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a month later.

I woke up the next morning seeing that Meredith was still asleep.

I carefully moved out of bed before going to the other side and checking if Greyson was still asleep.

I went downstairs to make some breakfast. Thankfully Greyson slept the whole night, Meredith woke up a few times though. instead of Greyson waking up crying it was Meredith waking up crying in the middle of the night.

she said her back was still hurting from what happened not too long ago when someone broke into the house and beat her with a whip, I have some guys looking for that person. they said they've already found two people that could have done it.

they know one of them did it they just need one of them to confess but even if one of them so I'm probably gonna end up torturing them both because they're both famous bank robbers and killed many innocent people in the doing.

I finished making breakfast brought it upstairs and into our bedroom. when I walked into the room Meredith was sitting in bed feeding Greyson.

"hey, you feel any better?" I asked as I sat the tray down on the bed and sat down next to her.

"No. my back is still killing me," she said as she wiped the tear from her eyes.

"maybe we should take you to the hospital later today," I said as I rubbed the hair out of her face.

"No, I have to stay with Greyson" she replied.

" he'll be fine, I'll take him to work with me," I told and she looked at me confused.

"I won't take him to kill people with me I'll be in my office all day he'll be fine with me"

"I don't like going to the hospital," she said quietly.

"I know, but you have to go, your back needs to get better especially now with Greyson. your back can't be hurting every time you bend down to pick him up"

"I'll go later," she said before gently leaning her back onto the headboard.

"When you do I'll send Alessandro to go with you," I told her before cutting a piece of her food and feeding it to her as she let out a deep breath as she took a bite.

after I finished feeding her she handed me Greyson and went into the bathroom to shower. I carried Greyson into his nursery and laid him down on the changing table. I took his clothes off and changed his diaper.

I changed him into a clean pair of clothes, a white full-footed onesie.

I picked him up and brought him into our bedroom. Meredith came from the bathroom dressed in a long white dress with short sleeves.

"you're wearing that to the hospital?" I smiled.

"yes, I was thinking of seducing the doctor," she said sarcastically.

"what if the doctor is a woman?" I asked playing along.

"I've been hit on by women" she shrugged as she put on a pair of heeled boots.


" plenty of times," she said before walking over to me and kissing Greyson on the cheek a few times and playing with his hair a bit.

"he has your hair" she smiled before walking out of the room.

I stood up with Greyson in my arms, I picked up the carrier and set it down on the bed. I put him in the carrier and buckled him in. I carried him downstairs and grabbed his diaper bag, I looked outside and saw Meredith had already left and Alessandro also had left.

I grabbed the rest of my things and put on my coat I made sure all my guns weren't loaded before I put a blanket over him a bit, went into the kitchen and grabbed some of Meredith's breastmilk, then left the house.

I put him in the car, buckled the seatbelt, and went to the front. I started driving to the building where I work. while I was driving I loaded one of my guns and placed it back into its holster.

all the windows were bulletproof so I didn't have to worry about anyone shooting in the car or shooting Greyson and me.

I drove to the building, parked outside, and parted into the parking lot.

I got out of the car and took Greyson out of the backseat. I carried him inside the building, when I walked into the building a got a few weird looks and then they looked down at Greyson who was playing with his hands before putting them into his mouth.

I walked up to my office and set Greyson down on the floor. I went to the closet and took out the small bassinet I put in there before Greyson was born.

I set it up next to my desk, I took Greyson out of the carrier and laid him down in the bassinet. I got him comfortable before tossing my blanket over him a bit and then sat down at my desk and got to work.

after a few minutes into work, Greyson started crying. I stopped what I was doing stood up from my desk and picked him up from the bassinet and rocked him a bit until he stopped fussing.

I sat back down in my chair keeping Greyson in my arms. he stayed quiet as long as I was holding him. I did some work while holding Greyson in my left hand as he started to fall asleep.

after about a few minutes I heard someone start walking towards my office door, the door swung open and someone walked in ranting.

"can you believe some idiot brought their stupid baby to the office, I mean we work hard enough as is and now someone decides to bring an annoying ass baby here" Renee my secretary said walking into my office without knocking or noticing Greyson.

"Derek?" she asked still not looking at me, I've told her so many times to not call me by my first name.

"yea, I don't know why someone would bring their son to the office" I answered back looking down at Greyson who was sleeping and snoring softly, he reminds me a lot of Meredith.

"how do you know it's a boy?" she asked.

"because it's my son that's been crying, and he was only crying once for a few seconds," I said.

"you don't have a son," she said looking at me confused, she couldn't see Greyson because he was lower than the desk.

"where do you think I was the last month?" I asked slightly moving side to side in the chair.

"I thought you were shot or something" she mumbled taking off her coat.

"what are you doing?" I asked standing up and gently laying Greyson down in the bassinet, leaning up against the desk, and crossing my arms over my chest.

"we're working today," she said walking over to me.

"I work alone, and you have your own office down the hall. my office is not your office" I told her.

"what's in the bassinet?" she asked looking in the bassinet.

"I already told you," I told her.

she looked at me with wide eyes I smiled at her and sat back down in my seat.

"Derek I-"

"one, don't call me Derek, two, don't talk about me, my son, or my wife. yes I know you talk about my wife, and three, leave my office and before you come in knock" I said looking back at my computer.

"y-yes sir," she said looking down and leaving my office.

"Okay Greyson, who should I kill first? Johnathan or Clive?" I said leaning back into my seat. "how about we torture them both in the dungeon, hmm?" I said smiling and went back to work.

any suggestions.

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