Chapter Five- Will you tell me your name?

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Keaton’s POV

“Does anyone here know the answer?”  Mr Sash attempted, frustration filling his voice. We had trying to be taught the same thing for the last half an hour. By now you can probably guess how I’m feeling. Mr Sash was old and his voice droned on and on. My hand was supporting my head, my eyes wanting to close. Bradley was too my right; he had fallen asleep. I chuckled to myself.

“What’s so funny Mr Stromberg?” The monotone voice questioned. The whole class turned round, begging me for him to change the subject.

“Oh nothing. Just the fact that the only reason no one can answer the question is it’s wrong. X squared should be X cubed.” The reaction on Me Sash’s face was priceless. I was right and now everyone else saw it, they knew I was too. Unfortunately Mr Sash didn’t think so.

“Get out!” He thrust his finger to the door, a sour look plastered across his face. The girls seemed to like me getting sent out, I mean they wanted me more. The guys cheered me on as I had stood up to the guy. No, I wasn’t too bothered about being in detention for the rest of the lesson. It was a relief.

My hand clutched the door handle and I strode out with pride. Out of the corner of my eye I could see two people sitting on the floor. Turning my head, I found beanie girl and the art teacher… What’s his name? Mr Watson. He was nice but art didn’t interest me much. Beanie girl was smiling, for the first time. Well since I had seen her.

“So if you would like to come with me?” Mr Watson rose from the floor and offered the girl a hand. The papers that were around her had been collected and were now clutched to Mr Watson’s chest. Beanie girl took his hand and was pulled to her feet. IN doing so her sleeve of her jacket had come back exposing multiple bruises. Quickly she pulled it straight back down again; her face falling from the smile. Mr Watson didn’t seem to notice.

“Oh hello Keaton. What you doing out of class?” Mr Watson chirped to me. I snapped out of my thoughts and shrugged.

“Mr Sash got annoyed when I said his question was wrong.” I smiled my smile at beanie girl. She turned her gaze to the doors at the end of the corridor.

“Keaton!” I heard Mr Sash call from inside the class. I opened the door once again. “Detention for the day!” I just smiled. No point in arguing.

“Why sir?” One of the girls at the front questioned.

“He took too long.”  I let a small laugh escape from inside.  Closing the door behind me, I found Mr Watson staring at me like ‘Seriously?’

“You’ll never get through life with attitude like that. And detention room is in my room, so join us.” Beanie girls head snapped back to me.

“Can’t you change the room sir?” She practically begged. Mr Watson raised an eyebrow at her.

“Is he involved to?” Mr Watson whispered to her. She looked back to the doors, shuffling on her feet. No I wasn’t really involved. Her gaze locked with mine. Eventually she shook her head.

“No he wasn’t.” Beanie girl reluctantly spoke. My charm has worked.

“Please come.” Mr Watson insisted. I nodded and walked next to beanie girl. The whole time she didn’t talk, she didn’t even look up.

“Keaton I’m not really bothered what you do here for the day. Do whatever.” Mr Watson stated as he set up and easel for beanie girl. Apparently Mr Watson has allowed her to do art for the whole day, due to what had happened this morning. Beanie was sitting at a desk looking through her pages from her art book. Every now and then she pulled a face at them. She made me laugh.

“There you go.” Mr Watson mused. Beanie looked up and smiled a thank you. It was like he didn’t want her name to be spoken. This is killing me. “I’ll be back soon. Just going to speak to the head ok?” Beanie nodded and got a large piece of paper and clipped it to her easel. The door clicked behind the man. My legs walked over to beanie girl, who was preparing paints.

“So what’s your name?” The words rolled off my tounge as I gave her my best smile. When she didn’t look up I slid on to the counter she was working on.  “So what’s your name mysterious girl from the skate park?” A quiet chuckle passed from her rosy lips. “Hello?” I waved a hand in front of her face, getting another laugh. She walked back to her easel and took a pencil in her hand. My hand grasped around the pencil.

“You are not going to go away are you?” She finally asked. I shook my head and smiled. Her lips parted in to a sweet smile.

“Let me ask again. What is your name?” Beanie girl gave up trying to take the pencil from my grasp.

“Give me my pencil and I’ll tell you.” She paused for me. “Well, maybe.” She whispered slyly. I raised one of my eyebrows. “I don’t like my name being heard.” She stated simply.

“Just tell me. I don’t have the most common name either.” No I didn’t. Keaton. And Wesley. A laugh built up inside but I managed to control it.

“Fine.” She sighed. “If it’ll shut you up. I don’t like you, you know that.” I didn’t hear what she said really I was too busy studying her face. Her eyes were the perfect shape with an aqua-marine tinge to them; her hair was black with blonde tips; a thick side fringe covering her forehead. The rosy lips were also perfect, hiding her pearly whites.

“Hello? Keaton?” She snapped her fingers in my face, bringing me back to reality. I smiled at her.

“Please carry on.” Her laugh ringed in my ears.


~Please tell me what you think. I'm not sure people are liking it so yeah.~

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