Chapter 11: Meeting Asuna Again

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(Please note, this occurred during the same time as the last chapter)

"Asuna!" I yelled out when I saw her. She was sitting at one of the tables in the inn. She turned her head towards me and smiled.

"Eruna! You came!" I sat down and faced her.

"So, how's SAO?" I asked her.

"Well, I'm now the co-leader for my guild, Knights of the Blood. You should join me, Eruna!"

"Um, actually...I kinda like going solo. I hope that's okay."

"Aww, okay then. What level are you now?" Finally the food arrived at our table and we started eating.

"I haven't been out much, so I'm only level 45. What about you?"

"Oh what?! I'm only level 38! Anyways, met any new people?"

"Not new, but I met my friend in real life. Didn't a message pop up or something?"

"Oh yeah. What was the name again? Sa, sa, sa something...Sachi! Yeah!" I nodded my head. "*sigh* At least we're still alive." All of a sudden, I remembered that day by the edge of Aincrad, the flying castle.


"Eruna, can we go back now?" Sachi asked.

"A little bit more, please? The view's pretty." I said, leaning on the small fence. There were big, fluffy clouds and when you looked down, you couldn't see anything. There was an infinite amount of space down there. If you fell in real life, you'd probably fall forever. The fence was still small; you could push someone off and into the void. "Okay, I'm done Sachi. Why are you in such a-"

I looked at her horrified face and I turned to what she was looking at. There was a guy standing on the edge of the fence, ready to jump into the void.

"I'll prove that Akihiko was lying, you won't die in this game. Here, watch." He said to his friends. I ran to him, but was too late. He had already fallen; I could see the fragments that sparkled by the clouds. He was gone. Just like that. I could see Sachi's petrified face. She started to cry. I rushed to her.

Yeah, I'm also pretty surprised that some dude decided to do something reckless and jumped off. Yeah, I feel sad for his family that's waiting for him to return to the real world. But I cared about Sachi more. I mean, come on; that's normal that you would want to protect a childhood friend of yours, right? No? Okay then.   

"Sachi, it's okay." I said to her.

"B-but I'm scared. H-he just j-jumped off and, whoosh, he died. Just like that. I'm scared, Eruna."

"Scared of what?"

"Dying. It seems so simple to die in this death game. Your HP just needs to reach zero, then you just die. Don't you find that scary Eruna?" I nodded my head. I guess it is scary.

"Don't worry, if you're with me, everything we'll be alright. Okay?"



She never seemed the same after that. She always seemed scared and so unsecure. She was never the same adventurous Sachi I knew. She changed. After that incident, she changed. And I know she'll never turn back to the Sachi I knew. And that's okay. When she met her friends, I was pretty glad. Her friends would protect her, not just me. Maybe she'll feel more secure?

"Hello? Eruna? You there? Are you glitching?" Asuna asked as she waved her hand in front of my face.

"Stap (stop). Staaap it. Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap." I said as I smacked her hand away from my face. She wouldn't stop so I punched her straight across the face. *sigh* Too bad we're in the safe zone right now so I can't kill her.

But she fell to the ground and people started to look at our table.

"It's okay people. My friend was just being really clumsy and fell off her chair." I explained. People returned to talking and eating as Asuna was sitting back in her chair.

"Eruna, that was mean! I am not clumsy!" She said and slammed her fists onto the table. One of her fists hit a spoon on her plate, which sent the food on the spoon and the spoon itself flying in the air, landing on her clothes. She looked at me. "Shut up. Don't say anything." She said. I didn't say anything, just because I was trying to resist saying something that would make her pissed (even more) at me. I pretty just stayed quiet during the whole time Asuna was cleaning the food off her clothes.


We're at Asuna's new house right now. Goddamn she's rich! Her house is freaking huge!

Kirito joined Sachi's guild (Moonlit Black Cats), said a message that popped up.

Oh ma god, even better! I trust Kirito to protect Sachi even more than me. Holy fudge it's getting late. I'll have to leave for now I guess.

"Asuna, I think I'm gonna go now, okay?"

"Okay, bye!"






"BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said and left.


It has been a month with the 28th level cleared. I've been farming a lot lately and I haven't seen Sachi recently either. I wonder how she's doing with her guild and Kirito.

I'm pretty sure she isn't dead yet. Or else I left Sachi with the wrong people. I should really go check up on her. Damn game won't tell us who's dead or not! It's only at this huge statue thingy back at the Town of Beginnings. It has a list of everyone's name on it; if their name is crossed out, it means the person's dead. Never to be alive again. I would check there to see if Sachi's alive but, I'm just too lazy to go back. Hey, call me a bad friend, but sometimes you just don't feel like doing some things, okay?

The game's getting kind of boring. Probably cause I'm still farming with some really weak monsters. Maybe I'll go to the dungeon someday with...Asuna? Okay then! I'll invite Asuna when I go to the dungeon! Don't want to be alone...

~I have writer's block. There's a reason why the chapters have been so boring. Sorry, I'm pretty sure the other chapters will be better. Hopefully~


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