Chapter 4: The Meeting

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It's been a month since Kayaba Akihiko's announcement, but floor 1 still hasn't been cleared and 2,000 players have already died. That's not a very good start is it? Luckily, we've found the boss room and we're hosting a meeting at the town center of Tolbana today to defeat the boss and move on to the next. Someone named Diavel called for the meeting, so I'm guessing he's kind of like the leader?

"Okay, let's get started people!" He yelled.

"Asuna, let's hurry and sit!" I whispered loudly to her. She nodded her head and scurried over to me. She was wearing a hood that covered her head and her whole body, like me.

"...Today, our party found the boss room at the top of the tower." He said and paused as other people sitting made a commotion. "We need to defeat the boss, reach the second floor, and tell everyone waiting in the Town of Beginnings that it is possible to beat this game..." Everyone started applauding and whistling. "...let us begin our planning. First, divide into parties of six!" I looked around and saw that people were already in parties and that me, Asuna, and some guy was left. When I saw the dude start looking at Asuna, I scrambled away to the highest seat. I'm not good at talking with new people. I realized I forgot Asuna. I saw the dude scooting next to her and ask, "You got left out too?"

Asuna starting looking around, probably for me, and realized I went missing.

"I wasn't left out." Asuna replied.

I wasn't left out. My friend just ditched me, she was probably thinking.

"I just stayed out of it because everyone seemed to know each other already." She continued.

And I only know one person. And that person was the one that magically disappeared *cough-Eruna-cough*.

"A solo player? Then, want to form a party with me?" The dude asked. Asuna looked at him. "He just said we can't beat the boss on our own. So just for this fight?" Asuna nodded her head. At least it's only for this fight, I thought. Now, what am I going to do? Can I just go solo? Yeah, I will. Asuna got a message; the dude probably invited Asuna to join the party. She pressed accept. I got a notification:

Asuna joined Kirito's party.

Okay then, his name is Kirito. "Okay, have you formed your parties? Then-" Diavel started to say, until someone interrupted him. "Just a second!" The person yelled out. He jumped down from somewhere to where Diavel was standing.

"My name's Kibaou. I wanna say something before we take on the boss. Some of you here need to apologize to the two thousand who have died so far!" "Kibaou-san, are you referring to the beta testers?" Diavel asked.

"Of course I am! On the day this stupid game started, the beta guys ditched us beginners, and they all disappeared. They took all the good hunting spots and easy quests for themselves, so only they could get stronger. And then, they just ignored the rest of us. I'm sure someone here was in the beta! They should get on their knees and apologize, and give up all the items and money they've hoarded. Otherwise, we can't trust them to protect us as party members, and they shouldn't trust us!"

 I clenched my fists. This guy... I thought. I looked at Asuna and saw Kirito had an uneasy face as well.

"May I speak?" Someone said. Someone stood up from the audience and walked up to Kibaou. "My name is Egil. Kibaou-san, tell me if I have this right. You're saying that because the beta testers didn't take care of them, many beginners died. That they should take responsibility, apologize, and provide compensation. Correct?" "Y-yeah." Egil took out a little book.

"You got this guide book, didn't you? It was provided free at an item store." "Sure I did, why?" "It was compiled from information given by the beta testers. Listen. Everyone had equal access to this information. And even still, many players died. I thought the topic of discussion here was what we could learn from their deaths, and how that can help us defeat the boss." Everyone murmured in agreement and Kibaou and Egil sat down.

"...The latest edition of that guide book was just issued, and it contains information on the boss...the boss's name is Illfang the Kobold Lord. He is guarded by assistants known as Ruin Kobold Sentinels. He is armed with an axe and a buckler. He has four health bars, and when the last one enters the red, he switches to a curved sword-type weapon called a Talwar. His attack pattern changes, as well. This concludes the briefing...EXP goes to the party that defeats the monster...Okay, we leave tomorrow, at ten in the morning. See you there!"

Everyone then left. Asuna stood up and walked up the stairs. "Eruna? Eruna, where are you?" "Over here!" I shouted while waving my hand. We started walking around. "Eruna, why'd you leave me? Now I'm in a party with some guy I just met!" Asuna said and pouted.

"Its fine, you need to meet more people so..." I replied. "What about you?" "I guess next time." We sat down at a planter and took out some food. "So *munch, munch* you're gonna be with Kirito *munch, munch, gulp* tomorrow during the fight, right?" "Pretty much. *nom, nom, nom*" "Remember what I taught you, okay Asuna? *munch, munch, munch, nom, nom, nom, nom*" She nodded her head. I looked around and I saw Kirito headed towards our way. I put on the invisibility cloak I got from a monster drop. Lucky me, it was a rare drop! "Asuna, I'm still right next to you okay? Kirito's heading over here!" She nodded her head and continued to eat. I wonder what's gonna happen?


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