Chapter Twenty-Six- That feeling

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Keaton’s POV

“Hey mom…” I mumbled as I entered the kitchen. Dropping my board on the floor, I flopped in to a chair. She turned round, smiling. The sun was just peeking above the horizon; the sky turning salmon.  For about two hours we were skating, talking and generally having fun. It was good to have that feeling of freedom every so often. Now the reality of everything comes back to you, once you stop. Once the wind that whips through your hair and the laughter stops, it all hits you like a tonne of bags. In about 10 hours we will be making our way to the judge’s houses. If we fail there, then it will be such a disappointment. We have worked so hard for this. Everywhere there is an excitement about us. The question is, if we do go home, will we still carry this on? Will we get anywhere with our music? That’s the worry. Wesley tells me that we will find a way. But what if there isn’t another path to choose and the one we are on is blocked and we can’t turn back or go forward. What if that happens?

“You alright Kee?” Mom asked, snapping me out of my daydream. Nodding, I stood silently and scampered out the room, a glass of water in my hand. Wesley was sprawled out on the sofa, flicking through the channels. On my entry, he smiled, patting the seat next to him. All I did was stare at the TV for a while, until I could feel Wes’ eyes on me. Averting my eyes from the screen, I faced my brother, trying to get him to stop looking at me. Wesley’s face broke in to his famous smile.

“What?!” I mumbled breaking the silence. All Wesley did was smile at me, obviously wanting to mock me or something. Slapping his chest, I tried to make him talk.

“Well, you gotta ask her out man!” Wesley finally blurted, laughing at the end. I had been thinking about that. Do I ask her? I really don’t know. Knowing her she’ll just say no, and then I’ll be even more hurt. But that’s just the way the girl is. Got to accept that. I could just go ahead and ask.  She can’t say that she didn’t feel anything during the kiss. If she didn’t then she would have pulled away and wouldn’t have been so embarrassed.

“I can see you thinking about. Don’t hide that you like her!” Wesley teased, poking me in multiple places. Giving him a glare, I tackled him on to the sofa. I don’t like being poked… Wesley laughed as we play fought for about a minute.

“Keaton! Get off your brother!” Mom mused from the door way, obviously amused. Rolling off Wesley, I shuffled to the other end of the sofa. Not that it will stop him talking to me. I don’t care really. Maybe Skyler does like me? Maybe she doesn’t? Just gotta take a leap of faith once in a while Keaton. Mom walked off after she checked we weren’t going to fight anymore. Wesley still had the cockey smile across his face.

“Shut up!” I chirped, laughing, throwing a cushion in Wesley’s face. The reaction was priceless. His face. I couldn’t control the laughter inside. Wesley couldn’t either. This is why I love my brother. My phone vibrated in my pocket; a smile was still on my face. Pulling it out, my face sunk. Skyler. ‘Call 911’. I struggled to get my mind around it. What was going on?

“Mate, you alright?” Wesley asked, his tone serious. Could this be her crying out for help? Her being hurt by her father? Is this what this is?  If it is, then oh god. Wesley shuffled round to look at my phone.

“Can you get mom please?” I asked, pushing him off the sofa. He ran out the room, calling her name. They both arrived with seconds. Mom looked worried. “Skyler sent me a message saying call 911. I think her father has finally hurt her bad.” Was all I could manage before choking up. Mom sat down next to me, arm around my shoulder.  Wesley went and got the phone for her.

“Where does she live?” She asked calmly. It was helpful that someone didn’t show that they were breaking down and being strong.  I racked my brain, trying to remember her house number. Only this evening I dropped her off. I slapped my palms against my forehead, frustrated that I couldn’t remember. “Calm down Keats. It’s going to be ok. It may not even be what you said.” Mom rubbed my back, calming me down.  I snapped my head up, remembering it. Quickly I told mom, hurrying her to go and call them. She left the room talking. Wesley sat down next to me.

“She’s gonna be alright. Skyler is a strong girl.” Were the comforting words he said. I breathed out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. She is a very strong girl. That’s what makes her so special. Getting up, made my way out of the living room. I can’t just sit here and wait for her to be alright. I have to see her and help her.

“Keaton,” Mom called as she saw me making my way to the front door. “The ambulance will be at her house in 5. Just stay here.” She begged. I turned round to face her, shaking my head.

“I wait around to hear if everything is ok. Her dad is horrible and disgusting. He hurts her mom, why would anyone want to do that?” She walked up to me, engrossing me in a hug. It was comforting but I had the feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was bad, really bad.

“It’s ok.” Mom stroked my hair, as I tried not to cry. I’m a guy, I’m not supposed to cry. This girl messes me up. But I don’t mind.

~Hayaa guys. Sorry for not uploading. I wanted to complete one of my other stories complety and then carry on. SO thats what i did. Not given much away have i. Skyler might not be ok, she might be. Ohhh. So yeh keep voting please? Got over 900 overall and 400 on this one! Thank you guys. Dedications for the best comments!

Natty Out ;; ~

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