Chapter Two- Damn Their Catchy Song!

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Skyler’s POV (The girl)

I was awoken by the sound of a loud banging.

“Skyler get up now!” Warren, my abusive dad, yelled. The banging on my door continued. I knew he wouldn’t leave until I answered him… and nicely. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the darkness that was my room.

“I’m awake.” I mused to him. His footsteps got quieter and quieter. He was gone. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I sprung up, making me slightly light-headed. Monday mornings are the worst! For two reasons; it’s Monday and secondly, Warren is the worst on Mondays. I hate school as well. Bullied and picked on every minute of your life for no reason at all. Then you go home and are beaten up, so basically life is a bitch. The situation with Warren is he hates me, says I’m too much like my mother. My mum died when I was 12, 3 years ago. Apparently my mum had a stress and depression disorder. Caused by me! Warren loved her, never loved me. She was 29 when she committed suicide. That’s when the abuse started.

Flicking my light on, I rummaged through my drawers for some clothes. Trying to forget what I tried so hard to lock away in the depths of my mind. Every part of wall was plastered with posters of bands; from ceiling to floor. My curtains were closed, shielding me from the outside would. To me my room was the safest place I could be; no one could touch me here.

My search was complete. I had found my ripped jeans and baggy band tee (Pierce the Veil). Most of my time was spent in school, in my room or in the mall. The last two are my favourite. Slipping my tee and jeans on, I glanced at my arms; the recent bruises were starting to fade. Tears brimmed my eyes and I quickly pulled on my army jacket and beanie. I had to leave here. This place had that kinda atmosphere where you don’t want to stay there longer than five minutes. Luckily for me, my hair was straight, so that gave me more time. My makeup was simple; cat eye was all I felt like today. I am on the verge of being scene kid and a skater, as people call them. That is one of the reasons for the bullying. But still I like who I am even if other people don’t. Well, I like rock music, I dress like one and I dye my hair a lot but I’m not sure that makes you one. But hey whatever. Two shoelaces were tied to my jeans; a skater tradition.

Grabbing my skate board I made my way to my window. After pulling open the curtains and adjusting to the outside light, I opened the window and breathed in the smell of salt. I was lucky to live the beach. Wait! Shoes! Stupid girl! My converses were peeping out from underneath my bed. Tattered and old. I liked them like that and didn’t expect to get a new pair any time soon. After slipping them over my feet, I made my way out of the window. If I didn’t go this way then I would have to face Warren. And I do not want that! To me a fifteen year shouldn’t go through this but unfortunately I do. I made my way down the trellis that ran down the side of our house. One day it would break, I know that.

I threw my board down. Surprisingly I was extremely early. Never this early. Tsk. Proud of myself. Maybe it was the fear of facing Warren. Meh, don’t know. Another one of my favourite places is the skate-park. Still no one pays me attention there.

I got there in a matter of minutes. A few people were already here, mingling with each other. The sun was already heating up the place. I flapped my tee, wishing I could take my jacket off. My mind was fuzzy form being sleep deprived. Man, I want to skate but I’m too tired! I slumped down on the side of the bowl, making a huffing noise as I went. Cars passed, not taking any notice of their surroundings. Someone around here had plugged in their phone and now a song I did not know was playing. Most of the guys around here joined in. I felt slightly out of place. A guy who was always here shouted.

“EMBLEM 3!” Oh the guys everyone was talking about. The guys everyone loves. No I don’t like them, yes their music is good, but I don’t really know who they are. I don’t get the privilege of watching TV very often. Even then I don’t watch X Factor. I knew what they all looked like. Two of them went to my school. As if on cue, the two who go to my school came round the corner in deep conversation with each other. They were brothers apparently. Yes, I can see it. The younger of the two was in most of my classes.

Their conversation as muffled as they went past. The older one wove at a few people here. I must look like a right weirdo, staring at them for no reason. The smaller one, no I do not know their names, the younger ones something like Keaton,  looked at me and gave a half smile. Why? It was like he felt sorry for me.  Anyway, time for school. Yay! More like time to do others homework and picked on.

I kicked down my board on the pavement. Hazy waves were rising off the warm tarmac. I don’t dress for the weather. A jacket, a beanie and a thick tee. No I don’t dress for it. Keaton and his brother were just ahead of me.

Damn, got his song in my head.

Welcome to the city angels. I said a bright future reflex off my aviators. Here’s a peace sign going out to all my haters.  

It’s a very catchy. Aww man, it’s gonna be in my head all day. I slowed down to skate past the pair.

High five Keaton. No hurt hand.

I only realised I actually sung the words out loud, when Keaton let out a small chuckle. My cheeks heated. Damn I don’t even like them! He probably thinks I’m like the rest of the girls. I’m not, to put it simply.

“WESLEY SHUT UP!” Keaton’s voice ringed behind me. I let a small laugh pass off my lips. The school was just around the corner. I had about 10 minutes till calculus started. Kicking my bored up, I slouched down on the side of a pavement under the shade of a cherry tree. Placing one headphone in my ear, I doubled clicked the button on my phone; the last song I listened to popped up on screen.  Amelia by Tonight Alive.

I think about you every single day. And every time I see your face. I wake and it brings me to tears. We hadn't spoken in years.

I sang the words to myself. To me my shoes were very interesting. When I looked up from my shoes, Keaton stood there dazed. His brother, named Wesley, I found out, pulled him towards the school doors. More and more people were flooding in. Guess I better get going.

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