Chapter 15

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"There's no way." I tell her the receptionist. She turns the computer halfway around so I'm able to see.

"Sorry, that's what it says here, 20 minutes ago, he was put in a locked and padded room, held tight with a straight jacket." She reads the long description to me that's at the bottom of the page and turns the computer back around. "Would you like me to give you directions to go see him?"

"Yes, please." I begin to panic a little as she writes some stuff down on a piece of paper. "Down that hall, take the elevator to floor 7 and give this to the receptionist there. Good luck." She points me on my way to finding Harry.

I walk over to the elevator and hop in when it opens. I go into the small confined area with a couple other people and press the floor number I'm heading to. There's two other people in the elevator with me and they give me some interesting looks during the ride down. I'm getting more and more scared and nervous as I get closer to getting off. The elevator door opens slowly and the other two people eye me as I walk out and to the receptionist.

"Hi, can you point me in this direction?" I hand her the note that includes Harry's information.

"Yes, go down that hall and it's the last door on the left." she looks at me sympathetically and hands me back the note.

"Okay, thank you." I walk down the hall and see all the doors on the sides of the hall are bolted and locked shut. I glance in some of the windows as I see some of the patients, some in straight jackets, some  in handcuffs staring at the wall. The hallway I'm walking in is extremely long and it's taking me forever to walk down to the end of it. One of the patients, I assume, walks down the hallway past me, which honestly freaks me out a little bit by the way he's walking a little sideways and the way he's staring straight ahead as if he's seen something terrifying.

***Jessabelle's POV***

"Louis, I don't want to hear it." He's been in my room ever since Niall left and he's really bothering me. I just wish Niall would come back with Harry safely.

"Just hear me out. Harry wasn't a good person anyways. He even tried to get between me and you. For bloody hell, he walked in on us sleeping. He's always in the way. Think of this as a favor." He's pacing around my bed.

"A favor? Are you crazy? You almost killed him! He was just trying to protect me." I shout.

"Protect you from what?" He looks as if Harry might have told me Louis' biggest secret.

"Apparently from you!" I look him up and down and wish he would just leave. "He never said, but he seemed pretty adamant about me staying away from you, which would help the nightmares if I stopped seeing you anyways, so can you please just leave me be?" I'm starting to get emotional so I cover my face and take a deep breath, giving him time to leave, but he does just the opposite.

"Jess." He grabs my hands and I instantly pull away from him. "I'm not going to hurt you." He seems displeased.

"And how would I know that for sure?" I don't want to know. "Please, Louis, just leave me alone." The tears start to come, so I put my hands back on my face where they were and wait the sound of the door to close so I could grab the tissues on the desk beside me. Where is Niall and why is he not back yet? Is something wrong with Harry? I'm not going to worry about it too much, Niall's probably got it covered. I'm really tired, but I try not to fall asleep because I'm really not looking forward to having another nightmare, since I just encountered Louis. I decide to get out my Bible and start reading where I left off, and it seems that every verse I read has something to do with my problems right now. Currently waiting for Niall with the news on Harry, this is the only thing I have in my empty room to keep me busy.

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