Chapter Thirty-Two- Dead To Me

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Skyler’s POV

Keaton looked as if he was about to cry himself. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing from my swollen eyes.  Every time I even moved a little, everywhere hurt. The worst part was my jaw. The rest of my body I couldn’t feel. Drew and Wesley both shuffled their chairs closer to the bed, both happy to see me awake. My mind was fuzzy and I felt all light, as if floating.

“How did I get here?” I mumbled, almost sleepily. My throat killed, but still I chose to speak. Keaton furrowed his eyebrows. From the haze in my mind, I couldn’t decipher what I had done to get here.

“What do you mean? Do you not remember?” He asked, almost hurt. I remember vague parts but they are fuzzy and I can’t make sense of them.  My mouth didn’t open very far without it hurting. I inspected my body. Both legs in casts, both arms in bandages, bruises, cuts.

 I remember now. The thought of that night brought tears to my eyes again, this time continuously falling. Keaton straightened up, grasping my hand tighter, giving me comfort. Drew took my other hand, taking care not to hurt anything, avoiding the IV drip peg. Right now I wanted to escape my mind, get away from the images that filled it.

Each punch, each kick, each action of abuse. It replayed over and over, continuing the cycle of tears. As my eyes darted to each person in the room, I could see that they were all worried about me, scared for me. They didn’t know what to say, I could tell. To be honest, I don’t know if I want anyone to speak. It’ll make things worse for me I know that.  Beeping noises surrounded me, ringing in my ears.

Drew fidgeted in his seat, uncomfortable at the silence. Wesley sat, quiet. It was weird seeing all three of them silent and not showing off. Even if it does get annoying sometimes, I miss it. Sighing, I laid my head back on the huge pile of cushions, looking to the plain white ceiling. The door creaked open and in walked a tall figure. Averting my eyes to this figure, I found it to be a doctor. His face lit up, seeing me awake. Somehow I awoke from my coma thing in less than a day. I swear that never really happens. It mustn’t have been a very deep one then. I’m glad for that as I get to see the guys before they left. My stomach twisted in pain, I took a sharp breath in, scrunching my face up. Keaton’s face became even more worried. The doctor stood there, clutching the clipboard to his chest.

“You ok Skyler?” he asked me, reading something off the board, before returning his eyes to me. As I try and speak, my jaw refused to open, pain filling it. Taking my hand away from Drew’s, I bring it carefully to my jaw line, rubbing lightly on it. The doctor walked over to my drip, flicking it slightly. “The pain shouldn’t be there too much, I’ll get a nurse to replace the morphine. So any pain other than the jaw?” He asks me, going back to his original position.

“No not really.” I whisper, not moving my jaw too much. “What’s the damage?” I mumble in to my chest. Stretching my neck felt good; soon I stopped feeling a shooting pain in my ribs. The doctor nodded, writing on his paper. Do I want to know or not? I think it is best that I do. I want to know. Even if it is bad, I want to. Right now, I feel safe. Out of harm’s way. I am surrounded by three amazing guys, almost like the family I have never had. When I get out of this room, who knows, I may have a new family, I may feel completely insecure. In my mind I feel as if this could have been a lot worse. I don’t know how but it could have been. I mean, I could be dead right now. I have Keaton to thank for that. If he hadn’t put his number in my phone, I would definitely not be here. I am grateful for that. Little things can save lives. Turning my head to Keaton, I tried to give him a small smile. Hopefully it didn’t turn out for me looking like I was having a stroke. It hurt but I want him to know how much he means to me. I really like this guy. He’s sweet, likes great music, cares about me back and is a lifesaver. In return Keaton gave me a small grin, squeezing my hand slightly.

“You want to know?” The doctor asked, shocked. After I nodded, he sighed. “Internal bleeding, bruising, two broken legs, cuts, broken jaw, deep cuts on both arms and three broken ribs.” That was a lot. And from one man. That one man, my father. Of all people. I watched him from a little kid; he became my idol at one point, now he is dead to me. I don’t want to think of him as family.

~Hey there everyone. You probably hate me for not uploading in what seems forever. But to be honest, i had such little motivation that i completly gave up in a way. But dont fear i am here and i am still writing. As i have said, i need inspiration! Come on Team Inspire! 

So hope you like it . I dont. You can tell when i have little motivation adn inspiratioin, the chapters are short and bad. I really really really need motivation! Please?!

Anyway, i hope to keep writing. Sorry again!

Natty Out ;; ~

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