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I woke up to bright lights all over the room. I squinted my eyes as I sat up in the bed. I then felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I put my hand on my stomach where the pain was as I moved up the bed a bit.

I looked over to my left to see that Derek was sitting in the chair next to me asleep. I looked to the right of me and saw two carts that each held one baby. one held a baby wrapped in a hospital blanket with a blue hat and the other held a baby with a pink hat and a hospital blanket. another little boy and another little girl. I leaned back into the bed and enjoyed the silence while it lasted.

about a minute later, one of the babies started stirring and cooing. I moved up a bit and rolled the cart next to me. I gently took her out. I held her in my arms and gently bounced her. she moved her hands over her face and smacked her lips and curled into my chest.

I untied my gown and pulled it down enough so she could latch on. I moved her closer to my chest. she felt around for a bit before she latched on. she sucked gently before sucking with a bit more force. I ran my hand over her head as she held her eyes closed as she continued to nurse. I moved my gown a bit so was more covered.

"When did you wake up?" Derek asked sitting up in the chair. "a few minutes ago" I answered covering her head with my gown. "since when are you embarrassed to breastfeed in front of me?" he asked looking at me confused.

"I'm not, I just don't want... the baby to get cold. they are still so small" I said. "Meredith," he said standing up. "can you close the door and curtains?" I asked. he walked over to the windows and closed the curtains along with the door.

he walked back over to the bed and pulled down my gown to see her head. "Meredith," he said looking at me. "what?" I shrugged looking outside. "Why did you cover her head?" he asked sitting down on the side of the bed.

"I told you I didn't want her to get cold," I said. "she's wearing a hat," he says. "were you scared that I would be upset because it's one boy, one girl instead of two boys?" he asked softly. "maybe" I whispered looking down at her. "I told you before, I'm fine with having another little girl," he said kissing my cheek before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"did she latch on easily for did it take a bit?" he asked. "she seemed a bit clueless a first but then she latched on, and now she's doing good," I said still looking at her. "he hasn't woken up yet?" he asked looking over at the other baby who was sleeping.

"No, not yet," I said. "were you still asleep when they brought them in?" I asked. "yeah, well I was half asleep when they brought them in. I noticed but they were both asleep" he said. "have you called Amelia? does she even know we left?" I asked.

"No, she doesn't even know we've been gone," he said. "we should call her, what time is it?" I asked. "five, almost six in the morning," he said. "what time did we leave?" I asked. "four in the morning" he answered. "if it's that early then she's probably already awake and so are the kids, what are they going to think when the kids go into our room to wake us up but we're not in there?"

"I'll go call Amy," he said. he walked over to me and kissed me on the lips and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room. she finished eating and unlatched. I moved her out of my gown and laid her down in my lap. I tied my gown back before I picked her up again and placed her on my chest. I gently patted her on the back until she burped.

I laid her back down in my arm as she started to fall back asleep. "I called Amelia she was very mad when she found out we left her with two kids while she's four months pregnant but she wasn't very mad when she found out it was because you went into labor," he said.

"And?" "and she's on her way with Greyson, Fiona, and my parents" he sighed. "your parents? how do they know if you just told her?" I say. "she called them when she saw we weren't home and when I called her she was on speakerphone," he said. "good to know, and I need your help," I said.

"what's that?" I sat down on the bed. "we don't have any names for either of them" I said. "not even you thought of any? we had Greyson and Fiona's names picked out before they were even born" he chuckled. "we couldn't agree on a name for a boy and you wouldn't let me say a girl's name" I said looking at him.

" and I'm sorry for that, but our babies still need names," he said softly. "maybe, if we wait for a bit the names will come to us" he adds. I nod. there was a knock at the door. "Are they hear so soon?" I asked. "we're don't live far from here," he says. he walks to the door and opens it. Greyson and Fiona run into the room and Amelia followed behind them.

"Thanks for letting me know I had to take care of two kids under the age of five alone before you left," She says sarcastically. "when you go into labor you'll know why we left without saying anything before leaving," Derek said. "you didn't even go into labor," she said looking at him.

"mom and dad will be here soon," she said before there was another knock at the door. Derek went to answer the door. "can I hold this?" Amelia asked pointing to the baby in the basket. "yes, just make sure to support his head" I said. "I'll help you, you've never held a baby before. sit down" Derek tells her as he picks up the baby and hands him to her after she sits down.

"you let Greyson hold Fiona when she was when he was a year old," she says bouncing the baby a bit. "Derek," I said before he could say anything back. "fine," he says sitting back down on the side of the bed. "can you take her?" I said as I handed her to him. he takes her and holds her in his arms looking at her.

"Do you want another daughter now?" I asked. he didn't answer as he continued looking at the baby. I smiled as he continued looking at the baby.

I never thought about names before making them born...

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