Poop.Not an Update.

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This is just a note! Updates come slowly so yeah. Next one will be my own storyline! Yesh! ^U^ But still using Asuna and Kirito. -_____-

Guess what? It's just tomorrow, and then no school! HOORAY!

Oh, and here's something else. Pick between KO, KA and KE. I need at least one comment picking KA, KO, or KE because of something I need, just between those three.. I wonder if you guys will figure it out...

Anyways, I hope if you'e reading this you won't be too upset about anything...wait...why would you be upset?


Meh, I dunno :p. So yeah. I just need at least one comment picking KA, KO, or KE. Comment anywhere, it doesn't matter. Please, just at least one comment that says KA, KO, or KE. Yeah.

Oh, and I have a queston. Is it just me or do I feel like a sack of moldy potatoes in the morning, usually at school. Haha, just ignore this, I'm kinda weird and stuff.

That's it for now, BAI! >U<

And remember to believe in the blue magical unicorns that secretly steal your macoroni and cheese when you're not looking and the narwhal that lives in your bathtub!


I'm rereading this and I legit have no idea what KO is. Kn-kn-kn-kn-knock out?

But nostalgia kicking me in the feels orz]

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