Chapter Thirty-Four- End Of The Road

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Keaton’s POV

Yeah I missed her. We all did. It was weird being in this house and without her. The show was in started in about 20 minutes. Final words, rehearsals and checks. I was nervous. Mom wasn’t here today. She couldn’t get away from the hospital in time. It was as if Skyler was her second daughter she never had. Brooke, Wesley and mines sister, was here though, so was Dad. Any show could be our last, so better put all the effort I can in. I knew Skyler would be watching so it makes it even more special.

All three of us were waiting backstage fidgeting. We were all nervous but we were excited at the same time. Drew was meditating as you do, Wesley doing his normal pre-show vocal warm ups, me, well I was just standing there messaging Skyler. Earlier I Skyped her, her face lit up when she saw me on screen. Before I left I managed to pluck up the courage to ask her to be with me; to my delight she said yes.

“Emblem 3!” A familiar voice shouted. We all turned round in unison. Standing in front of us were our friends, Kenny and Tyler. I mean great friends. Kenny’s our drummer so that’s awesome. After seeing all our shocked faces, Kenny explained, “Thought we’d come cheer our mates on. Your mom got us passes. She is awesome!” Kenny approached us, bro hugging us all. Tyler did the same; he was mainly my friend but he got along with the others too.

“Glad to have you here!” Drew exclaimed snapping out of his meditation phase. It was kinda hilarious just watching him stand there sometimes in complete trance. “Did you hear that young Keats has got himself a girl?” Tyler high fived me and I felt slightly embarrassed. That’s just me. Kenny smirked then fist bumped me. I kinda miss her not being here.

We talked for ages, just getting updated on what has happened, and talking about Skyler. They insisted! I couldn’t make them stop. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I found 1 New Message from Skyler. I smiled at her name. Around me the guys sniggered.

“Ahh Keats loooves her!” Tyler teased. I kicked his leg before opening it. ‘Good Luck! x.’ Quickly I messaged her back, thanking her as we were being called to the stage. This performance will determine whether we stay or not.  Butterflies started in my stomach. Well, let’s just hope.

~E3 The Next Day E3~

All five of us were hanging out backstage. Kenny and Tyler were here all weekend.  Soon we were going to find if we were still in the competition. If aren’t then we can still make music, our own music. We can be us. Sunset Boulevard us. Inside I don’t feel like we are who we used to be. Fame, that’s probably what it is. Everybody wants it, and then they get big headed. That’s something I don’t want. Butterflies started to form in my stomach just like the ones from yesterday. They weren’t excited ones though, just nervous.

As we made our way across the stage to Simon, I could tell in Drew and Wesley’s eyes that they were nervous too. Even if they didn’t show it. Each week the tension rises. It gets harder. Simon greeted us with a smile. Mario started to speak and I blanked out for a few minutes. I don’t want to hear it. Skyler’s watching this so it makes it a whole lot harder. She enjoys it because of us. She may not like the music but she puts up with it to support us.

Around me Wesley and Drew both reacted. Drew’s hands were behind his head, his face stressed. Wesley shook his head. My stomach twisted in knots.  Dammit.  Guess this is the end of the road for us.

~Just to clear some things up. I am not proud of this chapter. I dont like it one bit. It was really rushed and i was really bored so yeh it failed. But i uploaded for the first time in a while i think.

Last night (Sunday 26th) I saw The Janoskians. They were hilarious and awesome. Just the fact that basically the whole theatre was filled with fangirls. I love them yeh but afte the first five minutes of high pitched screams i had had enough.... I dont mean to offend anyone, i fi did then i'm sorry. Also someone was taking too many selfies of her and her friend, so i casually photobomb witha  hideous face. They found it and kept zooming in. Now that picture is part of a collage as their background. Photobomb level: Janoskianator.

Sooo, alsooo (really long AN aint it?) I was thinking i would start an ASK.FM account so you guys could get to know me more? If you would like that please tell me. I'm up for it!

So anyway. Vote and comment? Tell me things!

Natty Out ;; ~

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