Christmas in SAO

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~Please note, this is NOT part of the story line. Thank you~


"HAPPY CHRISTMAS ASUNA!" Eruna yelled, jumping on top of Asuna's bed.

"Wha?" Asuna said, slowly rising up and rubbing her eyes.

"I SAID H-ARPYCRISHMERPASHUA!" Asuna had covered Eruna's mouth with her hand.

"I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!...Merry Christmas to you too."

"Okay, now put on this hat." Eruna went to her items and removed a red santa hat covered with sparkles. "Put it on!" she shouted, shoving it into Asuna's face.

"Uh, you know what, I'm good-GAH!" The red sparkly santa hat was shoved onto her head.

"Okay, now go get changed so we can go make Kirito put his hat on." Eruna took out a headband. There was a santa hat on the headband, and it also included cat ears.

"Where did you get that?" Asuna asked, staring at it.

"A store. Do you like it? I tried picking out hats for you guys that would match your outfit."

"Yeah. I love it, hehehe," Asuna said, wondering what Kirito's reaction would be to the headband. Eruna took out her own white furry santa hat and placed it on her head.

"Go, go, go, get changed Asuna!"


Another thing that was left in my drafts unfinished.

It was a Christmas special I never got to. \( ._. )/]

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