Chapter 13: Dream

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"Sachi!" I shouted as I wandered through a dark cave. It seemed like I had been walking for hours already.

"Eruna! I'm here!" I heard her shout. I ran through all the twists and turns, constantly hearing her voice call for me. I ran and ran, in search for where she was.

"Eruna! Save me!" I turned left and kept sprinting to her voice.

"Eruna, help me! Please!" I turned to the right and tripped but got back up and continued running.

"Eruna, where are you?!" I ran straight and looked at all the tunnels.

"Eruna, help!" "Save me, Eruna!" "Eruna, I need you!" "Where are you Eruna?!" "Eruna!" I heard her voice in all the tunnels, repeatedly. It was enough to drive one insane. I ran in random directions, in hope I would see her okay. Soon, I saw someone's silhouette at the end of a tunnel.

"Sachi, I'm coming!" I yelled and sprinted as fast as I could across the dark. When I reached the room, I saw her standing, waiting for me. I smiled and tears of joy fell. But when I tried to reach for her hand, I was stopped by an invisible wall that separated the two of us. My tears of joy turned into tears of sadness.

"Sachi! Sachi!!! SACHI!!!!!" I yelled as I tried to break the barrier.  Sachi was also trying to break it. I then saw a dark figure approach behind her. "SACHI!!!!! BEHIND YOU-" The figure stabbed a sword into her back where her heart was, the other end of the sword peeking out from her body. The figure pulled the sword out and watched Sachi crumple to the ground. I tried to reach for her, but when I was able to, she disappeared into light.

The figure came to me as I backed up. I started sprinting through the tunnels again, only this time, I came into a dead end. I turned my back to the wall and walked back slowly away from the figure in front of me.

But then I felt something enter my back. I turned around and looked at where my heart was.

There was a knife stuck into it.


I woke up with wide eyes, a sweat covered face, and my body shaking from fear. I looked up to the ceiling and closed my eyes. It was just a dream... I stood up, ready to go anywhere. Just to forget about everything that had happened.

Yes, it's been a month since it happened. You know, Sachi and that freaking anti-crystal room. I stayed in my inn for a week, crying my head off. But then I realized I was wasting my time, all just because of one person. So I finally got out and raised my level, catching up on what I was missing out before.

Did I forget mention today's Christmas Eve? I guess I did. Anyways, it is Christmas Eve today. I wonder who I should spend today with. Asuna? Kirito? That's basically everyone I know in this game. I really need to meet more people, don't I?

 I've been having bad dreams like that lately and Sachi's always in it. It's making me have headaches. I'm going insane, mad. It reminds me that I didn't save her or her friends. But then I remind myself that it was only a couple of people that were lost, there were hundreds of other players in this game and a hundred floors needed to be cleared to end this game. I need to forget about that day and move on.

I heard someone knock at the door.

"Hello? Eruna?" I heard someone said. That someone was Asuna. I opened the door, revealing Asuna and Kirito.

"What?" I said, trying to seem as happy as I could. I probably still had bed hair and I still had on my pajamas. But Kirito might've looked worse. He had bags under his kinda pinkish eyes, his hair sticking out in all directions; he just looked like he didn't get to sleep last night.

"You wanna go train later? Or now?" She asked.

"Erm let me change and stuff for a moment. Okay?" Asuna nodded her head and I slammed the door into her face. I equipped my armor and my usual, fixed my hair and walked out. "Ready." I said. And we walked out to the city.


"Kirito, Asuna, you take the boss and I'll take the minions." I said, tired. I must've been unusual to see me fight the minions, considering I usually took on the boss because Asuna looked at me a bit strangely. I wasn't in the mood today to go train, but Asuna and Kirito was here so why not?

I hit each monster one at a time, not in the mood. It must've looked like I was poking them more than hitting them. But either way, I still killed each one in one hit though.

"Eruna! Kirito! Help!" I heard Asuna yell. I turned my head and looked. Asuna was on the ground, the boss looming over her. I stood there, frozen, no idea what to do. Well, I knew I was supposed to dash in to save her but my body wouldn't move. My mind wandered off to Sachi. Sachi.

How could I let her die?! Dammit Kayaba Akihiko, why did you create this game?! And it's my entire fault they all died.

"Help!" I heard Asuna's voice ringing through my ears again. It was when something knocked me down to the ground that I snapped back to reality. I looked up and saw that the boss was towering over me, weapon held above its head, ready to come down right at me. In a flash, I rolled out from underneath the boss and unsheathed my sword. I jumped up and plunged my sword into it and used my weight to drag my sword down its back, causing it to howl in pain.

"Kirito, Asuna, your turn." I said before I kneeled down and continued to attack poke the minions. Seriously, the minions were that small and tiny. They were like little mini people! So adorable! Asuna stared at me for a bit but then returned to attacking the boss. I picked off all the minions until they all disappeared. I took a peek at how Kirito and Asuna were doing and I saw they were struggling a bit with the boss.

"I guess I have to do some things myself?" I murmured to myself. I stood up and ran to Kirito and Asuna, charging at the boss head on. I started to attack and that was until I realized they had picked an okay boss. It wasn't very weak but it wasn't really strong either. And I thought it was super strong or something.

 I used the end of my sword to jab it behind its knee, which caused it to kneel down. I took it as an opportunity to kill it by striking its head so I jumped up onto its knee, pass the shoulder and up to the top of its head and stabbed its skull. Kirito had also gone up with me but instead sliced through its neck. Sadly, this was just a game so no blood gushed out or anything. We both jumped off its body, right when it dispersed and disappeared. 

"You guys want another go at another boss?" I asked when I walked back to Asuna who looked at us with admiration.

"I dunno. Asuna, do you want to do another boss?" Kirito replied.

"Nah, I think we're good for today. Hey, we should go celebrate for Christmas Eve!" Asuna exclaimed, clapping her hands. "How's that sound?"

"I-um-er...okay." I said. I was actually planning to just spend the day by myself, but I guess not.

"I guess I will too?" Kirito said. "What are we doing?"

"Um...I actually have no idea." Asuna said with a smile. "What do you guys want to do?" I shrugged and looked at Kirito. He looked like he was thinking about it too.

"Oh, I have an idea! But you should put on something warmer than," Kirito motioned to our clothes, "those clothes. We're going somewhere pretty cold so be prepared."

"Where we gonna meet and when?" Asuna asked.

"Floor 49, Myugen at nine. Is that okay? And bring your weapons." Kirito replied, fiddling with his fingers. He seemed a little...fidgety? Something seemed off...he's not gonna kill us or anything, right? Probably not, what the heck am I thinking? Stupid Akari!

"Okay! See you then!" Asuna said. I nodded my head and started walking away, back to the inn.


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