Untitled Part 29

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"Kirito, I'm back!" I yelled as I entered my house, finding Kirito on the couch.

"How was the fight? Did you kill the boss?" Kirito immediately asked.

"Gee, thanks for asking me how I am," I said sarcastically, glaring at him.

"You're welcome." My mouth dropped open and reached for my sword. "Wait, wait, okay, don't kill me, you woman!" Kirito had his hands up and was backed up on the couch.

"So...how are you?" Kirito asked, cautious of what my actions might be. I smiled and sat down right beside him. I internally smirked as I saw him flinch a bit.

"I'm doing fine, thank you!"

"Any casualties?"

"Only one luckily."

"That must've been easy then. The next one will probably be harder."

"Of course it will. Any progress about Eruna?"

Kirito frowned.

"No. I don't understand. It's almost impossible to be able to take someone like Eruna away by force unless there really is someone stronger than me or her. She can't have been paralyzed by a paralysis potion; we know none of us should be that stupid to take one. But..."

"But what?" I asked.

"This is going to sound really, really dumb but do you think she could've actually gone with whoever took her...willingly?"

I slammed my hands down onto the table.

Stared at Kirito...

Then started laughing.

"HAHAHA, THAT IS SO FUNNY KIRITO, HAHAHAHAHA, THAT'S A REALLY FUNNY JOKE," I laughed. I could tell I sounded pretty insane, judging from Kirito's face and how he backed up on the couch farther away from me. After a couple of minutes, I finally stopped and turned my head, slowly, to Kirito.

"So, Kirito...what were you saying again?" I asked, smiling my widest smile. I knew I sounded creepy. It's obvious when Kirito's scared.

"Uh, uh, I-Eruna-uh-"

A message suddenly appeared for me and I read it.

This is Anon. I have nothing to do. Think we can we meet up?


I grinned after seeing that. It seemed like he wanted to become friends with me, and that goes the same for me.

"Who's Anon?" Kirito, who was leaning over my shoulder and reading the message, asked.

"He's a friend I met at the fight. He's been helping us clear the floors for a while already, don't know why I've never spoken to him before," I said before sending back a message.

Sure, can you come to my house? I'm working on something right now and maybe you can help.


"Do you really think he can help us?" Kirito asked again.

"The more help the better. If Eruna is in trouble, what are the chances that we can even help her?"



I'm pretty sure a lot of the dates I put are wrong but whatever. XD

Actually, I'm pretty sure this chapter was finished but I think I just left it in my drafts for some reason? Maybe because I thought it was inadequate and I was gonna change it, I dunno.

Whale, this is the last thing here. If anyone is curious (probably literally no one) about anything, just ask and I'll probably reply. 

I actually did a lot with this, I think. I remember writing down drafts and planning out stuff and wasting lined paper instead of doing my homework during my tutoring classes I don't go to anymore. 

I dunno. That's just it. ._.]

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