Chapter 19 Part II: Adventures of an Orange Player: Rest of Day 2

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 ~This is the continuation of Chapter 20: Adventures of An Orange Player: Half of Day 2! Just a heads up xD

Now on with the story!~


I had been out for about half an hour already. There were actually a lot of fields full of high level monsters I could kill. I was waaaaaaayyyyyyy too overpowered. Hehehehe, oh well. But that's what makes drives me to train and level up more. Because the stronger you are, the harder it gets and more things you have to kill to get even more stronger.

I decided it was time to walk back before Asuna found out. I had wandered pretty far to these fields, far away from the safe zone; it would take some time to walk back and sneak into the house again.

I was walking quietly looking at my surroundings.

Until I saw a figure in a black hood point at me with a sword.

I stared at the person and sword for a bit. Then I walked around the person and began walking to Asuna's house again. The person must have been kind of dazed that I wasn't afraid because when I looked behind me, the person was still in the same position just standing there.

A minute later, I heard a yell and turned around to see the same person charging at me with their sword. I ducked as soon as they swung their sword at me, and jumped up while kicking the sword out of their hands. The sword fell to the ground with a clatter. I mean, I tried catching it but then I remembered I CAN'T catch and I missed the sword and it fell. I would have looked so boss if I caught it...

I started walking again to Asuna's house when I heard sobbing.

You're kidding me. Right?

I mentally groaned then walked back to the person who was sitting on the ground, not bothering to pick up their sword.

"Are you alright?" I asked. They looked at me, and I recognized them immediately. It was Arisa, the girl we saved. "You! You're Arisa! You're the girl me and my friends saved from the orange players!" I yelled.

"You?! That was you?!" she said, surprised and still crying.

"Of course I am! What are you doing trying to attack me when I saved you?!"

"I-I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I am so sorry!" she bawled. I sighed and decided to be nice to her for now.

"Fine, fine, whatever. Anyways, why were you attacking me? You don't seem like the type of person to be an  orange player," I questioned.

"Laughing Coffin..." she whispered.

"What? Laughing Coffin?" She nodded her head, looking at her feet.

"I was walking around a forest by myself, trying to level up. There was this monster, a really strong monster that I couldn't kill. My HP was already in the orange zone after being hit a few times. That was when some people rushed in to kill it. At first I was really grateful. But then when they killed it, they started walking towards me and one of them grabbed me. I struggled to get out but I couldn't. I can remember how afraid I was; I didn't want to die yet. I remember what they said while they kept me captive.

'She's no fun to kill, look at how weak she is!'

'I agree, I mean, we had to save her. Are you kidding me?!'

They all kept going back and forth with their comments. After a few minutes of talking, one of them turned to me and said,

'How about we make a deal? You have to go find a really strong person and bring them to us; we'll spare you and kill them instead. If you don't bring anyone back, you get to die. Now don't even think of running once we let you go. You don't know how many connections we have. No matter where you go, where you hide, we will find you. You have a week. Deal?'

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