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eight months pregnant.


I finished buttoning the buttons on Greyson's shirt. "there. how's that?" I say smoothing out his shirt before tucking it into his black dress pants. "I like it!" he smiles, looking into the full body mirror. he jumped off the bed and walked up to the mirror to get a closer look. "I like these new clothes, thank you mommy!" he smiles running to me and hugging my legs.

"your welcome, I would kiss you but I can't bend down," I say. he giggles pulling away and going back to the mirror. "does he like the clothes?" Derek asks coming out of the closet while tying his tie. "look at him" I smile. he looks over at Greyson who was playing his the collar of his shirt.

"He really likes him," I say. "when can I wear a tie?" he asks still smiling turning to look at us. "you want to wear a tie?" Derek asks. "please" he whines. before Derek said could say no, I walked over to the bag sitting on the bench. I took out the tie I bought for Greyson. I wasn't sure if he would want it. "here, want me or daddy you show you how to tie it?" I asked. "why does he have to choose? why can't I just do it?" Derek asked offended.

"because I've been tying your tie since the day we met," I say. I pick up the tie. "Grey, come stand up on the bed please," I say. he nods running over to the bed and jumping on the bed. he stood up in front of me. I folded his collar up and put it around his neck before tying it. after trying it a folded the collar back down. "there you go" I say. he jumps off the bed and over to the mirror, smiling as he looks at his tie.

"Is this what you meant when you said you wear going to dress our son the way you would want your husband to dress?" Derek asked me while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. "yes," I smile. "are we going to do the same with these two?" he asked putting his hand on my stomach. "if the other one is a boy then yes" I say.

a few months ago we found out we were having twins. I decided I didn't want to know the second gender. Derek wanted to know the gender but I said no and he was still mad about it.

"why can't we find out the gender of the second baby? we already know ones a boy, can we please make an appointment to find out the baby?" he pleads, standing in front of me. "why does it matter? the baby's going to be born in a month, just wait until then," I say. I kiss him on the lips and then walk over to Greyson and fix his collar. "do you want to wear your blazer for the funeral?" I ask. we're going to a funeral from Derek's side of the family, it's extended family so I and the kids don't know him.

"yes, please," he smiles. I pick up the blazer off the bed and put it on him. "there, your all set, now, can you go check if your sister is ready?" I ask. he nods his head and ran out of the room. I close the door once he's gone. I walk over to the bed and lay down it. "I don't know if I can go to the funeral" I sigh. "do your legs still hurt from this morning?" he asked leaning down next to me. "yes... and I don't know if I'll be able to get up" I whisper looking at him.

he leans in and kisses me on the lips. "why do we have to go to the funeral anyway? we barely even know the guy?" I say. he stands up and sits at the end of the bed. he pushes my dress up and starts massaging my legs, making me moan. "how about you take the kids and go and then I stay home?" I suggest. "No, if you don't go then I don't have anyone to talk to," he says. "it's your family, I don't know anyone there" I breathe. "if you go I'll run you a hot bath when we get home," he says. "you're doing that either way," I said. "deal... but you're still going," he says kissing my ankle. "fine" I sigh.

I carefully sit up. I stand on the floor before sitting back down quickly. "I can't stand up again, my legs hurt too much," I said. "do you want me to continue massaging your feet until we have to leave?" he asks sitting next to me. "they'll hurt when we get there, we'll be standing the entire time" I groan laying my head down on his shoulder. "it'll be over before you know it," he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"My hands hurt too," I say as tears start to fill my eyes. "why do your hands hurt?" he asked confused. "I don't know!" I cried. he turned to face me and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. "Why are you crying?" he whispered. "I don't know" I replied. he comforted me until I finally stopped crying. he pushed my face further into the crease of Derek's neck. "you're going to have to make up for everything when we get back" I said.

"yes, I will. I will you finger fuck you until you can't move a muscle" he whispered in my ear, making shivers go down my spine. my shoulders went up as I hugged him tighter. "okay, I'm going to go get you your shoes, and then we'll get the kids and leave" I says pulling away. I nod my head. he kissed me on the forehead. he got up and grabbed my black flats from the shoe rack. he sits back down on the bed and I move to the head of the bed. he slipped my flats onto my feet. once they were on, he rubbed both my ankles firmly with his hands. he kissed both my ankles and stood up.

he helped me stand to my feet. we go downstairs. he picks up my bag and my coat before handing them to me. "Amelia, are the kids ready?" Derek asked. Amelia's been living here for the past three months. she helps out with the kids and she's been sober ever since. she's also three months pregnant. "yea, I finally got Fiona ready, she was trying to find the perfect black dress," Amelia said coming out of Fiona's bedroom.

"she says that every day, she gets it from Meredith," Derek says looking at me. I shrug. he laughs before picking up Fiona. Amelia holds Greyson's hand as we walk out of the house. Amelia gets in the middle between Fiona and Greyson so they don't fight. Derek gets in the driver's side while I get in the passenger seat. he starts the car and drives out of the driveway.

what should I do to get more reads?

what should I make happen next? more drama?

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