Chapter 12

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I wake up in a hospital bed with nurses all around me.

"She's awake!" one of the nurses yells to a doctor that comes walking in.

"Hi, Jessabelle. My name is Doctor Malik, I will be taking care of you." the very attractive man tells me as the nurses finish giving me new I.V. fluids.

"Why-why am I in the hospital?" I try to sit up.

"Wow, wow, wow, slow down there." Doctor Malik helps me with my bed to raise it up a little. "You were in a car accident, but nothing was serious. You have a few bruises here and there, you had to get stitches on your head right there," He points to a spot on my head that was hurting before he pointed it out. "and your elbow bone is a little bruised so it might hurt, but no worries, you won't have to wear a cast or sling for it." He looks at the nurses sheet of paper and writes down some stuff on his own sheet. "I'll be back to check in with you later. You have some visitors who wanted to see you after you woke up, even though I told them I would have to see you first." he winks at me and I laugh as he leaves the room, only for Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam to walk in.

"Where's my mom?" I immediately ask.

"Well, now you can tell that she only cares for her mother." Louis scoffs at them.

"Sorry, I just thought my mom would be here, and not y'all, but thanks for coming by." I awkwardly play with my disturbing hospital gown with the arm that isn't hurt. Niall sits down, with Liam standing next to him, and starts to play with a tissue box sitting next to him while Harry and Louis go to opposite sides of the bed I've been placed in.

"So, how are you feeling?" Harry speaks up after he exchanges looks with Louis, they don't seem like they're getting along.

"I'm okay, I guess. I'm still not exactly sure what happened." I'm still playing with my gown.

"Well, you were in a car wreck. You ran right into a tree, yet didn't seem to injure very much." Louis shrugs. "I guess it's kind of a miracle."

"Yeah, sure. I guess I forgot the wreck in itself cuz all I remember was driving to Louis' house after the restaurant." I look up at Louis.

"Oh, well, Jess, that was a few days ago. A lot has happened since then." Louis looks at the other two, confused.

"Well, it looks like the amnesia has gotten worse." Dr. Malik steps into the room again and Louis moves over to Harry's side of the bed.

"Amnesia?" Harry asks.

"Yes, the first time, I'm guessing she was with you," he points to Louis and he nods, "when she had Dr. Smith, may he rest in peace, she fainted and hit her head, which caused a little bit, only a certain amount of hours, of amnesia, but this time, she blacked out behind the wheel, and hit her head against the steering wheel with more pressure than the faint before, causing more effects of amnesia. She's going to need to stay here for a few more days for more testing and observation. By the way, you can call me Zayn, I don't really like going by the last name type of stuff." he smiles down at me.

"Well, thank you for the update, Zayn." I smile back at him.

"Yeah, thanks, Dr. Malik." Louis and Harry say in unison and share a look towards Zayn, more like a death look, which ends Zayn's smiling, causing him to walk out of the room awkwardly again.

"Wait!" I yell for him to come back to the room. "Can you tell me why I'm fainting so much?" I ask him as he comes to my bedside again.

"Well, so far it's just some low blood pressure and a lot of stress. Whatever is stressing you out so much, you need to figure a way out to fix it. So, basically, you're stressed out too much, and it's making you sick." The dr. tells me.

"Okay, well, thanks again." I say and he walks out of my room, again.

"Can y'all leave please?" I look at Harry and Louis, they are causing a lot of stress at the moment anyways. "If you must come visit me, don't all come at once." I close my eyes and wait for them to leave the room.

I'm just about to fall asleep after they leave, and about 10 minutes later, I hear a sneeze, still in my room. I open my eyes, and Niall is still sitting in the chair he was in, but Louis, Harry, and Liam are gone. "Niall?" I look at him.

"Yeah?" he looks up from his phone.

"What are you still doing here?" who knows why he didn't leave with the others.

"Oh, I don't know, you never told me to leave. And you seemed like you wouldn't want everyone to leave, you know, just a little bit of company." he puts his phone up.

"Well, thank you, but I meant for you to all leave." I giggle.

"Oh, sorry, I guess I'll leave." He stands up to walk out of the room. "I hope you feel better. If you need anything, call me, okay? I already put my number in your phone." he grins at me and leaves. That was nice.

A fall asleep shortly after, and the nightmare comes back. "Louis, please." I groan. "Stop. Get off of me!" I scream. Louis starts to shake my shoulders, and all of a sudden Zayn in shaking me back in my hospital room.

"I was coming to check up on you and you were screaming for Louis to get off of you, I guess you were having a pretty bad nightmare?" He steps back a little, but still hovering over my bed.

"Yeah, I've been having the same one for a while now. It's probably part of what's been stressing me out so much." I tell him.

"Well, that could be part of it. You know, it does help people that if they're having nightmares about a specific person, to stop being around or seeing that person." he states.

"No, I can't stop seeing Louis." I look away from him.

"Why not?" he sits in my bed close to my shins.

"Because. I can't. We kind of have this thing going and he's my best friend. I just couldn't stop hanging out with him." I look back up to him.

"Well, the nightmares seem to happen shortly after you've seen him or spent time with him, so maybe you could not see him as much as you usually do." he suggests.

"Yeah, maybe." he is right.

"Is it okay if I give you your check up now?" I nod and he stands up to poke and prod at my nose, ears, mouth, and eyes. "Well, everything seems as it should be. I'll let you get back to sleep." he walks out of the room after writing some notes down on his clipboard. "Just hit the 'nurse' button if you need anything."

I quickly fall back asleep, since I was so tired, and I don't wake up again until the next morning, with my mom and Sarah both asleep on the couch near the other side of the room.

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