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"Derek no!" Meredith said as she sat with her head in her hands

"Darling, I have to" he said softly as he crouched down in front of her

"No, you don't you want to" she said as she hid her tears in her hands

"Meredith, sweetie I'll be back soon" he whispered softly as he kissed the side of her head

"No, you won't! You said that last time and you were gone for a lot longer then you said you would be" she yelled as she stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen

"Something came up" he said as he stood back up

"Oh Yea? Will something come up this time too?" She asked

"I don't know" he said as he started to walk into the kitchen

"Stay there" she said softly and walked further into the kitchen.

"Meredith" he sighed

"No" she said as she walked out the sliding doors to the backyard and closed them behind her without him noticing

"Meredith" he said once again but got no answer as she got into her car as she already had shoes on and then drove away.

"Meredith!" He said as he raised his voice a bit and walked into the kitchen but saw that it was empty.

"Meredith!" He yelled again as he looked everywhere for her.

He looked all around the house but she was nowhere, he tried calling her number multiple times but she never answered he started to get worried as there were a lot a people that would love to take her considering she was his wife and in order to hurt him you would have to hurt Meredith.

He went outside and asked any of the guards if they had seen Meredith, they told him that they had seen her leave but they didn't know where. Derek checked his phone for her location but she had seen that she had turned it off so he couldn't find her knowing he would look for her.

He got in his car and drove around hoping to find her car somewhere but it was nowhere. He drove around for hours but he couldn't find her. It was almost midnight and it was getting dark out and he still hadn't found her. He called every person she knew and every person he knew but they all hadn't seen her. He drove back home and cried him self to sleep in their empty bed that would never be the same without her.

It was the next morning and Derek didn't see a reason to get up out of bed, he had work but work is what made Meredith leave in the first place, he staid in bed and started to fall back asleep.

Meredith drove back home and drove into the gates and when she parked her car and got out one of the guards came up to her

"You're husband was very worried about you last night" he said and then walked away

Meredith was a bit confused because she wasn't hiding from Derek. She went back into the house and walked upstairs and into their bedroom where she saw Derek sleeping in bed. She went into the closet and picked out something to where and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

She got dressed into a simple black dress and curled her hair. She walked over to where Derek was sleeping and climbed in bed and sat beside and played with his curls that where a mess from sleeping but she still found him adorable when he slept.

He started to stir a bit and he looked like he was having a bad dream so she brought his head in her lap and ran her finger threw his hair as he started to calm down at her presence.

He slowly woke up and get where he was laying and felt someone running their fingers threw his hair, he knew that the only person who knew he liked that and only liked when one specific person did that was Meredith. He looked up and saw her and he immediately brought her into him and hugged her not wanting to let go.

"I thought I lost you" he cried into her shoulder

"Why?" She whispered

"Because you left and I couldn't find you"

"I was at you're mothers, Derek"

"You what?" He asked as he pulled away to look at her and saw that she had. Showered and had changed and curled her hair.

"I was at you're mothers" she said softly as she rubbed his cheek with her thumb.

"I called her and she said that she didn't know where you were" he said

"Maybe she thought I didn't want to see you" she whispered as she kissed his forehead

"Did you want to see me?" He asked as she pulled away

"I always want to see I just needed some time alone that was all, I wasn't hiding from you, don't worry I'm right here" she whispered as she kissed his on the lips softly

"Don't do that ever again" he said

"Okay, I won't she smiled as he leaned back and pulled her into his chest and held her.

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