Chapter Twenty-Three- The Aftershock

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Skyler’s POV

Silence. It can be a silence where couples are just staring in to each other’s eyes, just sitting there. That isn’t an awkward silence. It’s a nice one. But this, this is an awkward one. Keaton was sitting, head in hands, at the other end of the sofa. My hair was ruffled; my knees were against my chest. How did I let this happen? I am normally the most defensive person in the world. When I let my guard down for even a second, people take advantage of me.  But this wasn’t Keaton taking advantage of me, this was real. If I was correct, then this was the first time I had kissed a guy and someone had actual feelings for me. Well, maybe. We haven’t exactly spoken about what had just happened yet.

“I’m so sorry Skyler.” Keaton muttered. He probably felt bad, he had no reason to. The way he said it sounded like he hurt me, but to be honest, I enjoyed every minute of it.

“You don’t need to be sorry.” As soon as I finished the sentence, his head snapped up; hope filled his eyes. A small smile pulled at the corners of my mouth.

“So what you are saying is that you enjoyed it?” When he put it that way, it made me sound like a slut but you could say that. My cheeks heated slightly, probably making me look like a tomato.

“Well…” Wesley and Drew stormed in, smiles on their faces. I bit my lip, wanting to sort this out before anything happened. Wesley threw himself down next to me, causing his snapback to fall off.

“So, I take it something happened here!” Wesley announced, looking up at me. I stared at the wall, trying not to show any embarrassment. “Oh, Keats you didn’t!” It was obvious Wesley knew I mean Keaton and him basically have a psychic connection. Pretty sure of it. Drew was just standing there, almost as confused as a banana. “Keaton, why mate?” Keaton shrugged in reply. I just shrank back in to the sofa more. Drew came and sat down next to me, obviously seeing that I was uncomfortable. 

“What did he do Wes?” Drew chirped, wanting to clear the air. Wesley put on his famous smile.

“From what I can tell, Keaton here kissed Skyler.” For a moment I thought Wesley was going to say something completely different, but he was spot on.

“Keaton yes mate!” Drew high fived Keaton. I think Keaton and I were the only ones who weren’t smiling at the moment.

“Please leave it!” I mumbled, whilst falling on to Drew’s shoulder. His arms wrapped around me.

“Is someone embarrassed?” He asked. I nodded in to the crook of his neck. “There isn’t any reason to be, just means that you like Keaton too.” Drew teased slightly.

“Yeah, that seems to work.” Wesley piped up. I don’t like people teasing me. In the end some on gets hurt and I don’t want to hurt these guys.

“Shut up!” I moaned, smiling slightly. Burying my head more in to Drew, I couldn’t help but keep smiling. Inside me I was warm and gooey and it was comforting, yet unknown. If I am right then I may have a few minor feelings for Keaton. I really don’t know. I like him yeh, but I don’t know what is happening inside me. “Keaton, will you go to the dance with me then?” I asked, trying to be strong and figure everything out. Keaton looked up at me, smiling. The glimmer in his eyes told me the answer.

“If you’ll let me.”

~Yay new chapter guys! Getting really happy and excited about the amount of votes and stuff i am getting! Keep up the amazing work and i'll keep on writing for yous! Ben really busy with revision for exams and school so you know how it is. BUt never fear i shall try upload more. I dont want any of my fans dying! You know who you are :)

Natty out ;; ~

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