?"

"Yeah. Would you?" I ask pleadingly.

"Well, I'm not going off much here." she sighs. "What were y'all talking about." I love her Texas sounding choice of words, it sounds so foreign to me sometimes.

"Umm," I look down. "I can't really tell you that, it's kind of... personal." I make up.

"Okay, well, let me think. Where could he have gone if he was mad?" she looks at her hands and different places around the room, contemplating where he could have gone. "Why do you want to find him so bad anyways?" she asks.

"I just don't want him to get in any trouble. I know what he's like." and by that I mean, I don't want him to go hurt more girls.

"Hmm." she sighs and closes her eyes or think. After a few minutes later, when I thought she had fallen asleep, and gasps.

"He's at Harry's." She looks scared. I stand up and touch her arm.

"Okay, why? What's wrong? Why do you look scared?" she looks up at means there's some tears gathering in her eyes.

"Well, Louis once told me that Harry wouldn't be a problem anymore. I don't remember why he would say that, I guess this happened during part of my amnesia, but that part just came to me. He sounded like he was saying that he would get rid of him, if you know what I mean." tears are coming down her cheeks now, and I do know what she means. "Here." I grab a box of tissues on the table and wipe them across her cheek. Her hand meets mine and takes the tissue out of my hand as chills run up my arm. "It's gonna be okay. I'm headed there now." I grab my keys. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just, come back right after and tell me what happened, okay?" She looks scared.

"Okay, I will." I kiss her forehead, giving me more chills, to make her feel somewhat better, "Don't worry, Jess, it's all gonna be okay." I practically run outside to my car and head towards Harry's house. "Don't worry, Jess, it'll all be okay."

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