Chapter Nineteen- This Could Possibly Be The Best Day Ever

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Skyler’s POV

As I looked out to sea, I realised that I finally had a friend. Maybe even friends if you count Wesley and Drew. A small smile grew on my face. To be honest it was a nice feeling, one that I had only once ever felt once before. And that was with my mother, so I don’t think that counts. Bringing myself off the ground, I offered my hand out to Keaton. For once it felt good to be nice and not as moody. Guess that’s just the effect Keaton has on everybody. From what I feel from him, is that he loves everything. Wish I could do that. Picking up my camera, I followed Keaton off the beach; his surf board under one arm. As Keaton opened the door, we were greeted by Wesley and Drew tackling each other to the ground.

“Hey Skyler, I’m head in to the shower. Make yourself at home.” Keaton chirped before heading up the stairs. Wesley and Drew finally calmed down when they realised I was here. Falling on to the sofa, I looked at my camera again. Drew slid next to me, arm slung around my shoulder. All my pictures were decent, and pretty good to be honest. Some of them were of Keaton, even though I didn’t know it was him. , but still he made a good model.

“Keaton likes taking photos. You two are like perfect for each other.” Drew remarks after I placed my camera down on the neat coffee table. I sniggered at his comment.

“Firstly, we are like the two opposite ends of a magnet, we don’t attract, we repel, and secondly shut up!” I mused, pouting at the end, purely out of embarrassment of the subject.

“Skyler just admit, you have feelings of some kind for my brother.” Wesley joked, sitting across from me and Drew. I made a snort kind of noise. Folding my legs underneath me, I replied.

“Hmm, let me think about it…” I pondered, I knew the answer but don’t feel I can trust people right now. “How about no!?” I asked. Wesley nodded sarcastically, high-fiving Drew. “You tried to get me to tell you if I did last time I spoke to you. And I have decided that my heart may have to wait a little bit longer.” Wesley nodded, bringing his feet on to the coffee table.

“You basically just said you like him!” Drew stated. My cheats heated and I hid my face under a cushion that was next to me.

“Leave me alone!” I joked, hitting Drew in the face with the pillow. His facial expression was mock stunned. To be honest it was hilarious. A small giggle brewed inside of me.

“Oh so you want a pillow fight now do you?” Drew questioned, obviously going to start one whatever my answer was. Wesley snapped his head to us, a half smile pulling at his lips. If they both teamed up on me, I knew this would be a losing battle. But hey, pillow fights are supposed to be fun right?

“Please don’t!” I begged, laughing slightly. Drew laughed a little, throwing his head back and looking at the ceiling. Sitting up properly, I was never expecting a flying object to hit my face. When my eyes recovered from the sudden force, I found Drew had picked up a pillow and shoved it in my face. As I tried to plaster a shocked look on my face, all I could do was smile. “Where is your mother Wesley?” I asked, don’t want to be getting in to anything when an adults around.

“She’s out shopping so she won’t be back for a while.” Wesley spoke, hiding his hand behind his back. I eyed his suspiciously. Drew and Wesley exchanged glances. Oh god! They are like telepathic or something. Out of now where pillows were flying at me from all directions, the laughs of both Wesley and Drew ringing in my ears as well as my own. All I could do was admit defeat and curl up in the foetal position. The outburst soon stopped and I found Drew lying on top of me, hugging me slightly.

“I’m sorry lil’ sis, but it’s so tempting.” Drew admitted. Naa, he called me lil’ sis. A warm feeling started in my stomach. These people are definitely my friends now.

“Bundle!” The ever familiar voice of Keaton piped in. Expecting only one body other than Drew on top of me, I found two more piling on. The weight restricted my breathing and all I could do was laugh. This was most definitely the best day of my life.

~SOrry its so short. It was just sitting on my computer waiting for me to be bothered to upload. But it is up now, so ain't that good. I am celebrating over 400 votes overall! Woo! So i am attempting... Attemping!... to upload a chapter or two for each of my stories! Woo! How fun is that? The dedication is to a very dedicated fan!~

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