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the next morning I was in the kitchen cooking whilst everyone slept. I placed the pan of scrambled eggs on the table and went back to the stove.

I grabbed another pan and placed it on the burner and sprayed it. I poured some of the batter into the pan and let it cook.

after I finished cooking breakfast, I plated everything. I went back to the stove and put the pan in the sink. I sighed and rested my hand down on the counter.

"Ow!" I winced and pulled my hand away from the stove, realizing I didn't turn it off.

I turned the stove off and quickly ran my hand under the cold water from the tap. I grabbed some plates from the cabinets and set the table, I got some glasses, forks, and orange juice and did the same.

I walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. I decided to wake Greyson first since he's always the happiest in the morning.

I knock on the door the before opening it. I walk into the room and see that Greyson is still sleeping in his bed, shirtless with the covers at his waist.

I walk up to his bed. I brush the dark curls away from his face and kiss his, lingering on his forehead. "Greyson, it's time to wake up," I whisper gently shaking his shoulder.

"Grey, darling, it's time for breakfast," I kiss his head.

"Mama," he says tiredly. "What is it?" I ask. "I'm tired," he whispers. "I know. but it's time to wake up, Grey, put some clothes on and eat some breakfast," I say before standing up. I walk to the door and turn around to see him tiredly walking into his bathroom.

I leave Greyson's room and go into Fiona's room, she's a little more cranky in the morning. I knocked on the door and heard she wasn't awake. I opened the door and walked into her room. she was still asleep, laying on her stomach spread out in bed with the blanket wrapped around her stomach.

I walked over to her closet and picked out a her school uniform for school. I laid it out on the bed before I walked over to her and pulled the covers away. I straightened out her small night gown before sitting on the bed and lifted her into my arms.

"Fiona, it's time to wake up," I whispered in her ear as I kissed her forehead multiple times. "No, mama, I want sleep,' she mumbled. "I know, sweetie, but it's morning and it's time for breakfast," told her. "No, No," she started crying.

"Fiona, we're not doing this again this morning, it's time for breakfast," I stand up and carry her into the bathroom. I place her down on the bathroom floor and crouch down in front of her. "Fiona Claire, you're going to go potty and then your going to come in the kitchen for breakfast," I tell her.

she nods crying. "good girl," I say. I stand up and kiss her forehead. I leave the bathroom and close the door on my way out. I go into the twins room and see that they're are already awake.

"Mama!" they both say as they run to him and hug my legs. "Hello, my babies," I smile. I hug them and kiss them both on the heads. "how long have you two been awake?" I ask. "not long, can we have breakfast?" they ask excitedly. "yes, go into the kitchen," I tell them and they run out of the room and into the kitchen.

I go into the kitchen and make plates for the twins and Greyson and pour them some orange juice. I leave the kitchen and go into Maeve's room. I see that she is still asleep. I let her sleep before I go upstairs and into our bedroom.

I find Derek half asleep in bed. "Derek, I made breakfast and I've already woken up the kids, I don't want to have to wake you too," I say. "yea, I'm awake," he says rolling onto his back.

"come eat, I cooked," I tell him. "is that a bad thing or a good thing?" he asks looking towards me with a smile on his face. "you tell me after you try it, come on," I say. I put my hand out and he takes it. he gets up and out of bed.

"why are you always naked in the mornings, put some pants on," I tell him. "Hey, you were the one that took them off last night," he says. "yes, I know, don't make me regret it," I say. he puts on his pants and gets dressed for work.

he goes downstairs to watch the kids while I get ready. after I get ready I go downstairs as well and see Derek eating at the table and talking with the kids, and I see Fiona dressed and eating as well.

"good morning," I kiss Derek on the lips. "morning," he says pulling me in for a deeper kiss. we pull away as we heat the kids say 'ew'

I giggle as I go over to the counter and clean up some things from before. "Meredith, what happened to your hand?" Derek asks. "nothing, why?" I say.

"come here," he says looking at me and gestures for me to come to him. "Baby, come here," he says. I sigh and walk over to him. he sakes my hand and looks at it.

"did you burn yourself?" he askes looking me in the eye so I won't lie to him. "yes, I accidently put my hand on the stove without noticing until I burnt myself," I say. "after I'm done eating I'll take a look at it for you and wrap it up," I nod.

the kids finished eating and went to get their things for school. Derek cleaned up the dishes and brought them into the sink. I grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink. he placed it on the counter. he takes out some things.

he rubs some cream onto my hand which is cold, after he wraps my hand up. "there. now, I want you to be more careful when your cooking, okay?" he says. I nod. I kisses my softly.

"I have to go to work now, I'll see you and the kids later," he kisses me once more before he leaves the room.

drama suggestions??

maybe crazy family members...

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