Chapter Twenty-Nine- A Monster

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Keaton’s POV

“I can’t.” I mumbled. Wesley looked at me confusing. “I don’t think I can see her like that again.” Shaking my head, I take a seat on the floor. Mom kneeled in front of me, giving me her smile to say it’s going to be ok.

“She needs you Keaton. Drew will be with you ok? Wes and I are going to get some food. You’ll be fine.” She pulled me in to a tight hug. After releasing me, she stood and walked off with Wesley. Drew slid down the wall next to me.

“She needs you Keaton. She really does. Now she hasn’t got any family. You are the only one she has left.” The first words Drew had said today were the only ones that actually sunk it properly. Looking at him, I got up. He was right; she had no one left now.

Sticking a hand out for Drew, I took a deep breath.  At least Drew was with me. Grasping the door handle again, this time I opened it. As soon as I did, my heart sunk. There she was, wired to multiple machines keeping her alive. She has tubes everywhere, down her throat, nose. Her jaw was bruised and swollen along with her eyes. Most of her face was bruised, down her neck and I’m sure more from down there. Both forearms were bandaged.  Everywhere was bruised. She looked weak and terrible. Both legs were in cast, bruises coming out from underneath there as well.  There were also cuts along her legs. Drew put his hand on my shoulder pushing me in further. I took a seat next to her. Please be ok. Please recover.

Drew sat on the other side, leaning on the bed. In his eyes I could tell it was hurting him almost as much as me inside. She was so beautiful but now that beauty has been hurt. One day she will return to her usual self.  I ran a hand through my hair, extremely upset seeing her this way.

“Do you think she’ll recover?” I ask Drew, taking Skyler’s hand in mine. Drew leant back and sighed, considering what to say.

“To some extent yes. She’ll probably be scarred and find it hard to trust anyone. All she needs is stable relationships and help. That is something we can give her.” Drew spoke, looking at Skyler’s sleeping face. She looked in pain. Maybe she was. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was. I felt so hopeless. Seeing her like this hurts, I want to do something make everything ok for her. I just don’t know how.

“How long do you think her dad will be in prison?” I ask, also looking at Skyler. The door opened and a doctor came in, picking up the clipboard on the end of the bed. He then checked all the machines and wrote something down. “Excuse me,” I start, just as he’s about to leave. “Could you tell us the extent of her injuries?” I finished, swallowing hard. Drew looked at me then the doctor. He nodded then looked at her chart.

“Internal bleeding, two broken legs, deep cuts in arms, broken jaw, bruises, cuts, three broken ribs and most liking mental scarring.” The doctor finished, giving both of us a sympathetic smile. Then he walked out, leaving us gobsmacked. That was a lot. And internal bleeding. Bloody hell. Hearing that, I’m pretty sure it will take her a while to recover completely. The mental recovery will take years at the least. She is one unlucky girl and I just want her to be fine again. I want her to be that defensive girl who didn’t want to talk to me whilst I was in detention. I want the girl back who kept me on the edge of my seat all the time. The one who made me smile at random acts. She makes me happy and I don’t know if I am able to get that back. From now on I will be worrying about her rather than trying to enjoy myself. Her dad is a monster. A fucking monster.

~Yaya much asked adn anticipated chapter. Its terrible i am sorry for that. :( I needed inspiartion but i couldnt find any. I like including fans so tell me wht you want to happen next!

Also there is still time to be a character :) If i have forgotten to inculde you i am sorry please remind me down below. \/

Keep voting. Please? I was ranked in teen fiction for two days but now i'm not... :O So please keep voting. Tell your friend about this? Nearly at 1000 overall. so please vote on every chapter?

Comment too and i love new fans! Dedications for your thoughts and ideas :)

Natty Out ;; ~

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