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It was now a few weeks later and I was helping Meredith pack everything. she was in bed getting Greyson dressed and ready to go home, she was making sure he had thick warm clothes on because it was getting colder outside.

I packed the diaper bag and Meredith's bag. once she had Greyson dressed she buckled him into his car seat. I picked up the car seat and set it down on the floor. I helped Meredith into the wheelchair, I gave her both the bags that she held in her lap. I then helped her get her coat on.

while I pushed Meredith's wheelchair I handed the car seat to the guard that I had come with us when Meredith went into labour.

we got outside to the car, I helped Meredith into the back and the guard handed me Greyson, I put the Greyson in the middle right beside Meredith.

the guard drove in the driver's seat while I sat in the passenger's seat while Meredith tended to the baby.

my mother called me before we left the hospital. she told me that she was at the house getting everything ready for when we arrived. my father had moved the crib into our bedroom, Meredith wanted the crib in our bedroom for the first few weeks so it would be easier to get to him in the night.

the baby started crying, Meredith took out a bottle of breastmilk and put it in his mouth, it took him a few seconds before he latched on and sucked.

we finally arrived at the house where all the guards were waiting for us. I helped Meredith out of the car and carried her inside while one of the guards got Greyson.

I took Meredith upstairs into our room. I laid her down in our bed for her comfort. I pulled the covers over her and added some blankets before fluffing the pillow in our kind size bed.

She adjusted herself a bit before closing her eyes and starting to fall asleep.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"Your welcome, my love," I said before kissing her on the forehead.

The guard brought Greyson into the room, setting his carrier down on the floor.

I walked over to him, picked up his carrier, and carried it over to the bed. As I set the carrier on the bed I carefully took him out and cradled him in my arms. I set the carrier down in the middle of the room and brought him over to the bassinet.

I moved it over so it was right next to where Meredith laid and gently laid him down. I laid a thin blanket over him and put his pacifier into his mouth and he sucked on it.

When Greyson fell asleep I went into my office to do some work, I got out some files and started getting started on those.

when I finished my work I went back to the bedroom where Meredith was sitting against the headboard with her shirt and bra on the bed whilst she held Greyson in her arms and fed him.

I went into the room and picked up some of the clothes that were on the floor and tossed them into the hamper, I took the clothes off the bed and did the same with them.

"Do you wanna take a shower?" I asked Meredith.

"yea, after I finish feeding him," she said quietly.

she had dark bags under her eyes and she looked exhausted, she could barely keep her eyes open.

while she was feeding Greyson I went into the bathroom and started a hot shower, I went back into the room and Meredith was just putting Greyson back into the bassinet.

she got out of bed and tiredly walked into the bathroom, she took off the rest of her clothes and got in.

I went over to the side of the bed where Meredith was sitting before and watched as Greyson started to fuss. Meredith was about to get out of the shower but I picked him up and rocked him a bit until he stopped crying.

he started to fall back asleep, I was about to put him back in but he started crying again. I held him in my arms and he fell back asleep. I leaned back onto the headboard, looking down at him as he peacefully slept.

Meredith finished her shower, she got out and dried herself off with a towel along with towel drying her hair.

she came back into the bedroom and went over to the closet and picked out some comfortable clothes and put them on. she didn't put a bra on because it would only make breastfeeding harder for her.

she came back into bed and was about to take Greyson from me.

"Why don't you get some sleep, you didn't get much sleep at the hospital," I told her.

"I'm not tired Derek, I'm fine" she protested.

"Meredith, I can see it in your eyes, you're tired. get some sleep I'll watch him" I told her.

it looked like she wanted to argue with me but she was too tired. she gave in and got under the covers, laid down on the bed, and started to fall asleep right after.

once Meredith fell asleep I took Greyson downstairs into the living room so if he started crying he wouldn't wake Meredith.

I sat down on the couch with him and turned on the TV and turned the volume down.

after about an hour Meredith and Greyson were still asleep. there was a knock at the door, I stood up and placed Greyson down in the stroller that was sitting in the living room.

I went over to the front door and saw Ellis, Meredith's mother standing at the door.

"Ellis, what are you doing here?" I asked as she walked past me into the room.

"Where's Meredith? I need to speak with her" she said before walking around the room.

"She's asleep, and don't wake her. She just fell asleep and she didn't get much rest when she was at the hospital" I told her.

"Then where's the baby?" She asked with her hands on her hips, acting as if I didn't know where Greyson was.

"He's in the stroller," he said pointing to the stroller.

She looked at Greyson for a second before walking out the front door and slightly slamming it on her way out, making Greyson cry.

I walked over to him and picked him up out of the stroller. I bounced him in my arms as he settled down.

I went back upstairs and thankfully saw that Meredith was asleep. I went into the bedroom and laid him down in the bassinet.

He fell asleep when I laid him down, I went to the other side of the bed and crawled under the covers. I pulled Meredith into me by the waist, closing my eyes.

She turned to face me before pushing her face into my chest and going back to sleep. After she fell asleep I did as well.

If you have any suggestions for some drama let me know!

I'm also thinking of changing my user which will mean I'm going to be changing my book covers!

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