Chapter 18 Part II: Adventures of an Orange Player: Rest of Day 1

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You wondering what I'm doing right now? I am on top of a tree with Kirito and Asuna. What are we doing, you might ask? Wait, Imma let you guess!

Are we building a tree house?

Hmm...You know, that's a good idea! But no.

Are we pretending to be monkeys?

Another good idea. But no.

Are we hiding from something?

Yes! You, my friend, are a genius! Holy poop, you could become the next (insert a very smart person here that might have done something revolutionary for the world)!

Yes...remember how I tripped over a ditch in the ground and all hell broke loose? So I managed to crawl through all the people and reach Kirito and Asuna. The people didn't really notice because there were so many people, so we took that as a chance to get away. Yeah, cause we smart people-

"Do you think the orange player's in here?"

"I don't you think she had any comrades?"

"Who knows, let's keep looking."

A group of people were walking right below us.


"Thank the poop lord, we escaped!" I said triumphantly as I sat down on a couch. We had run to Asuna's house after the group couldn't find us and walked away. We pretty much just jumped off the tree and started running and running and running and running until Kirito remembered that we could just use our teleport crystals to teleport somewhere else. By then it was nighttime. So yeah.

I'm so tired from all that running...did I tell you I was somewhat physically challenged? Did I tell you I just found out I'm also mentally challenged? Apparently I am cause I'm tired from just running when I'm inside a game!

Wait...oh yeah, I am stuck in a game! I kinda's only a few months and I already forgot we're all stuck in a game. I guess I don't value the outside world as much as I thought then, oh well! But I wonder how the real world's doing. Are people still trying to find a way to get all the players out? Or have they lost hope and stopped? I wonder what my family's doing right now...Where were our bodies taken to? A hospital? I wonder if my hair's grown longer after these couple of months...

Oh gee, what am I thinking?! Akari, snap out of it!

Hmm...Akari sounds so weird now...I haven't heard my name in so long, it sounds like some word I don't know...

I'm so sleepy...

"Asuna, where do I sleep?"

"I have an extra bed if you want."

"Okay, I'm going to sleep now okay? Good night."

"Good night!"


~Sorry if the chapter's shorter than usual. I didn't know what else should've happened during the day, SORREH xC

It's summer break already and I'm always a lazy butt over summer! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!!!!! Some of you probably waited so long for this chapter and all you get is this.... I'M SOOOOORRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

But don't worry, this story's gonna keep on going until it's finished! Just really slow updates xC

Sooooo, you know the KA, KO, and the KE thingy? Well this is the perfect time to tell you guys! :D

Chapter's dedicated to Kawabashii (originally Reeny01) because they figured out what two of them meant! x3 So smart, I applaud you Kawabashii!

Anyways, I had ideas from the start that this story was gonna have some romance but decided not to do it yet cause I've never really tried writing stories with romance. But now, I shall attempt to do it!

Okaaaayyyyy! Here's what they mean:

KA: Kirito x Asuna (0 votes)

KE: Kirito x Eruna (1 vote)

KO: Kirito x Other (2 votes)

You can still vote though if you're not happy with the results right yeah! :D

There's gonna be a new character coming up soooooo....and it's a guy soooooooo.....

Oohh, and I might also release some future one-shots while you guys are waiting for the next update cause, cause, I FEEL SO GUILTY FOR NOT UPDATING SO LONG AND STUFF SO YEAH! I would probably do something like:

Kirito and the Reader

Asuna and the Reader

Eruna and the Reader

Kirito and Asuna

Kirito and Eruna

Kirito and Sachi

Kirito and Asuna and Eruna

And other things like that. But I'm not sure. Maybe. Just because I feel guilty enough because you guys wait so long. And I wanna try writing one-shots cause...I don't know, I WANNA TRYYYYYYYY! xD

So yeahhhhhh! xD

I'd like to thank you all for voting and commenting on my story, like seriously, thank you because that's what makes me want to stop being a lazy butt and type! THANK YOU GUYS! x3

Bai now! SAYONARA! :3




I think it was somewhere around here I was like, "can't keep copying the show, gotta split,,"

I think I had some pretty good ideas for my "splitting" from the show but I just never got to typing 'em up. *is kinda sad*]

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