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lets just say Fiona can talk really well.


I woke up still in the tight arms of Derek. I carefully pulled myself out of Derek's arm. I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I opened the toilet seat and kneeled down in front of it.

I waited a bit before I felt it come up my throat. after I threw up in the toilet I brushed my teeth and went back into the bedroom to see Derek up and getting dressed in some clean clothes. "how's the morning sickness?" he asked walking over to me.

"right on time," I say while rubbing my hand over my eyes. he kisses the side of my head before pulling me into his chest.

"it'll get better when your second trimester is over... hopefully," he says. I glare at him.

"I don't know how pregnancy works" he defends. "this is our third child!" I said. "and I don't know how I feel, I just know how you tell me how it feels," he says. "pregnancy wasn't so bad with Fiona, it was much worse with Greyson, that's for sure," I say going over to sit on the bed.

" then the sickness might be similar to Greyson's because we're having another boy," he says coming to sit in front of me on the bed. "I don't want another pregnancy like Greyson's" I groaned throwing my head back onto the headboard.

"We can go see the doctor?" he suggested. "No, I'll be fine" I got up and went to the closet. I picked out some clothes and got dressed. I took a shower last night.

I went back into the bathroom. I brushed out my hair and curled it. I left the bathroom and went downstairs. Derek followed me downstairs and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I walked to Greyson's bedroom door and opened it slowly.

I walked into the bedroom and saw that he was still fast asleep under the covers. I walked over to him and pulled his covers down. he usually sleeps shirtless because he saw that's how Derek sleeps and when he asked why Derek said that's how men slept and only boys sleep with shirts on. so now he sleeps without a shirt.

I brushed his dark curls out of his face before kissing him on the forehead. he felt a little warm. he stirred a bit before his eyes fluttered open. "mommy" he groaned rolling onto his stomach and pressing his face into the pillow.

"how do you feel this morning?" I asked him, rubbing his back. "my head hurts" he said before rolling back onto his back and rubbing his eyes. I slipped on the lamp and opened the curtains. I helped him out of bed. he went into the bathroom and came out a few seconds. "I went potty," he said tiredly before putting his arms in the air. I picked him up and kissed him on the cheek before setting on my hip.

I carried him out of his room and carried him into the kitchen. I placed him down in his seat. "I'm going to go get your sister" I whispered in his ear. I kissed him on the side of the head went to Fiona's room. I opened her door, and when I walked in the lights were on and there were a few dresses on the floor.

"Fiona, why are your clothes on the floor?" I asked.

"I was trying to find the prettiest one!" she giggled picking up the rest of the dresses and taking the ones in mine before putting them in the laundry basket. "did you find it?" I ask, standing straight and smoothing out my dress. Yup!" she smiled. she took my hand in hers and we walked out of the bedroom and went into the kitchen.

I helped her into her seat. I pressed the back of my hand against her forehead and waited a bit. she felt warm but not warm enough for her to have a fever. "is she sick?" Derek asked. "No, she's fine but Greyson did feel very warm and he said his head hurt this morning," I say.

"can you give him some medicine, I'm going to go check to see if she's still asleep" I say. I go back upstairs and knock carefully on the door. I didn't hear anything so I carefully opened the door. all the lights were off. I walked into the room and flipped in the lights. "Meredith?" Amelia said sitting up in bed.

"your still not awake?" I asked her. "I am now," she says rubbing her eyes. "Derek's making breakfast so if your hungry now is the time. did you take the tests yet?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "yea... they all came out as positive" she said getting out of bed. "you're pregnant?" I asked a bit shocked.

"yea," she said calmly as she tried looking for some clean clothes. "is this a good thing? are we happy?" I asked walking over to her. "yea, I guess" she smiled a bit. "so you're keeping it?" I asked just to make sure I was hearing everything all right.

"yes, but in order to keep the baby alive I can't do drugs, not that I was planning on doing drugs because if I did Derek would kill me and that would just make me the disappointment child not that I'm not already that child but-"

"Amelia, your rambling," I tell her. "right... sorry" she says looking down. "it's okay. I'll let you get dressed and we'll be downstairs waiting for you... and I won't say anything about you being pregnant to Derek" I said. she smiled and nodded. I smiled back at her before leaving the room.

I closed the door behind me and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see that Derek was already eating with the kids. "look who's back" Derek smiled. I smiled and walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek before sitting down to his right as he was at the head of the table.

"Usually I get a kiss on the lips, not on the cheek," he says slightly disappointed. "I would kiss you on the lips but I think I'm a little sick and so are the kids. I don't want to get you sick" I told him.

"fine" he sighs. "I didn't get a kiss," Fiona said sitting next to me. "right, sorry," I said before kissing the top of her head. she smiled and continued eating. I looked over at Greyson who looked like he was falling asleep. "Grey, try and eat your breakfast, then we'll give you some medicine and you can go back to bed to get some rest" he nods his head a bit and took a bite from his food.

"I talked to Amelia, she should be down here any minute," I said taking a bite. he didn't say anything and continued eating.

a few minutes later Amelia came downstairs. she had on a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. "good morning, Auntie Amelia" Fiona smiled. "good morning, Fiona" she smiled. Derek glanced at her for a second before looking back at his plate.

we finished eating. I got up and picked up the kid's empty dishes and put them in the sink. I grabbed some medicine and a syringe. "come on, Grey" I say picking him up. "talk to her" I whispered in Derek's ear before taking the kids in the out of the room.

I took Greyson into his room and laid him down in his bed. I tucked him in and gave him some medicine. he fell asleep and I left his room.

Drama suggestions?

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