Chapter Four- Sherlock Holmes And Dr. Watson

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Skyler’s POV

The doors were open and I slipped in without anyone noticing. Like most days then. Again I was looking at my feet. I find it easier than facing people head on. But the only downside is you don’t see people and end up bumping in to them. Like I just did. My shoulder collided with someone’s; I automatically mumbled a sorry and carried on my way to my locker.

“Hey wait up?” A familiar voice called after me. No, don’t stop they will only take advantage of you Skyler!

Even if it’s the voice of Keaton?

Sometimes my mind persuades me I like things when I don’t. I didn’t want to carry my skateboard around all day. My fingers twisted the lock that sat on my locker. Quickly I pushed my board in and attempted to take my books out. Unfortunately I wasn’t quick enough and my board hit me straight in the forehead, hard! That’ll leave another bruise on your body Skyler. Replacing my board back in the locker I got my books out and managed to shut it in time. Hugging the books to my chest I picked my bag off the floor and slung it over my shoulder. Some idiot walked in to me, slamming our shoulders together. My books for the day fell out of my hands and in to a mess on the disinfected floor.

Dammit you lovers of perfume. Yes the girl smelled very nice but it made my nose itch. Perfume doesn’t cooperate well with me. As I tried to collect my papers before anyone came and trampled on them. Unfortunately for me the Twins came over and decided to ‘help’ me. I knew they were up to something. The rest of the group of guys came over and watched as they teared every book I had there. My art book was the first to go. The drawings in there were personal and I could see in Keaton’s eyes that he thought they were good. Bringing my knees to my chest I couldn’t do anything but sit there. My whole work and all was thrown around me in a sea of white. Turning my gaze to Keaton, I begged him with my eyes to stop. The twins had nothing else to destroy.

“Hey guys, take a break yeah?” Keaton tried, seeing the distress in my eyes. He had spoken too late, everything was ruined. Can he not speak when things like this are happening or does he enjoy watching me get hurt?

“What you like her, it that it?” Jason, no wait, was it Jackson… I don’t know. One of the twins teased, after pushing me slightly. I stuck my hand out to balance myself and returned to my original position. Keaton shook his head in reply and pointed out the white mess that surrounded me. My face was now buried in my knees, I had never cried at school, but today I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“No. You have done a little too much.” Keaton tried and tried to make them stop. But they just thought of it as a joke.

“Yeah guys. If you did carry on let me join in!” Bradley Kenner was a huge guy and extremely nasty. He was a year older than all of us here, being a stupid Neanderthal he failed all of his exams and got kept back a year.

The bell rang and the remaining people that were left in the corridor moved to their first lesson. My legs wouldn’t move. I felt hopeless and defeated. That art work meant a lot to me. When I managed to force my head to look up the corridor was empty. Someone will find me sooner or later.  I buried my face back in my knees and waited.

“Excuse me miss you’re supposed to be in lessons.” A male voice spoke after clearing his throat. Managing to rest my head on my knees I replied.

“I have no equipment anymore so what’s the point. You cannot teach me much more.” Yes I was implying that I was too smart but to be honest I kinda am. AT home I teach myself. At school I teach myself at lunch times. In lessons the teachers always challenge me. The harder the challenge doesn’t make a difference; I complete it within a matter of minutes.

“Who ripped up all of your books?” The guy asked with concern. He had light brown hair with a fringe that swooped across his forehead; he looked about late twenty’s; he was also pretty tall too.

“Who ripped up all your books?” He repeated after I didn’t reply.

“Urmm well I could say I did it myself but that is a lie.” I mumbled my voice slightly croaky from crying. The guy let out a stifled laugh. He was nice and friendly, made me feel happy.  

“Yeh, don’t think a girl like you would do that to your own books when you brag about how intelligent you are.” He joked, then bent down and sat next to me leaning against my locker. “I’m Mr Watson.” I shook his hand. Woah, his hands were as soft as a babies butt. I laughed to myself inside.

“Skyler-Lyric Holmes. You can call me Skyler though.” The words flowed out my mouth. Mr Watson’s eyes were a light green; they were nice.

“Sweet name. You do realise we are Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes.” A light laugh passed my lips. Wow, he was fast thinking. “So who was it then?” His tone of voice serious once again.

“Mainly Jackson and Jason Hunt. Bradley Kenner mocked me a bit.” Mr Watson nodded at what I was saying.

“How long have they been doing this?” I shrugged, as long as I can remember.

“Not sure. Don’t tell them I said anything.” He nodded in understanding. I didn’t want any more trouble from them. Mr Watson looked down at the pieces of paper scattered around us. Carefully he picked up my art; well any drawings he could find. Placing one behind the other after he inspected them, Mr Watson looked at me.

“These are really, really amazing!” Mr Watson stated, smiling widely at me. My legs relaxed and straightened out on the shiny floor.

“Thank you!” I mumbled, slightly embarrassed. I never let anyone look at my work.

“By the way I’m any art teacher.” He whispered to me. I laughed.

“You really think they are good?” I asked him in disbelief. He nodded and started to collect all the papers and remaining book covers.

“They are professional level Skyler. I could pull some strings, so you can spend all day doing art with me?” Mr Watson asked me, stopping what he was doing. I too stopped. Well this option was better than any I’ve ever had.

“Really? You could do that?” Mr Watson nodded then smiled at my beaming face. For the first time in a long time I was happy. Wait strap that, for the first time in my life I felt someone cared for me.

~Hope everyone likes it! Please comment and vote! One shot requests are still OPEN! So message me if you would like one!~

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