Chapter Nine- How to decide; Head or Heart?

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Skyler’s POV

“No, I just have a dad.” My hands gripped on the edge of the ramp, my legs swinging. Wesley was a nice guy; he treated me like I was a normal person. We had been sitting in the skate park for the rest of school. Wesley had study leave, which he spent at the skate park.

“Awesome. So you know my brother then?” Wesley said, laughing at my eye roll. I had a massive rant about Keaton earlier. Wesley was joking and no one ever really talked to me before like this. It was nice.

“Shut up! If he was…” I struggled for a word. “If he knew what he was doing then maybe I could get along with him. He’s either the guy you see on stage or the guy you see at home.” I shrugged my shoulders. Keaton hadn’t quite figured out which one he wanted to be.

“Yeh. I mean I don’t mind who he is I’m his brother.” Wesley commented. I smiled at him. Above us the clouds were still there waiting for someone to take notice of them. Like I was, for someone to give a damn about me. At any point they decide to burst. For once it was peaceful and quiet around here.  No birds, hardly any people, the odd car and business man on his way back to the office after lunch, engrossed in his new Blackberry or Smart phone. They are like brainwashers. You leave all the old things behind.

“How old are you then?” Wesley questioned, placing his board on his lap.

“Urm. 15… No wait what’s the date?” I asked, feeling my cheaks heat.  Bit embarrassing. You may be thinking, forgetting the dates not embarrassing. It’s another reason. Wesley had his smile pulling at his mouth as he tried to hold back a laugh. “Shut up!”

“20th or something. Why? Did you forget when your birthday was?” I lifted my shoulders up and gave a half smile.

“Something like that.” Wesley looked at me like I was joking. “In my house we don’t really celebrate birthdays.” To put it simply. Well, my dad hated me as you know so it’s kinda obvious he wouldn’t celebrate my birthday. I forget whether my birthday passes or not.

“Ok so has your birthday passed?” Wesley asked, raising the corner of his lip in confusion.

“Yep.” I popped the ‘p’. “16, same as Keaton ain’t I?” Wesley nodded and leaned in to the side of my face.

 “So the question is, do you like him or not?” Wesley whispered in my ear. I turned my head to find him beaming. My mouth dropped. The thing is I don’t know. Pulling my legs up so that they were now crossed, I thought about it. His smile, the way he tries to talk to me, the sparkle in his eyes, his shyness at times, his laugh. I added up all the good things about him. My brain was telling me I was stupid and that he wasn’t the type of I guy I go for. That is true but my heart begged me to be with him. This is really hard.

“How do you decide? Head or heart?” Wesley looked at me, trying to read me.

“Depends what they say?” It seemed like you can’t have a completely serious conversation with Wesley. I don’t trust people with my feelings, never had never will.

“I wouldn’t tell you even if you were my brother.” Wesley let a small chuckle out. Falling on my back, I thought about everything we had said. Could I trust Wesley? He’s a ladies man, but is being really nice to me. Decisions, decisions. The tarmac was cold but somewhat comforting. Wesley’s body flopped next to mine, a huffing noise escaping his lips. The resemblances between him and Keaton were very high. Yeh, I know they are brothers but still.

“What you thinking?” Wesley whispered. Pressing my cheek against the surface, I half smiled. My thoughts are never allowed out of my head. They ruin me and others. I’m in my own prison.

“Stuff. None of your business.”

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